People with institution matching "MPI Human Development": Advanced Search
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Markus Bauer (Info) MPI Human Development Neurophysiology of perception, Synchrony & oscillations, Somatosensory, Visual, Decision Making Beckmann 2006‑05‑11
Sven Dähne (Info) Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN) Berlin sdaehne 2008‑11‑21
Isabel Dziobek (Info) MPI Human Development Decision Making Beckmann 2006‑05‑11
Hauke R. Heekeren (Info) MPI Human Development Decision Making, Neuroimaging raymundo 2006‑04‑01
Peter N.C. Mohr (Info) FU Berlin Neuroeconomics, Decision Neuroscience, Behavioral Economics, Decision Sciences minos 2010‑12‑09
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