Peter M. Gutierrez - Publications

Psychology Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Personality Psychology

103 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Udupa NS, Hanson J, Gutierrez PM, Mandel AA, Johnson SL, Kleiman E, Bryan CJ, Jobes DA, Joiner T. Uncontrollability of suicidal ideation adds incremental explanatory power in prediction of later suicidal ideation. Journal of Clinical Psychology. PMID 37672631 DOI: 10.1002/jclp.23593  0.503
2022 Gutierrez PM. Promising New Directions in Addressing the Whole Problem of Suicide. Psychiatry. 85: 334-335. PMID 36344472 DOI: 10.1080/00332747.2022.2132772  0.357
2022 Podlogar MC, Gutierrez PM, Osman A. Optimizing the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation: An Item Response Theory Approach Among U.S. Military Personnel. Assessment. 10731911221092420. PMID 35575070 DOI: 10.1177/10731911221092420  0.355
2021 O'Connor SS, Johnson LL, Gutierrez PM, Singer J, Marcum JK, Pierson JT, Brown A, Muehler T, Allen C, Jobes DA. Three-year follow-up of suicide prevention-focused group therapy for veterans. Psychological Services. PMID 34968124 DOI: 10.1037/ser0000451  0.372
2021 Gutierrez PM, Johnson L, Podlogar MC, Hagman S, Muehler TA, Hanson J, Pierson JT, Brown AA, O'Connor S. Pilot study of the Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality-Group. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. PMID 34780099 DOI: 10.1111/sltb.12817  0.466
2021 Wilks CR, Chu C, Sim D, Lovell J, Gutierrez P, Joiner T, Kessler RC, Nock MK. User Engagement and Usability of Suicide Prevention Apps: Systematic Search in App Stores and Content Analysis. Jmir Formative Research. 5: e27018. PMID 34259163 DOI: 10.2196/27018  0.391
2021 Podlogar MC, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE. Past Levels of Mental Health Intervention and Current Nondisclosure of Suicide Risk Among Men Older Than Age 50. Assessment. 10731911211023577. PMID 34151586 DOI: 10.1177/10731911211023577  0.474
2021 Shelef L, Rabbany JM, Gutierrez PM, Kedem R, Ben Yehuda A, Mann JJ, Yacobi A. The Role of Past Suicidal Behavior on Current Suicidality: A Retrospective Study in the Israeli Military. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18. PMID 33466594 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18020649  0.549
2020 Gutierrez PM, Joiner T, Hanson J, Avery K, Fender A, Harrison T, Kerns K, McGowan P, Stanley IH, Silva C, Rogers ML. Clinical utility of suicide behavior and ideation measures: Implications for military suicide risk assessment. Psychological Assessment. PMID 33180522 DOI: 10.1037/pas0000876  0.52
2020 Chu C, Wilks CR, Zuromski KL, Bernecker SL, King A, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE, Nock MK, Ursano RJ, Kessler RC. Psychological Problems among 12th-Grade Students Predicting Military Enlistment: Findings from the Monitoring the Future Survey. Psychiatry. 83: 244-258. PMID 32960163 DOI: 10.1080/00332747.2020.1794191  0.333
2020 Chu C, Zuromski KL, Bernecker SL, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE, Liu H, Naifeh JA, Stein MB, Ursano RJ, Nock MK. A test of the interpersonal theory of suicide in a large, representative, retrospective and prospective study: Results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS). Behaviour Research and Therapy. 132: 103688. PMID 32731055 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brat.2020.103688  0.507
2020 Buchman-Schmitt JM, Stanley IH, Gallyer AJ, Chu C, Gutierrez PM, Hanson JE, Joiner TE. Military Suicide Research Consortium common data elements: Bifactor analysis and longitudinal predictive ability of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts within a clinical sample. Psychological Assessment. PMID 32250139 DOI: 10.1037/Pas0000817  0.557
2020 Stanley IH, Day TN, Gallyer AJ, Shelef L, Kalla C, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE. Autism-related traits and suicide risk among active duty U.S. military service members. Psychological Services. PMID 32105121 DOI: 10.1037/Ser0000418  0.455
2019 Zuromski KL, Bernecker SL, Chu C, Wilks CR, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE, Liu H, Naifeh JA, Nock MK, Sampson NA, Zaslavsky AM, Stein MB, Ursano RJ, Kessler RC, et al. Pre-deployment predictors of suicide attempt during and after combat deployment: Results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 121: 214-221. PMID 31865211 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpsychires.2019.12.003  0.504
