Bela Julesz - Publications

Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, United States 

80 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2001 Vidnyánszky Z, Papathomas TV, Julesz B. Contextual modulation of orientation discrimination is independent of stimulus processing time. Vision Research. 41: 2813-7. PMID 11701176  0.54
1998 Kovács I, Fehér A, Julesz B. Medial-point description of shape: a representation for action coding and its psychophysical correlates. Vision Research. 38: 2323-33. PMID 9798002 DOI: 10.1016/S0042-6989(97)00321-0  0.452
1998 Braun J, Julesz B. Withdrawing attention at little or no cost: detection and discrimination tasks. Perception & Psychophysics. 60: 1-23. PMID 9503909 DOI: 10.3758/Bf03211915  0.583
1996 Papathomas TV, Feher A, Julesz B, Zeevi Y. Interactions of monocular and cyclopean components and the role of depth in the Ebbinghaus illusion. Perception. 25: 783-95. PMID 8923549  0.463
1996 Kashi RS, Papathomas TV, Gorea A, Julesz B. Similarities between texture grouping and motion perception: The role of color, luminance, and orientation International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. 7: 85-91. DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1098-1098(199622)7:2<85::Aid-Ima3>3.0.Co;2-O  0.773
1996 Yang M, Papathomas TV, Kovács I, Julesz B. No fusion in reverse-color-polarity stereograms: Symmetries in luminance and color contributions Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 37: S284.  0.47
1995 Papathomas TV, Kovács I, Gorea A, Julesz B. A unified approach to the perception of motion, stereo, and static-flow patterns Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers. 27: 419-432. DOI: 10.3758/Bf03200441  0.761
1994 Kovács I, Julesz B. Perceptual sensitivity maps within globally defined visual shapes. Nature. 370: 644-6. PMID 8065449 DOI: 10.1038/370644a0  0.525
1993 Kovács I, Julesz B. A closed curve is much more than an incomplete one: effect of closure in figure-ground segmentation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 90: 7495-7. PMID 8356044 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.90.16.7495  0.467
1992 Williams D, Julesz B. Perceptual asymmetry in texture perception. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 89: 6531-4. PMID 1631154  0.302
1992 Kova?s I, Julesz B. Depth, motion, and static-flow perception at metaisoluminant color contrast. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 89: 10390-4. PMID 1438226  0.311
1991 Papathomas TV, Gorea A, Julesz B. Two carriers for motion perception: color and luminance. Vision Research. 31: 1883-92. PMID 1771772 DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(91)90183-6  0.768
1990 Gorea A, Julesz B. Context superiority in a detection task with line-element stimuli: a low-level effect. Perception. 19: 5-16. PMID 2336335 DOI: 10.1068/P190005  0.752
1989 Farell B, Julesz B. Globally perceived directional flow in static images. Perception. 18: 155-72. PMID 2771601 DOI: 10.1068/p180155  0.361
1989 Kröse BJ, Julesz B. The control and speed of shifts of attention. Vision Research. 29: 1607-19. PMID 2635484 DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(89)90142-9  0.352
1989 Papathomas TV, Julesz B. Stereoscopic illusion based on the proximity principle. Perception. 18: 589-94. PMID 2602084  0.577
1988 Papathomas TV, Julesz B, Chodrow SE. Application Briefs True 3D Animation For Displaying Vlsi Modeling Data Ieee Computer Graphics and Applications. 8: 6-9. DOI: 10.1109/38.484  0.581
1988 Papathomas TV, Schiavone JA, Julesz B. Applications of computer graphics to the visualization of meteorological data Computer Graphics (Acm). 22: 327-334.  0.515
