John Kuo, Ph.D. - Publications

University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
Reproductive neuroendocrinology, sexual receptivity, estrogen actions, estrogen receptors, neurosteroids, ovulation

11 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2014 Chen C, Kuo J, Wong A, Micevych P. Estradiol modulates translocator protein (TSPO) and steroid acute regulatory protein (StAR) via protein kinase A (PKA) signaling in hypothalamic astrocytes. Endocrinology. 155: 2976-85. PMID 24877623 DOI: 10.1210/En.2013-1844  0.622
2013 Dominguez R, Dewing P, Kuo J, Micevych P. Membrane-initiated estradiol signaling in immortalized hypothalamic N-38 neurons. Steroids. 78: 607-13. PMID 23296142 DOI: 10.1016/J.Steroids.2012.12.008  0.68
2012 Kuo J, Micevych P. Neurosteroids, trigger of the LH surge. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 131: 57-65. PMID 22326732 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jsbmb.2012.01.008  0.67
2010 Kuo J, Hamid N, Bondar G, Dewing P, Clarkson J, Micevych P. Sex differences in hypothalamic astrocyte response to estradiol stimulation. Biology of Sex Differences. 1: 7. PMID 21208471 DOI: 10.1186/2042-6410-1-7  0.575
2010 Kuo J, Hamid N, Bondar G, Prossnitz ER, Micevych P. Membrane estrogen receptors stimulate intracellular calcium release and progesterone synthesis in hypothalamic astrocytes. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 30: 12950-7. PMID 20881113 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.1158-10.2010  0.65
2010 Micevych P, Bondar G, Kuo J. Estrogen actions on neuroendocrine glia. Neuroendocrinology. 91: 211-22. PMID 20332598 DOI: 10.1159/000289568  0.674
2010 Micevych P, Bondar G, Kuo J, Villaume K, Blanc M, Gouysse G, Walter T, Couderc C, Nejjari M, Vercherat C, Cordier-Bussat M, Roche C, Scoazec J, Anukulkitch C, Rao A, et al. ENETS Newsletter Winter 2009/2010 Neuroendocrinology. 91: 279-282. DOI: 10.1159/000280100  0.448
2009 Bondar G, Kuo J, Hamid N, Micevych P. Estradiol-induced estrogen receptor-alpha trafficking. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 29: 15323-30. PMID 19955385 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.2107-09.2009  0.671
2009 Kuo J, Hariri OR, Micevych P. An interaction of oxytocin receptors with metabotropic glutamate receptors in hypothalamic astrocytes Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 21: 1001-1006. PMID 19807846 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2826.2009.01922.X  0.611
2009 Micevych PE, Kuo J, Christensen A. Physiology of membrane oestrogen receptor signalling in reproduction Journal of Neuroendocrinology. 21: 249-256. PMID 19207814 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2826.2009.01833.X  0.694
2009 Kuo J, Hariri OR, Bondar G, Ogi J, Micevych P. Membrane estrogen receptor-alpha interacts with metabotropic glutamate receptor type 1a to mobilize intracellular calcium in hypothalamic astrocytes. Endocrinology. 150: 1369-76. PMID 18948402 DOI: 10.1210/En.2008-0994  0.636
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