
Matthew A. Schiefer, Ph.D. - Publications

2009 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Heights, OH, United States 
Neural Engineering

32 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Leinen M, Grandy EF, Gebel LMU, Santana TM, Rodriguez AL, Singh SK, Fernandez MI, Dalugdug JC, Garcia-Colon EM, Lybeshari K, Alexander DR, Maura MI, Gonzalez MDC, De Paula Cunha Almeida C, Anyaso-Samuel S, ... ... Schiefer MA, et al. Bilateral Subdiaphragmatic Vagal Nerve Stimulation Using a Novel Waveform Decreases Body Weight, Food Consumption, Adiposity, and Activity in Obesity-Prone Rats. Obesity Surgery. PMID 38040984 DOI: 10.1007/s11695-023-06957-w  0.356
2020 Gupta I, CassarĂ¡ AM, Tarotin I, Donega M, Miranda JA, Sokal DM, Ouchouche S, Dopson W, Matteucci P, Neufeld E, Schiefer MA, Rowles A, McGill P, Perkins J, Dolezalova N, et al. Quantification of clinically applicable stimulation parameters for precision near-organ neuromodulation of human splenic nerves. Communications Biology. 3: 577. PMID 33067560 DOI: 10.1038/s42003-020-01299-0  0.449
2020 Schiefer M, Gamble J, Baskin J, Strohl K. Hypoglossal nerve stimulation in a rabbit model of obstructive sleep apnea reduces apneas and improves oxygenation. Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 129: 442-448. PMID 32702266 DOI: 10.1152/Japplphysiol.00828.2019  0.369
2020 Mahajan S, Hermann JK, Bedell HW, Sharkins JA, Chen L, Chen K, Meade SM, Smith CS, Rayyan J, Feng H, Kim Y, Schiefer MA, Taylor DM, Capadona JR, Ereifej ES. Toward Standardization of Electrophysiology and Computational Tissue Strain in Rodent Intracortical Microelectrode Models. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 8: 416. PMID 32457888 DOI: 10.3389/Fbioe.2020.00416  0.574
2019 Brunton EK, Silveira C, Rosenberg J, Schiefer MA, Riddell J, Nazarpour K. Temporal Modulation of the Response of Sensory Fibers to Paired-Pulse Stimulation. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering : a Publication of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. PMID 31425119 DOI: 10.1109/Tnsre.2019.2935813  0.584
2019 Broniatowski M, Grundfest-Broniatowski S, Schiefer M, Ludlow DH, Broniatowski DA, Tucker HM. Selective stimulation of human intrinsic laryngeal muscles: Analysis in a mathematical three-dimensional space. The Laryngoscope. PMID 31334850 DOI: 10.1002/Lary.28184  0.46
2018 Schiefer MA, Graczyk EL, Sidik SM, Tan DW, Tyler DJ. Artificial tactile and proprioceptive feedback improves performance and confidence on object identification tasks. Plos One. 13: e0207659. PMID 30517154 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0207659  0.548
2018 Graczyk EL, Resnik L, Schiefer MA, Schmitt MS, Tyler DJ. Home Use of a Neural-connected Sensory Prosthesis Provides the Functional and Psychosocial Experience of Having a Hand Again. Scientific Reports. 8: 9866. PMID 29959334 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-018-26952-X  0.609
2018 Schiefer M, Gamble J, Strohl KP. Sciatic nerve stimulation and its effects on upper airway resistance in the anesthetized rabbit model relevant to sleep apnea. Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 125: 763-769. PMID 29878871 DOI: 10.1152/Japplphysiol.00225.2018  0.571
2018 Graczyk EL, Delhaye B, Schiefer MA, Bensmaia SJ, Tyler DJ. Sensory adaptation to electrical stimulation of the somatosensory nerves. Journal of Neural Engineering. PMID 29551756 DOI: 10.1088/1741-2552/Aab790  0.681
2018 Benderro GF, Gamble J, Schiefer MA, Baskin JZ, Hernandez Y, Strohl KP. Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation in a Pre-Clinical Anesthetized Rabbit Model Relevant to OSA. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. PMID 29410358 DOI: 10.1016/J.Resp.2018.01.015  0.468
2016 Graczyk EL, Schiefer MA, Saal HP, Delhaye BP, Bensmaia SJ, Tyler DJ. The neural basis of perceived intensity in natural and artificial touch. Science Translational Medicine. 8: 362ra142. PMID 27797958 DOI: 10.1126/Scitranslmed.Aaf5187  0.694
2015 Schiefer M, Tan D, Sidek SM, Tyler DJ. Sensory feedback by peripheral nerve stimulation improves task performance in individuals with upper limb loss using a myoelectric prosthesis. Journal of Neural Engineering. 13: 016001. PMID 26643802 DOI: 10.1088/1741-2560/13/1/016001  0.595
2015 Tan DW, Schiefer MA, Keith MW, Anderson JR, Tyler DJ. Stability and selectivity of a chronic, multi-contact cuff electrode for sensory stimulation in human amputees. Journal of Neural Engineering. 12: 026002. PMID 25627310 DOI: 10.1088/1741-2560/12/2/026002  0.615
2015 Tyler DJ, Polasek KH, Schiefer MA. Peripheral Nerve Interfaces Nerves and Nerve Injuries. 2: 1033-1054. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-802653-3.00112-3  0.647