1988 Papathomas TV, Schiavone JA, Julesz B. Applications of computer graphics to the visualization of meteorological data Computer Graphics (Acm). 22: 327-334.  0.515
1987 Sagi D, Julesz B. Short-range limitation on detection of feature differences. Spatial Vision. 2: 39-49. PMID 3154936 DOI: 10.1163/156856887X00042  0.635
1987 Papathomas TV, Schiavone JA, Julesz B. Stereo Animation Ieee Computer Graphics and Applications. 7: 18-27. DOI: 10.1109/Mcg.1987.277051  0.528
1987 Papathomas TV, Julesz B. Animation with fractals from variations on the Mandelbrot set The Visual Computer. 3: 23-26. DOI: 10.1007/BF02153648  0.42
1986 Sagi D, Julesz B. Enhanced detection in the aperture of focal attention during simple discrimination tasks. Nature. 321: 693-5. PMID 3713853 DOI: 10.1038/321693a0  0.705
1985 Sagi D, Julesz B. "Where" and "what" in vision. Science (New York, N.Y.). 228: 1217-9. PMID 4001937 DOI: 10.1126/Science.4001937  0.688
1985 Sagi D, Julesz B. Fast noninertial shifts of attention. Spatial Vision. 1: 141-9. PMID 3940055 DOI: 10.1163/156856885X00152  0.651
1984 Schumer RA, Julesz B. Binocular disparity modulation sensitivity to disparities offset from the plane of fixation. Vision Research. 24: 533-42. PMID 6740973 DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(84)90107-X  0.745
1984 Sagi D, Julesz B. Detection versus discrimination of visual orientation. Perception. 13: 619-28. PMID 6535985 DOI: 10.1068/P130619  0.706
1984 Julesz B, Papathomas TV. On spatial-frequency channels and attention. Perception & Psychophysics. 36: 398-9. PMID 6522238 DOI: 10.3758/BF03202795  0.59
1983 Bergen JR, Julesz B. Parallel versus serial processing in rapid pattern discrimination. Nature. 303: 696-8. PMID 6855915 DOI: 10.1038/303696a0  0.423
1983 Chang JJ, Julesz B. Displacement limits for spatial frequency filtered random-dot cinematograms in apparent motion. Vision Research. 23: 1379-85. PMID 6666038 DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(83)90149-9  0.319
1983 Chang JJ, Julesz B. Displacement limits, directional anisotropy and direction versus form discrimination in random-dot cinematograms. Vision Research. 23: 639-46. PMID 6613004 DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(83)90070-6  0.432
1983 Julesz B, Bergen JR. TEXTONS, THE FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS IN PREATTENTIVE VISION AND PERCEPTION OF TEXTURES. The Bell System Technical Journal. 62: 1619-1645. DOI: 10.1002/J.1538-7305.1983.Tb03502.X  0.339
1983 Julesz B, Bergen JR. Human Factors and Behavioral Science: Textons, The Fundamental Elements in Preattentive Vision and Perception of Textures Bell System Technical Journal. 62: 1619-1645. DOI: 10.1002/j.1538-7305.1983.tb03502.x  0.446
1982 Breitmeyer BG, Kropfl W, Julesz B. The existence and role of retinotopic and spatiotopic forms of visual persistence. Acta Psychologica. 52: 175-96. PMID 7168365 DOI: 10.1016/0001-6918(82)90007-5  0.614
1982 Julesz B, Kropfl W. Binocular neurons and cyclopean visually evoked potentials in monkey and man. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 388: 37-44. PMID 6807173 DOI: 10.1111/J.1749-6632.1982.Tb50783.X  0.336
1982 Burt P, Julesz B. The Disparity Gradient Limit for Binocular Fusion: An Answer to J D Krol and W A Van de Grind Perception. 11: 621-624. DOI: 10.1068/p110621  0.327
1981 Julesz B. A theory of preattentive texture discrimination based on first-order statistics of textons. Biological Cybernetics. 41: 131-8. PMID 7248342 DOI: 10.1007/BF00335367  0.36
1981 Julesz B. Textons, the elements of texture perception, and their interactions. Nature. 290: 91-7. PMID 7207603 DOI: 10.1038/290091a0  0.396
1981 Julesz B, Schumer RA. Early visual perception. Annual Review of Psychology. 32: 575-627. PMID 7015998 DOI: 10.1146/  0.75