2019 Bernecker SL, Zuromski KL, Curry JC, Kim JJ, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE, Kessler RC, Nock MK, Rudd MD, Bryan CJ. Economic Evaluation of Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy vs Treatment as Usual for Suicidal US Army Soldiers. Jama Psychiatry. PMID 31774485 DOI: 10.1001/Jamapsychiatry.2019.3639  0.34
2019 Podlogar MC, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE. Improving Our Understanding of the Death/Life Implicit Association Test. Journal of Personality Assessment. 1-13. PMID 31544516 DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2019.1663357  0.481
2019 Hom MA, Stanley IH, Duffy ME, Rogers ML, Hanson JE, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE. Investigating the reliability of suicide attempt history reporting across five measures: A study of US military service members at risk of suicide. Journal of Clinical Psychology. PMID 30990892 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.22776  0.45
2019 Zuromski KL, Bernecker SL, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE, King AJ, Liu H, Naifeh JA, Nock MK, Sampson NA, Zaslavsky AM, Stein MB, Ursano RJ, Kessler RC. Assessment of a Risk Index for Suicide Attempts Among US Army Soldiers With Suicide Ideation: Analysis of Data From the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS). Jama Network Open. 2: e190766. PMID 30874786 DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.0766  0.443
2019 Chen JI, Osman A, Freedenthal SL, Gutierrez PM. An Examination of the Psychometric Properties of the Reasons for Living Inventory within a Male Veteran Clinical Sample. Archives of Suicide Research : Official Journal of the International Academy For Suicide Research. 1-50. PMID 30636520 DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2018.1563576  0.427
2018 Bernecker SL, Zuromski KL, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE, King AJ, Liu H, Nock MK, Sampson NA, Zaslavsky AM, Stein MB, Ursano RJ, Kessler RC. Predicting suicide attempts among soldiers who deny suicidal ideation in the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS). Behaviour Research and Therapy. PMID 30598236 DOI: 10.1016/J.Brat.2018.11.018  0.462
2018 Stanley IH, Rogers ML, Hanson JE, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE. PTSD symptom clusters and suicide attempts among high-risk military service members: A three-month prospective investigation. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. PMID 30431299 DOI: 10.1037/Ccp0000350  0.409
2018 Brown TL, Gutierrez PM, Grunwald GK, DiGuiseppi C, Valuck RJ, Anderson HD. Access to Psychotropic Medication via Prescription Is Associated With Choice of Psychotropic Medication as Suicide Method: A Retrospective Study of 27,876 Suicide Attempts. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 79. PMID 30418710 DOI: 10.4088/Jcp.17M11982  0.317
2018 Hom MA, Duffy ME, Rogers ML, Hanson JE, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE. Examining the link between prior suicidality and subsequent suicidal ideation among high-risk US military service members. Psychological Medicine. 1-10. PMID 30355371 DOI: 10.1017/S0033291718003124  0.54
2018 Corona CD, Gutierrez PM, Wagner BM, Jobes DA. The psychometric properties of the Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality rating scale. Journal of Clinical Psychology. PMID 30291761 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.22699  0.382
2018 Stanley IH, Buchman-Schmitt JM, Chu C, Rogers ML, Gai AR, Wagner RK, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE. The Military Suicide Research Consortium Common Data Elements: An Examination of Measurement Invariance Across Current Service Members and Veterans. Assessment. 1073191118777635. PMID 29847993 DOI: 10.1177/1073191118777635  0.328
2018 Bernecker SL, Rosellini AJ, Nock MK, Chiu WT, Gutierrez PM, Hwang I, Joiner TE, Naifeh JA, Sampson NA, Zaslavsky AM, Stein MB, Ursano RJ, Kessler RC. Improving risk prediction accuracy for new soldiers in the U.S. Army by adding self-report survey data to administrative data. Bmc Psychiatry. 18: 87. PMID 29615005 DOI: 10.1186/S12888-018-1656-4  0.338
