Frederick Federer

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 
Cortical Vision
"Frederick Federer"
Mean distance: 15.23 (cluster 17)


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Bob G. Jacobs research assistant 1997-2001 University of Utah
Alessandra Angelucci grad student 2004-2010 University of Utah
 (Four projection streams from primate V1 to the cytochrome oxidase stripes of V2.)
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Federer F, Balsor J, Ingold A, et al. (2024) Laminar specificity and coverage of viral-mediated gene expression restricted to GABAergic interneurons and their parvalbumin subclass in marmoset primary visual cortex. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Hassanpour MS, Merlin S, Federer F, et al. (2024) Primate V2 Receptive Fields Derived from Anatomically Identified Large-Scale V1 Inputs. Research Square
Hassanpour MS, Merlin S, Federer F, et al. (2024) Primate V2 Receptive Fields Derived from Anatomically Identified Large-Scale V1 Inputs. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Clark AM, Ingold A, Reiche CF, et al. (2024) An optrode array for spatiotemporally-precise large-scale optogenetic stimulation of deep cortical layers in non-human primates. Communications Biology. 7: 329
Angelucci A, Clark A, Ingold A, et al. (2023) An Optrode Array for Spatiotemporally Precise Large-Scale Optogenetic Stimulation of Deep Cortical Layers in Non-human Primates. Research Square
Siu C, Balsor J, Merlin S, et al. (2021) A direct interareal feedback-to-feedforward circuit in primate visual cortex. Nature Communications. 12: 4911
Federer F, Ta'afua S, Merlin S, et al. (2021) Stream-specific feedback inputs to the primate primary visual cortex. Nature Communications. 12: 228
Tremblay S, Acker L, Afraz A, et al. (2020) An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Optogenetics. Neuron
McDonald T, Usher W, Morrical N, et al. (2020) Improving the Usability of Virtual Reality Neuron Tracing with Topological Elements. Ieee Transactions On Visualization and Computer Graphics
Nurminen L, Merlin S, Bijanzadeh M, et al. (2018) Top-down feedback controls spatial summation and response amplitude in primate visual cortex. Nature Communications. 9: 2281
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