Paul E. Smaldino, Ph.D. - Publications

2011 Psychology University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
Behavioral Sciences Psychology, Social Structure and Development, Evolution and Development Biology

48 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Burghardt GM, Pellis SM, Schank JC, Smaldino PE, Vanderschuren LJMJ, Palagi E. Animal play and evolution: Seven timely research issues about enigmatic phenomena. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 160: 105617. PMID 38458553 DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2024.105617  0.651
2023 Moser C, Smaldino PE. Innovation-facilitating networks create inequality. Proceedings. Biological Sciences. 290: 20232281. PMID 37989247 DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2023.2281  0.754
2023 Smaldino PE, McElreath R. Correction to: 'The natural selection of bad science' (2016) by Paul E. Smaldino and Richard McElreath. Royal Society Open Science. 10: rsos231026. PMID 37680497 DOI: 10.1098/rsos.231026  0.665
2023 Turner MA, Moya C, Smaldino PE, Jones JH. The form of uncertainty affects selection for social learning. Evolutionary Human Sciences. 5: e20. PMID 37587949 DOI: 10.1017/ehs.2023.11  0.491
2023 Smaldino PE, Moser C, Pérez Velilla A, Werling M. Maintaining Transient Diversity Is a General Principle for Improving Collective Problem Solving. Perspectives On Psychological Science : a Journal of the Association For Psychological Science. 17456916231180100. PMID 37369100 DOI: 10.1177/17456916231180100  0.759
2023 Kohrt F, Smaldino PE, McElreath R, Schönbrodt F. Replication of the natural selection of bad science. Royal Society Open Science. 10: 221306. PMID 36844805 DOI: 10.1098/rsos.221306  0.676
2022 Velilla AP, Moser CJ, Smaldino PE. Hidden clusters beyond ethnic boundaries. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 45: e178. PMID 36098419 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X21001709  0.743
2022 Moser C, Smaldino PE. Organizational Development as Generative Entrenchment. Entropy (Basel, Switzerland). 24. PMID 35885102 DOI: 10.3390/e24070879  0.759
2022 Turner MA, Smaldino PE. Mechanistic modeling for the masses. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 45: e33. PMID 35139944 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X2100039X  0.491
2021 Smaldino PE, Turner MA. Covert signaling is an adaptive communication strategy in diverse populations. Psychological Review. PMID 34968133 DOI: 10.1037/rev0000344  0.502
2021 Moser C, Ackerman J, Dayer A, Proksch S, Smaldino PE. Why don't cockatoos have war songs? The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 44: e108. PMID 34588042 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X20001223  0.76
2020 Smaldino PE. Evolutionary social science needs programmatic training in how models work Evolution and Human Behavior. 41: 460-461. DOI: 10.1016/J.Evolhumbehav.2020.06.004  0.303
2019 Smaldino PE, Turner MA, Contreras Kallens PA. Correction to 'Open science and modified funding lotteries can impede the natural selection of bad science'. Royal Society Open Science. 6: 191249. PMID 31543978 DOI: 10.1098/Rsos.191249  0.521
2019 Smaldino PE, Lukaszewski A, von Rueden C, Gurven M. Niche diversity can explain cross-cultural differences in personality structure. Nature Human Behaviour. PMID 31527682 DOI: 10.1038/S41562-019-0730-3  0.41
2019 Smaldino PE, Turner MA, Contreras Kallens PA. Open science and modified funding lotteries can impede the natural selection of bad science. Royal Society Open Science. 6: 190194. PMID 31417725 DOI: 10.1098/Rsos.190194  0.565
2019 Smaldino PE. A Modeling Approach that Integrates Individual Behavior, Social Networks, and Cross-Cultural Variation. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. PMID 31378450 DOI: 10.1016/J.Tics.2019.07.005  0.374
2019 Lukaszewski A, Gurven M, von Rueden CR, Smaldino P. Toward Integration of the Niche Diversity Hypothesis With Other Explanations for Personality Covariation: Reply to Međedović's (2019) Commentary on Lukaszewski et al. (2017) Social Psychological and Personality Science. 11: 574-576. DOI: 10.1177/1948550619873679  0.382
2019 Smaldino PE, Palagi E, Burghardt GM, Pellis SM. The evolution of two types of play Behavioral Ecology. 30: 1388-1397. DOI: 10.1093/Beheco/Arz090  0.338
2018 Smaldino PE, Aplin LM, Farine DR. Sigmoidal Acquisition Curves Are Good Indicators of Conformist Transmission. Scientific Reports. 8: 14015. PMID 30228351 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-018-30248-5  0.358
2018 Smaldino PE, Flamson TJ, McElreath R. The Evolution of Covert Signaling. Scientific Reports. 8: 4905. PMID 29559650 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-018-22926-1  0.713
2018 Marriott C, Borg JM, Andras P, Smaldino PE. Social Learning and Cultural Evolution in Artificial Life. Artificial Life. 5-9. PMID 29369716 DOI: 10.1162/Artl_A_00250  0.353
2018 Turner MA, Smaldino PE. Paths to Polarization: How Extreme Views, Miscommunication, and Random Chance Drive Opinion Dynamics Complexity. 2018: 1-17. DOI: 10.1155/2018/2740959  0.316
2018 SMALDINO PE, D'SOUZA RM, MAOZ Z. Resilience by structural entrenchment: Dynamics of single-layer and multiplex networks following sudden changes to tie costs Network Science. 6: 157-175. DOI: 10.1017/Nws.2017.35  0.631