2018 Nock MK, Millner AJ, Joiner TE, Gutierrez PM, Han G, Hwang I, King A, Naifeh JA, Sampson NA, Zaslavsky AM, Stein MB, Ursano RJ, Kessler RC. Risk factors for the transition from suicide ideation to suicide attempt: Results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS). Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 127: 139-149. PMID 29528668 DOI: 10.1037/Abn0000317  0.522
2017 Jobes DA, Comtois KA, Gutierrez PM, Brenner LA, Huh D, Chalker SA, Ruhe G, Kerbrat AH, Atkins DC, Jennings K, Crumlish J, Corona CD, Connor SO, Hendricks KE, Schembari B, et al. A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality versus Enhanced Care as Usual With Suicidal Soldiers. Psychiatry. 80: 339-356. PMID 29466107 DOI: 10.1080/00332747.2017.1354607  0.404
2017 Johnson LL, O'Connor SS, Kaminer B, Gutierrez PM, Carney E, Groh B, Jobes DA. Evaluation of Structured Assessment and Mediating Factors of Suicide Focused Group Therapy for Veterans Recently Discharged from Inpatient Psychiatry. Archives of Suicide Research : Official Journal of the International Academy For Suicide Research. PMID 29220609 DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2017.1402722  0.428
2017 Chu C, Hom MA, Stanley IH, Gai AR, Nock MK, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE. Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors: A Study of the Explanatory Roles of the Interpersonal Theory Variables Among Military Service Members and Veterans. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. PMID 29172592 DOI: 10.1037/Ccp0000262  0.502
2017 Ringer FB, Soberay KA, Rogers ML, Hagan CR, Chu C, Schneider M, Podlogar MC, Witte T, Holm-Denoma J, Plant EA, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE. Initial Validation of Brief Measures of Suicide Risk Factors: Common Data Elements Used by the Military Suicide Research Consortium. Psychological Assessment. PMID 29130694 DOI: 10.1037/Pas0000519  0.472
2017 Ribeiro JD, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE, Kessler RC, Petukhova MV, Sampson NA, Stein MB, Ursano RJ, Nock MK. Health care contact and suicide risk documentation prior to suicide death: Results from the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS). Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. 85: 403-408. PMID 28333538 DOI: 10.1037/Ccp0000178  0.401
2016 O'Connor SS, Carney E, Jennings KW, Johnson LL, Gutierrez PM, Jobes DA. Relative Impact of Risk Factors, Thwarted Belongingness, and Perceived Burdensomeness on Suicidal Ideation in Veteran Service Members. Journal of Clinical Psychology. PMID 27983759 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.22426  0.53
2016 Hom MA, Chu C, Schneider ME, Lim IC, Hirsch JK, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE. Thwarted belongingness as an explanatory link between insomnia symptoms and suicidal ideation: Findings from three samples of military service members and veterans. Journal of Affective Disorders. 209: 114-123. PMID 27898373 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2016.11.032  0.453
2016 Hom MA, Stanley IH, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE. Exploring the association between exposure to suicide and suicide risk among military service members and veterans. Journal of Affective Disorders. 207: 327-335. PMID 27743535 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2016.09.043  0.439
2016 Gutierrez PM, Pease J, Matarazzo BB, Monteith LL, Hernandez T, Osman A. Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire and the Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale in Military Veterans. Psychological Assessment. PMID 26998894 DOI: 10.1037/Pas0000310  0.415
2015 Villatte JL, O'Connor SS, Leitner R, Kerbrat AH, Johnson LL, Gutierrez PM. Suicide Attempt Characteristics Among Veterans and Active-Duty Service Members Receiving Mental Health Services: A Pooled Data Analysis. Military Behavioral Health. 3: 316-327. PMID 26740909 DOI: 10.1080/21635781.2015.1093981  0.47
2015 Gutierrez PM, Davidson CL, Friese AH, Forster JE. Physical Activity, Suicide Risk Factors, and Suicidal Ideation in a Veteran Sample. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. PMID 26404757 DOI: 10.1111/Sltb.12190  0.379
2015 Petrik ML, Gutierrez PM, Berlin JS, Saunders SM. Barriers and facilitators of suicide risk assessment in emergency departments: a qualitative study of provider perspectives. General Hospital Psychiatry. 37: 581-6. PMID 26208868 DOI: 10.1016/J.Genhosppsych.2015.06.018  0.426
