Robert C. MacCallum, Ph.D. - Publications

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
Quantitative Psychology

42 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2017 Lee T, MacCallum RC, Browne MW. Fungible Parameter Estimates in Structural Equation Modeling. Psychological Methods. PMID 28414480 DOI: 10.1037/met0000130  0.629
2015 Lee T, MacCallum RC. Parameter Influence in Structural Equation Modeling Structural Equation Modeling. 22: 102-114. DOI: 10.1080/10705511.2014.935255  0.645
2012 MacCallum RC, Edwards MC, Cai L. Hopes and cautions in implementing Bayesian structural equation modeling. Psychological Methods. 17: 340-5; discussion 34. PMID 22962888 DOI: 10.1037/A0027131  0.484
2011 Pek J, MacCallum RC. Sensitivity Analysis in Structural Equation Models: Cases and Their Influence. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 46: 202-28. PMID 26741328 DOI: 10.1080/00273171.2011.561068  0.613
2011 Pek J, MacCallum RC. Sensitivity analysis in structural equation models: Cases and their influence Multivariate Behavioral Research. 46: 202-228. DOI: 10.1080/00273171.2011.561068  0.586
2010 Pek J, MacCallum RC. Abstract: Case Diagnostics in Structural Equation Models: Illustrations and Issues. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 45: 1030. PMID 26760735 DOI: 10.1080/00273171.2010.534382  0.58
2008 Lee T, MacCallum R. Abstract: Parameter Influence In Structural Equation Models. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 43: 656-7. PMID 26771432 DOI: 10.1080/00273170802640491  0.649
2006 MacCallum RC, Browne MW, Cai L. Testing differences between nested covariance structure models: Power analysis and null hypotheses. Psychological Methods. 11: 19-35. PMID 16594765 DOI: 10.1037/1082-989X.11.1.19  0.451
2005 Coffman DL, MacCallum RC. Using Parcels to Convert Path Analysis Models Into Latent Variable Models. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 40: 235-59. PMID 26760108 DOI: 10.1207/S15327906Mbr4002_4  0.626
2005 Preacher KJ, Rucker DD, MacCallum RC, Nicewander WA. Use of the extreme groups approach: a critical reexamination and new recommendations. Psychological Methods. 10: 178-92. PMID 15998176 DOI: 10.1037/1082-989X.10.2.178  0.587
2005 Coffman DL, MacCallum RC. Using parcels to convert path analysis models into latent variable models Multivariate Behavioral Research. 40: 235-259. DOI: 10.1207/s15327906mbr4002_4  0.604
2003 MacCallum RC. 2001 Presidential Address: Working with Imperfect Models. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 38: 113-39. PMID 26771126 DOI: 10.1207/S15327906Mbr3801_5  0.443
2003 Briggs NE, MacCallum RC. Recovery of Weak Common Factors by Maximum Likelihood and Ordinary Least Squares Estimation. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 38: 25-56. PMID 26771123 DOI: 10.1207/S15327906Mbr3801_2  0.352
2003 Kiecolt-Glaser JK, Preacher KJ, MacCallum RC, Atkinson C, Malarkey WB, Glaser R. Chronic stress and age-related increases in the proinflammatory cytokine IL-6. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100: 9090-5. PMID 12840146 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1531903100  0.542
2003 Preacher KJ, MacCallum RC. Repairing Tom Swift's Electric Factor Analysis Machine Understanding Statistics. 2: 13-43. DOI: 10.1207/S15328031Us0201_02  0.597
2002 Browne MW, MacCallum RC, Kim CT, Andersen BL, Glaser R. When fit indices and residuals are incompatible. Psychological Methods. 7: 403-21. PMID 12530701 DOI: 10.1037/1082-989X.7.4.403  0.547
2002 MacCallum RC, Browne MW, Preacher KJ. Comments on the Meehl-Waller (2002) procedure for appraisal of path analysis models. Psychological Methods. 7: 301-6; discussion 32. PMID 12243301 DOI: 10.1037/1082-989X.7.3.301  0.641