1981 Bodis-Wollner I, Barris MC, Mylin LH, Julesz B, Kropfl W. Binocular stimulation reveals cortical components of the human visual evoked potential. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology. 52: 298-305. PMID 6169506 DOI: 10.1016/0013-4694(81)90058-4  0.33
1980 Braddick O, Atkinson J, Julesz B, Kropfl W, Bodis-Wollner I, Raab E. Cortical binocularity in infants. Nature. 288: 363-5. PMID 7432532 DOI: 10.1038/288363A0  0.344
1980 Tyler CW, Julesz B. On the depth of the cyclopean retina. Experimental Brain Research. 40: 196-202. PMID 7428875 DOI: 10.1007/BF00237537  0.617
1980 Burt P, Julesz B. A disparity gradient limit for binocular fusion. Science (New York, N.Y.). 208: 615-7. PMID 7367885 DOI: 10.1126/Science.7367885  0.317
1980 Burt P, Julesz B. Modifications of the classical notion of Panum's fusional area. Perception. 9: 671-82. PMID 7220240 DOI: 10.1068/P090671  0.34
1979 Julesz B, Chang JJ. Symmetry perception and spatial-frequency channels. Perception. 8: 711-8. PMID 530813 DOI: 10.1068/P080711  0.335
1979 Caelli T, Julesz B. Psychophysical evidence for global feature processing in visual texture discrimination. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 69: 675-8. PMID 479972 DOI: 10.1364/Josa.69.000675  0.599
1979 Julesz B, Caelli T. On the limits of Fourier decompostitions in visual texture perception. Perception. 8: 69-73. PMID 432082 DOI: 10.1068/P080069  0.606
1978 Julesz B, Gilbert EN, Victor JD. Visual discrimination of textures with identical third-order statistics. Biological Cybernetics. 31: 137-40. PMID 728493 DOI: 10.1007/BF00336998  0.323
1978 Julesz B, Oswald HP. Binocular utilization of monocular cues that are undetectable monocularly. Perception. 7: 315-22. PMID 693231 DOI: 10.1068/P070315  0.342
1978 Caelli T, Julesz B, Gilbert E. On perceptual analyzers underlying visual texture discrimination: Part II. Biological Cybernetics. 29: 201-14. PMID 678591 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00337276  0.564
1978 Julesz B. Visual texture discrimination using random-dot patterns: comment. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 68: 268-71. PMID 660319 DOI: 10.1364/Josa.68.000268  0.411
1978 Caelli T, Julesz B. On perceptual analyzers underlying visual texture discrimination: part I. Biological Cybernetics. 28: 167-75. PMID 630011 DOI: 10.1007/BF00337138  0.569
1976 Julesz B, Chang JJ. Interaction between pools of binocular disparity detectors tuned to different disparities. Biological Cybernetics. 22: 107-19. PMID 1276243 DOI: 10.1007/BF00320135  0.385
1976 Frisby JP, Julesz B. The effect of length differences between corresponding lines on stereopsis from single and multi-line stimuli. Vision Research. 16: 83-7. PMID 1258392 DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(76)90080-8  0.31
1976 Tyler CW, Julesz B. The neural transfer characteristic (neurontropy) for binocular stochastic stimulation. Biological Cybernetics. 23: 33-7. PMID 953085 DOI: 10.1007/BF00344149  0.579
1976 Julesz B, Tyler CW. Neurontropy, an entropy-like measure of neural correlation, in binocular fusion and rivalry. Biological Cybernetics. 23: 25-32. PMID 953084 DOI: 10.1007/BF00344148  0.537
1976 Julesz B, Breitmeyer B, Kropfi W. Binocular-disparity-dependent upper-lower hemifield anisotropy and left-right hemifield isotropy as revealed by dynamic random-dot stereograms. Perception. 5: 129-41. PMID 951161 DOI: 10.1068/P050129  0.634
1975 Breitmeyer B, Julesz B. The role of on and off transients in determining the psychophysical spatial frequency response. Vision Research. 15: 411-5. PMID 1136158 DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(75)90090-5  0.607