2015 Anestis MD, Joiner T, Hanson JE, Gutierrez PM. Response to commentary on "The modal suicide decedent did not consume alcohol just prior to the time of death: An analysis with implications for understanding suicidal behavior". Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 124: 460-1. PMID 25961817 DOI: 10.1037/Abn0000062  0.383
2015 Tucker RP, Crowley KJ, Davidson CL, Gutierrez PM. Risk Factors, Warning Signs, and Drivers of Suicide: What Are They, How Do They Differ, and Why Does It Matter? Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. PMID 25858332 DOI: 10.1111/sltb.12161  0.5
2015 Ribeiro JD, Bender TW, Buchman JM, Nock MK, Rudd MD, Bryan CJ, Lim IC, Baker MT, Knight C, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE. An investigation of the interactive effects of the capability for suicide and acute agitation on suicidality in a military sample. Depression and Anxiety. 32: 25-31. PMID 24677452 DOI: 10.1002/Da.22240  0.499
2014 Gutierrez PM. Viewing suicide risk through a new lens: the benefits of examining symptom trajectories. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 75: e945-6. PMID 25295438 DOI: 10.4088/JCP.14com09379  0.41
2014 Anestis MD, Joiner T, Hanson JE, Gutierrez PM. The modal suicide decedent did not consume alcohol just prior to the time of death: An analysis with implications for understanding suicidal behavior. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 123: 835-40. PMID 25286371 DOI: 10.1037/A0037480  0.396
2014 Anestis MD, Soberay KA, Gutierrez PM, Hernández TD, Joiner TE. Reconsidering the link between impulsivity and suicidal behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Review : An Official Journal of the Society For Personality and Social Psychology, Inc. 18: 366-86. PMID 24969696 DOI: 10.1177/1088868314535988  0.447
2014 Matarazzo BB, Barnes SM, Pease JL, Russell LM, Hanson JE, Soberay KA, Gutierrez PM. Suicide risk among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender military personnel and veterans: what does the literature tell us? Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. 44: 200-17. PMID 24494604 DOI: 10.1111/Sltb.12073  0.419
2013 Gutierrez PM, Brenner LA, Rings JA, Devore MD, Kelly PJ, Staves PJ, Kelly CM, Kaplan MS. A qualitative description of female veterans' deployment-related experiences and potential suicide risk factors. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 69: 923-35. PMID 23775338 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.21997  0.454
2013 York J, Lamis DA, Friedman L, Berman AL, Joiner TE, Mcintosh JL, Silverman MM, Konick L, Gutierrez PM, Pearson J. A systematic review process to evaluate suicide prevention programs: A sample case of community-based programs Journal of Community Psychology. 41: 35-51. DOI: 10.1002/Jcop.21509  0.757
2012 Gutierrez PM, Freedenthal S, Wong JL, Osman A, Norizuki T. Validation of the Suicide Resilience Inventory-25 (SRI-25) in adolescent psychiatric inpatient samples. Journal of Personality Assessment. 94: 53-61. PMID 22176266 DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2011.608755  0.457
2012 Ribeiro JD, Pease JL, Gutierrez PM, Silva C, Bernert RA, Rudd MD, Joiner TE. Sleep problems outperform depression and hopelessness as cross-sectional and longitudinal predictors of suicidal ideation and behavior in young adults in the military. Journal of Affective Disorders. 136: 743-50. PMID 22032872 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jad.2011.09.049  0.387
2012 Gutierrez PM, Brenner LA, Wortzel H, Harwood JEF, Leitner R, Rings J, Bartlett S. Blister packaging medication to increase treatment adherence and clinical response: Impact on suicide-related morbidity and mortality Frontiers in Suicide Risk: Research, Treatment and Prevention. 55-76.  0.318
2011 Jobes DA, Anne Comtois K, Brenner LA, Gutierrez PM. Clinical Trial Feasibility Studies of the Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality International Handbook of Suicide Prevention: Research, Policy and Practice. 383-400. DOI: 10.1002/9781119998556.ch22  0.302
2010 Wortzel HS, Gutierrez PM, Homaifar BY, Breshears RE, Harwood JE. Surrogate endpoints in suicide research. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. 40: 500-5. PMID 21034212 DOI: 10.1521/Suli.2010.40.5.500  0.49
2010 Osman A, Gutierrez PM, Bagge CL, Fang Q, Emmerich A. Reynolds adolescent depression scale-second edition: a reliable and useful instrument. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 66: 1324-45. PMID 20715023 DOI: 10.1002/jclp.20727  0.32
