People with institution matching "Leiden University Medical Center": Advanced Search
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Alessandra Berry (Info) Istituto Superiore di Sanità Neuroscience AlessandraBerry 2014‑10‑03
George W. Bruyn (Info) LUMC Clinical Neurology jandh 2015‑01‑29
Nikolaos P. Daskalakis (Info) McLean Hospital / Harvard Medical School Stress, PTSD, Schizophrenia Daskalakis 2010‑10‑26
Laura Kervezee (Info) LUMC Chronobiology LauraKervezee 2020‑06‑04
Eliane A. Lucassen (Info) Leiden University Medical Center (Netherlands), National Institutes of Health (US) circadian rhythms, neurophysiology, sleep, obesity, diabetes lucassenea 2012‑09‑18
onno c meijer (Info) LUMC stress biology, glucocorticoids, brain, metabolism ocmeijer 2017‑07‑26
Stephan Michel (Info) Leiden Circadian rhythm neurophysiology nwayne 2014‑07‑08
Nicolette N Ognjanovski (Info) LUMC Neurobiology Networks nicojo 2019‑02‑01
Alberto M. Pereira Arias (Info) LUMC Daskalakis 2011‑05‑25
Edward N Spruit (Info) Leiden, LUMC GuidoBand 2018‑01‑08
Jorien M.M. van der Burg (Info) Lund University, LUMC PatrikBrundin 2016‑02‑09
Nic J. van der Wee (Info) LUMC Neuro2012 2012‑12‑11
Marie-José van Tol (Info) ZS 2012‑10‑03
Alexa H. Veenema (Info) Boston College, Michigan State behavioral neuroscience, social behavior, neuropeptides, stress ahveenema 2010‑12‑01
Dick J. Veltman (Info) VUmc ZS 2012‑10‑03
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