Clayton M. Bullock, Ph.D. - Publications

University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
Prokineticin, circadian rhythms

8 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2014 Bullock CM, Wookey P, Bennett A, Mobasheri A, Dickerson I, Kelly S. Peripheral calcitonin gene-related peptide receptor activation and mechanical sensitization of the joint in rat models of osteoarthritis pain. Arthritis & Rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.). 66: 2188-200. PMID 24719311 DOI: 10.1002/Art.38656  0.304
2004 Bullock CM, Li JD, Zhou QY. Structural determinants required for the bioactivities of prokineticins and identification of prokineticin receptor antagonists. Molecular Pharmacology. 65: 582-8. PMID 14978236 DOI: 10.1124/Mol.65.3.582  0.609
2002 Cheng MY, Bullock CM, Li C, Lee AG, Bermak JC, Belluzzi J, Weaver DR, Leslie FM, Zhou QY. Prokineticin 2 transmits the behavioural circadian rhythm of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Nature. 417: 405-10. PMID 12024206 DOI: 10.1038/417405A  0.627
2002 Bermak JC, Li M, Bullock C, Weingarten P, Zhou QY. Interaction of gamma-COP with a transport motif in the D1 receptor C-terminus. European Journal of Cell Biology. 81: 77-85. PMID 11893085 DOI: 10.1078/0171-9335-00222  0.565
2002 Lin DC, Bullock CM, Ehlert FJ, Chen JL, Tian H, Zhou QY. Identification and molecular characterization of two closely related G protein-coupled receptors activated by prokineticins/endocrine gland vascular endothelial growth factor. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 277: 19276-80. PMID 11886876 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M202139200  0.674
2001 Bullock CM, Li C, Li M, Bermak JC, Zhou QY. Sensitization of adenylate cyclase induced by a dopamine D2 receptor mutant: inverse agonism by D2 receptor antagonists. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 25: 1387-402. PMID 11513354 DOI: 10.1016/S0278-5846(01)00198-1  0.738
2001 Bermak JC, Li M, Bullock C, Zhou QY. Regulation of transport of the dopamine D1 receptor by a new membrane-associated ER protein. Nature Cell Biology. 3: 492-8. PMID 11331877 DOI: 10.1038/35074561  0.741
2001 Li M, Bullock CM, Knauer DJ, Ehlert FJ, Zhou QY. Identification of two prokineticin cDNAs: recombinant proteins potently contract gastrointestinal smooth muscle. Molecular Pharmacology. 59: 692-8. PMID 11259612 DOI: 10.1016/S0016-5085(08)81110-9  0.559
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