2010 Breshears RE, Brenner LA, Harwood JE, Gutierrez PM. Predicting suicidal behavior in veterans with traumatic brain injury: the utility of the personality assessment inventory. Journal of Personality Assessment. 92: 349-55. PMID 20552509 DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2010.482011  0.451
2010 Osman A, Gutierrez PM, Barrios F, Wong JL, Freedenthal S, Lozano G. Development and initial psychometric properties of the University of Texas at San Antonio Future Disposition Inventory. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 66: 410-29. PMID 20120012 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.20660  0.456
2010 Selby EA, Anestis MD, Bender TW, Ribeiro JD, Nock MK, Rudd MD, Bryan CJ, Lim IC, Baker MT, Gutierrez PM, Joiner TE. Overcoming the fear of lethal injury: evaluating suicidal behavior in the military through the lens of the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicide. Clinical Psychology Review. 30: 298-307. PMID 20051309 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cpr.2009.12.004  0.519
2010 Osman A, Gutierrez PM, Schweers R, Fang Q, Holguin-Mills RL, Cashin M. Psychometric evaluation of the body investment scale for use with adolescents. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 66: 259-76. PMID 19950252 DOI: 10.1002/jclp.20649  0.44
2010 Brausch AM, Gutierrez PM. Differences in non-suicidal self-injury and suicide attempts in adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 39: 233-42. PMID 19941045 DOI: 10.1007/S10964-009-9482-0  0.78
2010 Osman A, Gutierrez PM, Wong JL, Freedenthal S, Bagge CL, Smith KD. Development and psychometric evaluation of the Suicide Anger Expression Inventory - 28 Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 32: 595-608. DOI: 10.1007/S10862-010-9186-5  0.35
2010 Muehlenkamp JJ, Cowles ML, Gutierrez PM. Validity of the self-harm behavior questionnaire with diverse adolescents Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 32: 236-245. DOI: 10.1007/S10862-009-9131-7  0.726
2009 Muehlenkamp JJ, Williams KL, Gutierrez PM, Claes L. Rates of non-suicidal self-injury in high school students across five years. Archives of Suicide Research : Official Journal of the International Academy For Suicide Research. 13: 317-29. PMID 19813109 DOI: 10.1080/13811110903266368  0.657
2009 Brausch AM, Gutierrez PM. The role of body image and disordered eating as risk factors for depression and suicidal ideation in adolescents. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. 39: 58-71. PMID 19298151 DOI: 10.1521/Suli.2009.39.1.58  0.761
2009 Gutierrez PM, Osman A. Getting the best return on your screening investment: An analysis of the suicidal ideation questionnaire and reynolds adolescent depression scale School Psychology Review. 38: 200-217.  0.457
2008 Gutierrez PM, Brenner LA, Huggins JA. A preliminary investigation of suicidality in psychiatrically hospitalized veterans with traumatic brain injury. Archives of Suicide Research : Official Journal of the International Academy For Suicide Research. 12: 336-43. PMID 18828036 DOI: 10.1080/13811110802324961  0.439
2008 Osman A, Barrios FX, Gutierrez PM, Williams JE, Bailey J. Psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory-II in nonclinical adolescent samples. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 64: 83-102. PMID 18161034 DOI: 10.1002/jclp.20433  0.404
2007 Muehlenkamp JJ, Gutierrez PM. Risk for suicide attempts among adolescents who engage in non-suicidal self-injury. Archives of Suicide Research : Official Journal of the International Academy For Suicide Research. 11: 69-82. PMID 17178643 DOI: 10.1080/13811110600992902  0.786
2006 Fliege H, Kocalevent RD, Walter OB, Beck S, Gratz KL, Gutierrez PM, Klapp BF. Three assessment tools for deliberate self-harm and suicide behavior: evaluation and psychopathological correlates. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 61: 113-21. PMID 16813853 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpsychores.2005.10.006  0.507
2006 Gutierrez PM. 2005 Shneidman Award Address. Integratively assessing risk and protective factors for adolescent suicide. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. 36: 129-35. PMID 16704319 DOI: 10.1521/Suli.2006.36.2.129  0.592