1975 Julesz B. Experiments in the visual perception of texture. Scientific American. 232: 34-43. PMID 1114309 DOI: 10.1038/Scientificamerican0475-34  0.407
1975 Breitmeyer B, Julesz B, Kropfl W. Dynamic random-dot stereograms reveal up-down anisotropy and left-right isotropy between cortical hemifields. Science (New York, N.Y.). 187: 269-70. PMID 1111104 DOI: 10.1126/Science.187.4173.269  0.609
1975 Frisby JP, Julesz B. The effect of orientation difference on stereopsis as a function of line length Perception. 4: 179-186. DOI: 10.1068/P040179  0.315
1975 Julesz B, Miller JE. Independent Spatial-Frequency-Tuned Channels in Binocular Fusion and Rivalry Perception. 4: 125-143. DOI: 10.1068/P040125  0.31
1973 Julesz B, Gilbert EN, Shepp LA, Frisch HL. Inability of humans to discriminate between visual textures that agree in second-order statistics-revisited. Perception. 2: 391-405. PMID 4803948 DOI: 10.1068/P020391  0.409
1972 Stromeyer CF, Julesz B. Spatial-frequency masking in vision: critical bands and spread of masking. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 62: 1221-32. PMID 4643008 DOI: 10.1364/Josa.62.001221  0.338
1972 Wilson HR, Julesz B. Foundations of Cyclopean Perception Chicago Review. 24: 146. DOI: 10.2307/25294744  0.326
1971 Blakemore C, Julesz B. Stereoscopic depth aftereffect produced without monocular cues. Science (New York, N.Y.). 171: 286-8. PMID 5538841 DOI: 10.1126/Science.171.3968.286  0.379
1970 Julesz B, Hesse RI. Inability to perceive the direction of rotation movement of line segments. Nature. 225: 243-4. PMID 5409978 DOI: 10.1038/225243a0  0.354
1969 Julesz B, White B. Short term visual memory and the Pulfrich phenomenon. Nature. 222: 639-41. PMID 5768272 DOI: 10.1038/222639a0  0.34
1968 Julesz B, Payne RA. Differences between monocular and binocular stroboscopic movement perception. Vision Research. 8: 433-44. PMID 5760529 DOI: 10.1016/0042-6989(68)90111-9  0.36
1967 Fender D, Julesz B. Extension of Panum's fusional area in binocularly stabilized vision. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 57: 819-30. PMID 6038008 DOI: 10.1364/Josa.57.000819  0.34
1967 Julesz B, Spivack GJ. Stereopsis based on vernier acuity cues alone. Science (New York, N.Y.). 157: 563-5. PMID 6028921 DOI: 10.1126/Science.157.3788.563  0.339
1967 Julesz B. The Suppression of Monocularly Perceivable Symmetry During Binocular Fusion Bell System Technical Journal. 46: 1203-1221. DOI: 10.1002/j.1538-7305.1967.tb01732.x  0.346
1966 Julesz B. Binocular disappearance of monocular symmetry. Science (New York, N.Y.). 153: 657-8. PMID 5939938 DOI: 10.1126/Science.153.3736.657  0.323
1966 Frisch HL, Julesz B. Figure-ground perception and random geometry Perception & Psychophysics. 1: 389-398. DOI: 10.3758/BF03215813  0.336
1965 JULESZ B. TEXTURE AND VISUAL PERCEPTION. Scientific American. 212: 38-48. PMID 14272115 DOI: 10.1038/Scientificamerican0265-38  0.401
1964 JULESZ B. BINOCULAR DEPTH PERCEPTION WITHOUT FAMILIARITY CUES. Science (New York, N.Y.). 145: 356-62. PMID 14172596 DOI: 10.1126/Science.145.3630.356  0.422
1963 JULESZ B. STEREOPSIS AND BINOCULAR RIVALRY OF CONTOURS. Journal of the Optical Society of America. 53: 994-9. PMID 14047836 DOI: 10.1364/Josa.53.000994  0.364
1962 Julesz B. Visual Pattern Discrimination Ire Transactions On Information Theory. 8: 84-92. DOI: 10.1109/TIT.1962.1057698  0.426
1962 Julesz B, Miller JE. Automatic Stereoscopic Presentation of Functions of Two Variables Bell System Technical Journal. 41: 663-676. DOI: 10.1002/j.1538-7305.1962.tb02424.x  0.324
1960 Julesz B. Binocular Depth Perception of Computer‐Generated Patterns Bell System Technical Journal. 39: 1125-1162. DOI: 10.1002/j.1538-7305.1960.tb03954.x  0.403
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