2018 Contreras Kallens PA, Dale R, Smaldino PE. Cultural evolution of categorization Cognitive Systems Research. 52: 765-774. DOI: 10.1016/J.Cogsys.2018.08.026  0.382
2017 Smaldino PE. Social identity and cooperation in cultural evolution. Behavioural Processes. PMID 29223462 DOI: 10.1016/J.Beproc.2017.11.015  0.384
2017 Waring TM, Goff SH, Smaldino PE. The coevolution of economic institutions and sustainable consumption via cultural group selection Ecological Economics. 131: 524-532. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ecolecon.2016.09.022  0.42
2016 Smaldino PE, McElreath R. The natural selection of bad science. Royal Society Open Science. 3: 160384. PMID 27703703 DOI: 10.1098/Rsos.160384  0.722
2016 Richerson P, Baldini R, Bell AV, Demps K, Frost K, Hillis V, Mathew S, Newton EK, Naar N, Newson L, Ross C, Smaldino PE, Waring TM, Zefferman M. Cultural group selection follows Darwin's classic syllogism for the operation of selection. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 39: e58. PMID 27561598 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X15000606  0.396
2016 Makowsky MD, Smaldino PE. The evolution of power and the divergence of cooperative norms Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 126: 75-88. DOI: 10.2139/Ssrn.2407245  0.407
2016 Smaldino PE, Janssen MA, Hillis V, Bednar J. Adoption as a social marker: Innovation diffusion with outgroup aversion The Journal of Mathematical Sociology. 41: 26-45. DOI: 10.1080/0022250X.2016.1250083  0.411
2015 McElreath R, Smaldino PE. Replication, Communication, and the Population Dynamics of Scientific Discovery. Plos One. 10: e0136088. PMID 26308448 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0136088  0.719
2015 Schank JC, Smaldino PE, Miller ML. Evolution of fairness in the dictator game by multilevel selection. Journal of Theoretical Biology. PMID 26141644 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jtbi.2015.06.031  0.697
2015 Smaldino PE, Epstein JM. Social conformity despite individual preferences for distinctiveness. Royal Society Open Science. 2: 140437. PMID 26064615 DOI: 10.1098/Rsos.140437  0.593
2015 Smaldino PE, Calanchini J, Pickett CL. Theory development with agent-based models Organizational Psychology Review. 5: 300-317. DOI: 10.1177/2041386614546944  0.379
2014 Richerson P, Baldini R, Bell A, Demps K, Frost K, Hillis V, Mathew S, Newton E, Narr N, Newson L, Ross C, Smaldino P, Waring T, Zefferman M. Cultural Group Selection Plays an Essential Role in Explaining Human Cooperation: A Sketch of the Evidence. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 1-71. PMID 25347943 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X1400106X  0.425
2014 Smaldino PE, Waring TM. Let the social sciences evolve. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 37: 437. PMID 25162883 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X13003282  0.369
2014 Smaldino PE. Group-level traits emerge. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 37: 281-95. PMID 25101360 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X13003531  0.377
2014 Smaldino PE. The cultural evolution of emergent group-level traits. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 37: 243-54. PMID 24970399 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X13001544  0.444
2014 Smaldino PE, Lubell M. Institutions and cooperation in an ecology of games. Artificial Life. 20: 207-21. PMID 24494613 DOI: 10.1162/Artl_A_00126  0.424
2013 Smaldino PE, Newson L, Schank JC, Richerson PJ. Simulating the evolution of the human family: Cooperative breeding increases in harsh environments Plos One. 8. PMID 24278318 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0080753  0.717
2013 Smaldino PE. Cooperation in Harsh Environments and the Emergence of Spatial Patterns. Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals. 58. PMID 24277977 DOI: 10.1016/J.Chaos.2013.05.010  0.323
2013 Smaldino PE, Schank JC, McElreath R. Increased costs of cooperation help cooperators in the long run. The American Naturalist. 181: 451-63. PMID 23535611 DOI: 10.1086/669615  0.751
2012 Smaldino PE, Schank JC. Movement patterns, social dynamics, and the evolution of cooperation. Theoretical Population Biology. 82: 48-58. PMID 22838026 DOI: 10.1016/J.Tpb.2012.03.004  0.685
2012 Smaldino PE, Schank JC. Invariants of human emotion. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 35: 164. PMID 22617673 DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X11001609  0.614
2012 Smaldino PE, Richerson PJ. The origins of options. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 6: 50. PMID 22514515 DOI: 10.3389/Fnins.2012.00050  0.357
2012 Smaldino P, Pickett C, Sherman J, Schank J. An Agent-Based Model of Social Identity Dynamics Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation. 15. DOI: 10.18564/Jasss.2030  0.685
2012 Smaldino PE, Schank JC. Human mate choice is a complex system Complexity. 17: 11-22. DOI: 10.1002/Cplx.21382  0.69
2011 Smaldino PE, Lubell M. An institutional mechanism for assortment in an ecology of games. Plos One. 6: e23019. PMID 21850249 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0023019  0.386
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