Jennifer G. Abbey, Ph.D. - Publications

2008 Fordham University, Bronx, NY, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Individual and Family Studies, Oncology

5 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2014 Rosenfeld B, Pessin H, Marziliano A, Jacobson C, Sorger B, Abbey J, Olden M, Brescia R, Breitbart W. Does desire for hastened death change in terminally ill cancer patients? Social Science and Medicine. 111: 35-40. PMID 24747154 DOI: 10.1016/J.Socscimed.2014.03.027  0.588
2012 Breitbart W, Poppito S, Rosenfeld B, Vickers AJ, Li Y, Abbey J, Olden M, Pessin H, Lichtenthal W, Sjoberg D, Cassileth BR. Pilot randomized controlled trial of individual meaning-centered psychotherapy for patients with advanced cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 30: 1304-9. PMID 22370330 DOI: 10.1200/Jco.2011.36.2517  0.793
2011 Rosenfeld B, Pessin H, Lewis C, Abbey J, Olden M, Sachs E, Amakawa L, Kolva E, Brescia R, Breitbart W. Assessing hopelessness in terminally ill cancer patients: development of the Hopelessness Assessment in Illness Questionnaire. Psychological Assessment. 23: 325-36. PMID 21443366 DOI: 10.1037/A0021767  0.626
2010 Breitbart W, Rosenfeld B, Gibson C, Pessin H, Poppito S, Nelson C, Tomarken A, Timm AK, Berg A, Jacobson C, Sorger B, Abbey J, Olden M. Meaning-centered group psychotherapy for patients with advanced cancer: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Psycho-Oncology. 19: 21-8. PMID 19274623 DOI: 10.1002/Pon.1556  0.601
2006 Abbey JG, Rosenfeld B, Pessin H, Breitbart W. Hopelessness at the end of life: the utility of the hopelessness scale with terminally ill cancer patients. British Journal of Health Psychology. 11: 173-83. PMID 16643692 DOI: 10.1348/135910705X36749  0.671
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