2006 Osman A, Barrios FX, Kopper BA, Gutierrez PM, Williams JE, Bailey J. The Body Influence Assessment Inventory (BIAI): Development and initial validation. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 62: 923-42. PMID 16688687 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.20273  0.399
2005 Gutierrez PM, Muehlenkamp JJ, Konick LC, Osman A. What role does race play in adolescent suicidal ideation? Archives of Suicide Research : Official Journal of the International Academy For Suicide Research. 9: 177-92. PMID 16020161 DOI: 10.1080/13811110590904025  0.784
2005 Osman A, Barrios FX, Gutierrez PM, Schwarting B, Kopper BA, Mei-ChuanWang. Reliability and construct validity of the pain distress inventory. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 28: 169-80. PMID 15957572 DOI: 10.1007/S10865-005-3666-1  0.358
2005 Konick LC, Gutierrez PM. Testing a model of suicide ideation in college students. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. 35: 181-92. PMID 15843335 DOI: 10.1521/Suli.  0.778
2005 Osman A, Gutierrez PM, Barrios FX, Bagge CL, Kopper BA, Linden S. The Inventory of Suicide Orientation-30: further validation with adolescent psychiatric inpatients. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 61: 481-97. PMID 15503304 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.20086  0.622
2005 Muehlenkamp JJ, Gutierrez PM, Osman A, Barrios FX. Validation of the Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation (PANSI) Inventory in a diverse sample of young adults. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 61: 431-45. PMID 15503303 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.20051  0.716
2004 Gutierrez PM, Watkins R, Collura D. Suicide risk screening in an urban high school. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. 34: 421-8. PMID 15585463 DOI: 10.1521/Suli.34.4.421.53741  0.751
2004 Osman A, Gutierrez PM, Muehlenkamp JJ, Dix-Richardson F, Barrios FX, Kopper BA. Suicide Resilience Inventory-25: development and preliminary psychometric properties. Psychological Reports. 94: 1349-60. PMID 15362416 DOI: 10.2466/Pr0.94.3C.1349-1360  0.737
2004 Osman A, Kopper BA, Barrios F, Gutierrez PM, Bagge CL. Reliability and validity of the Beck depression inventory--II with adolescent psychiatric inpatients. Psychological Assessment. 16: 120-32. PMID 15222808 DOI: 10.1037/1040-3590.16.2.120  0.433
2004 Muehlenkamp JJ, Gutierrez PM. An investigation of differences between self-injurious behavior and suicide attempts in a sample of adolescents. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. 34: 12-23. PMID 15106884 DOI: 10.1521/Suli.  0.758
2004 Gutierrez PM, Osman A, Kopper BA, Barrios FX. Appropriateness of the Multi-Attitude Suicide Tendency Scale for non-White individuals. Assessment. 11: 73-84. PMID 14994956 DOI: 10.1177/1073191103261041  0.479
2003 Watkins RL, Gutierrez PM. The relationship between exposure to adolescent suicide and subsequent suicide risk. 2002 Student Award Address. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. 33: 21-32. PMID 12710537 DOI: 10.1521/Suli.  0.819
2003 Osman A, Gutierrez PM, Jiandani J, Kopper BA, Barrios FX, Linden SC, Truelove RS. A preliminary validation of the Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation (PANSI) inventory with normal adolescent samples. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 59: 493-512. PMID 12652640 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.10154  0.587
2002 Osman A, Barrios FX, Gutierrez PM, Wrangham JJ, Kopper BA, Truelove RS, Linden SC. The Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation (PANSI) inventory: psychometric evaluation with adolescent psychiatric inpatient samples. Journal of Personality Assessment. 79: 512-30. PMID 12511018 DOI: 10.1207/S15327752Jpa7903_07  0.613
2002 Valentiner DP, Gutierrez PM, Blacker D. Anxiety measures and their relationship to adolescent suicidal ideation and behavior. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 16: 11-32. PMID 12171211 DOI: 10.1016/S0887-6185(01)00086-X  0.595
2002 Deacon BJ, Valentiner DP, Gutierrez PM, Blacker D. The Anxiety Sensitivity Index for Children: factor structure and relation to panic symptoms in an adolescent sample. Behaviour Research and Therapy. 40: 839-52. PMID 12074377 DOI: 10.1016/S0005-7967(01)00076-6  0.42