2015 Schiefer MA, Tyler DJ. Computer Models of Peripheral Nerves Nerves and Nerve Injuries. 2: 1021-1032. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-802653-3.00111-1  0.646
2014 Tan DW, Schiefer MA, Keith MW, Anderson JR, Tyler J, Tyler DJ. A neural interface provides long-term stable natural touch perception. Science Translational Medicine. 6: 257ra138. PMID 25298320 DOI: 10.1126/Scitranslmed.3008669  0.696
2013 Schiefer MA, Freeberg M, Pinault GJ, Anderson J, Hoyen H, Tyler DJ, Triolo RJ. Selective activation of the human tibial and common peroneal nerves with a flat interface nerve electrode. Journal of Neural Engineering. 10: 056006. PMID 23918148 DOI: 10.1088/1741-2560/10/5/056006  0.713
2013 Tan D, Schiefer M, Keith MW, Anderson R, Tyler DJ. Stability and selectivity of a chronic, multi-contact cuff electrode for sensory stimulation in a human amputee International Ieee/Embs Conference On Neural Engineering, Ner. 859-862. DOI: 10.1109/NER.2013.6696070  0.581
2012 Schiefer MA, Tyler DJ, Triolo RJ. Probabilistic modeling of selective stimulation of the human sciatic nerve with a flat interface nerve electrode. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 33: 179-90. PMID 22222951 DOI: 10.1007/S10827-011-0381-5  0.74
2011 Freeberg MJ, Schiefer MA, Triolo RJ. Efficient search and fit methods to find nerve stimulation parameters for multi-contact electrodes. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2011: 7238-41. PMID 22256009 DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091829  0.357
2011 Schiefer MA, Tyler DJ, Triolo RJ. Probabilistic modeling of selective stimulation of the human sciatic nerve with a flat Interface Nerve Electrode. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2011: 4068-71. PMID 22255234 DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6091011  0.722
2010 Schiefer MA, Polasek KH, Triolo RJ, Pinault GC, Tyler DJ. Selective stimulation of the human femoral nerve with a flat interface nerve electrode. Journal of Neural Engineering. 7: 26006. PMID 20208125 DOI: 10.1088/1741-2560/7/2/026006  0.728
2009 Schiefer MA, Polasek KH, Triolo RJ, Pinault GC, Tyler DJ. Intraoperative demonstration of selective stimulation of the common human femoral nerve with a FINE. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2009: 610-3. PMID 19963718 DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2009.5332757  0.675
2009 Polasek KH, Schiefer MA, Pinault GC, Triolo RJ, Tyler DJ. Intraoperative evaluation of the spiral nerve cuff electrode on the femoral nerve trunk. Journal of Neural Engineering. 6: 066005. PMID 19901448 DOI: 10.1088/1741-2560/6/6/066005  0.715
2008 Grinberg Y, Schiefer MA, Tyler DJ, Gustafson KJ. Fascicular perineurium thickness, size, and position affect model predictions of neural excitation. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering : a Publication of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 16: 572-81. PMID 19144589 DOI: 10.1109/Tnsre.2008.2010348  0.712
2008 Schiefer MA, Triolo RJ, Tyler DJ. A model of selective activation of the femoral nerve with a flat interface nerve electrode for a lower extremity neuroprosthesis. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering : a Publication of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 16: 195-204. PMID 18403289 DOI: 10.1109/Tnsre.2008.918425  0.736
2007 Polasek KH, Schiefer MA, Pinault GC, Triolo RJ, Tyler DJ. Intraoperative evaluation of the spiral nerve cuff electrode for a standing neuroprosthesis Proceedings of the 3rd International Ieee Embs Conference On Neural Engineering. 89-92. DOI: 10.1109/CNE.2007.369619  0.666
2007 Schiefer MA, Polasek KH, Pinault GC, Triolo RJ, Tyler DJ. Intraoperative evaluation of the first flat interface nerve electrode for a standing neuroprosthesis: A case report Proceedings of the 3rd International Ieee Embs Conference On Neural Engineering. 13-16. DOI: 10.1109/CNE.2007.369599  0.633
2006 Schiefer MA, Triolo RJ, Tyler DJ. Models of selective stimulation with a flat interface nerve electrode for standing neuroprosthetic systems. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 1: 4639-42. PMID 17946642 DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2006.260049  0.697
2006 Schiefer MA, Grill WM. Sites of neuronal excitation by epiretinal electrical stimulation. Ieee Transactions On Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering : a Publication of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 14: 5-13. PMID 16562626 DOI: 10.1109/Tnsre.2006.870488  0.43
2005 Schiefer MA, Triolo RJ, Durand DM, Tyler DJ. Modeling selective stimulation with a flat interface nerve electrode for standing neuroprosthetic systems 2nd International Ieee Embs Conference On Neural Engineering. 2005: 356-359. DOI: 10.1109/CNE.2005.1419631  0.685
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