People with institution matching "Bochum University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Nikolai Axmacher (Info) University of Bonn ajw5xc 2015‑12‑09
Jens Blechert (Info) University of Salzburg fwilhelm 2018‑11‑06
Josué Haubrich (Info) McGill hardt 2023‑07‑15
Jürgen Margraf (Info) Bochum University Alpers 2018‑01‑08
Denise Monahan-Vaughan (Info) Bochum University hardt 2023‑07‑15
Carina Renate Oehrn (Info) UCSF Cognitive Neuroscience, Clinical Neuroscience, electrophysiology, oscillations, conflict, memory, motor and cognitive function in Parkinson's disease oehrn 2021‑07‑02
Walton T. Roth (Info) Stanford Medical School Alpers 2018‑01‑08
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