2002 Osman A, Breitenstein JL, Barrios FX, Gutierrez PM, Kopper BA. The Fear of Pain Questionnaire-III: further reliability and validity with nonclinical samples. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 25: 155-73. PMID 11977436 DOI: 10.1023/A:1014884704974  0.32
2002 Gutierrez PM, Osman A, Barrios FX, Kopper BA, Baker MT, Haraburda CM. Development of the reasons for living inventory for young adults. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 58: 339-57. PMID 11920689 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.1147  0.434
2001 Gutierrez PM, Rodriguez PJ, Garcia P. Suicide risk factors for young adults: Testing a model across ethnicities Death Studies. 25: 319-340. PMID 11803983 DOI: 10.1080/07481180125994  0.632
2001 Osman A, Bagge CL, Gutierrez PM, Konick LC, Kopper BA, Barrios FX. The Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R): validation with clinical and nonclinical samples. Assessment. 8: 443-54. PMID 11785588 DOI: 10.1177/107319110100800409  0.792
2001 Gutierrez PM, Osman A, Barrios FX, Kopper BA. Development and initial validation of the self-harm behavior questionnaire Journal of Personality Assessment. 77: 475-490. PMID 11781034 DOI: 10.1207/S15327752Jpa7703_08  0.537
2001 Osman A, Chiros CE, Gutierrez PM, Kopper BA, Barrios FX. Factor structure and psychometric properties of the brief mizes anorectic cognitions questionnaire Journal of Clinical Psychology. 57: 785-799. PMID 11344465 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.1049  0.356
2001 Osman A, Gutierrez PM, Downs WR, Kopper BA, Barrios FX, Haraburda CM. Development and psychometric properties of the student worry questionnaire-30 Psychological Reports. 88: 277-290. PMID 11293042 DOI: 10.2466/Pr0.2001.88.1.277  0.39
2000 Gutierrez PM, Thakkar RR, Kuczen C. Exploration of the relationship between physical and/or sexual abuse, attitudes about life and death, and suicidal ideation in young women. Death Studies. 24: 675-88. PMID 11503717 DOI: 10.1080/074811800750036569  0.487
2000 Osman A, Gilpin AR, Panak WF, Kopper BA, Barrios FX, Gutierrez PM, Chiros CE. The multi-attitude suicide tendency scale: Further validation with adolescent psychiatric inpatients Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. 30: 377-385. PMID 11210063 DOI: 10.1111/J.1943-278X.2000.Tb01104.X  0.538
2000 Thakkar RR, Gutierrez PM, Kuczen CL, McCanne TR. History of physical and/or sexual abuse and current suicidality in college women. Child Abuse & Neglect. 24: 1345-54. PMID 11075700 DOI: 10.1016/S0145-2134(00)00187-3  0.435
2000 Osman A, Barrios FX, Gutierrez PM, Kopper BA, Merrifield T, Grittmann L. The pain catastrophizing scale: Further psychometric evaluation with adult samples Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 23: 351-365. PMID 10984864 DOI: 10.1023/A:1005548801037  0.312
2000 Gutierrez PM, Osman A, Kopper BA, Barrios FX. Why Young People Do Not Kill Themselves: The Reasons for Living Inventory for Adolescents Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology. 29: 177-187. PMID 10802827 DOI: 10.1207/S15374424Jccp2902_4  0.508
2000 Gutierrez PM, Osman A, Kopper BA, Barrios FX, Bagge CL. Suicide risk assessment in a college student population Journal of Counseling Psychology. 47: 403-413. DOI: 10.1037/0022-0167.47.4.403  0.578
1999 Gutierrez PM. Suicidality in parentally bereaved adolescents Death Studies. 23: 359-370. PMID 10558430 DOI: 10.1080/074811899201000  0.597
1999 Osman A, Kopper BA, Barrios FX, Linehan MM, Gutierrez PM, Bagge CL. Validation of the Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire and the Reasons for Living Inventory in an adult psychiatric inpatient sample Psychological Assessment. 11: 115-123. DOI: 10.1037/1040-3590.11.2.115  0.491
1998 Osman A, Gutierrez PM, Kopper BA, Barrios FX, Chiros CE. The positive and negative suicide ideation inventory: Development and validation Psychological Reports. 82: 783-793. PMID 9676490 DOI: 10.2466/Pr0.1998.82.3.783  0.534
1998 Hagstrom AH, Gutierrez PM. Confirmatory factor analysis of the multi-attitude suicide tendency scale Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 20: 173-186. DOI: 10.1023/A:1023078314714  0.555
1997 Osman A, Downs WR, Barrios FX, Kopper BA, Gutierrez PM, Chiros CE. Factor structure and psychometric characteristics of the Beck Depression Inventory-II Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment. 19: 359-376. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02229026  0.386
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