2002 Preacher KJ, MacCallum RC. Exploratory factor analysis in behavior genetics research: factor recovery with small sample sizes. Behavior Genetics. 32: 153-61. PMID 12036113 DOI: 10.1023/A:1015210025234  0.615
2002 MacCallum RC, Zhang S, Preacher KJ, Rucker DD. On the practice of dichotomization of quantitative variables. Psychological Methods. 7: 19-40. PMID 11928888 DOI: 10.1037/1082-989X.7.1.19  0.658
2001 MacCallum RC, Widaman KF, Preacher KJ, Hong S. Sample Size in Factor Analysis: The Role of Model Error. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 36: 611-37. PMID 26822184 DOI: 10.1207/S15327906Mbr3604_06  0.669
2001 Robinson-Whelen S, Tada Y, MacCallum RC, McGuire L, Kiecolt-Glaser JK. Long-term caregiving: what happens when it ends? Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 110: 573-84. PMID 11727947 DOI: 10.1037//0021-843X.110.4.573  0.485
2001 MacCallum RC, Widaman KF, Preacher KJ, Hong S. Sample size in factor analysis: The role of model error Multivariate Behavioral Research. 36: 611-637. DOI: 10.1037/1082-989X.4.1.84  0.519
2000 MacCallum RC, Austin JT. Applications of structural equation modeling in psychological research. Annual Review of Psychology. 51: 201-26. PMID 10751970 DOI: 10.1146/Annurev.Psych.51.1.201  0.334
1999 Fabrigar LR, MacCallum RC, Wegener DT, Strahan EJ. Evaluating the use of exploratory factor analysis in psychological research Psychological Methods. 4: 272-299. DOI: 10.1037/1082-989X.4.3.272  0.314
1997 MacCallum RC, Hong S. Power Analysis in Covariance Structure Modeling Using GFI and AGFI. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 32: 193-210. PMID 26788758 DOI: 10.1207/S15327906Mbr3202_5  0.524
1997 MacCallum RC, Kim C, Malarkey WB, Kiecolt-Glaser JK. Studying Multivariate Change Using Multilevel Models and Latent Curve Models. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 32: 215-53. PMID 26761610 DOI: 10.1207/S15327906Mbr3203_1  0.564
1997 Robinson-Whelen S, Kim C, MacCallum RC, Kiecolt-Glaser JK. Distinguishing optimism from pessimism in older adults: is it more important to be optimistic or not to be pessimistic? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 73: 1345-53. PMID 9418282 DOI: 10.1037//0022-3514.73.6.1345  0.461
1997 Kiecolt-Glaser JK, Glaser R, Cacioppo JT, MacCallum RC, Snydersmith M, Kim C, Malarkey WB. Marital conflict in older adults: endocrinological and immunological correlates. Psychosomatic Medicine. 59: 339-49. PMID 9251151 DOI: 10.1097/00006842-199707000-00001  0.464
1997 MacCallum RC, Hong S. Power analysis in covariance structure modeling using GFI and AGFI Multivariate Behavioral Research. 32: 193-210.  0.456
1996 MacCallum RC, Browne MW, Sugawara HM. Power analysis and determination of sample size for covariance structure modeling Psychological Methods. 1: 130-149. DOI: 10.1037/1082-989X.1.2.130  0.39
1994 MacCallum RC, Roznowski M, Mar CM, Reith JV. Alternative Strategies for Cross-Validation of Covariance Structure Models. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 29: 1-32. PMID 26771552 DOI: 10.1207/S15327906Mbr2901_1  0.409
1993 MacCallum RC, Wegener DT, Uchino BN, Fabrigar LR. The problem of equivalent models in applications of covariance structure analysis. Psychological Bulletin. 114: 185-99. PMID 8346326 DOI: 10.1037/0033-2909.114.1.185  0.41
1993 MacCallum RC, Browne MW. The use of causal indicators in covariance structure models: some practical issues. Psychological Bulletin. 114: 533-41. PMID 8272469 DOI: 10.1037/0033-2909.114.3.533  0.432
1993 Sugawara HM, MacCallum RC. Effect of Estimation Method on Incremental Fit Indexes for Covariance Structure Models Applied Psychological Measurement. 17: 365-377. DOI: 10.1177/014662169301700405  0.407
1992 MacCallum RC, Roznowski M, Necowitz LB. Model modifications in covariance structure analysis: the problem of capitalization on chance. Psychological Bulletin. 111: 490-504. PMID 16250105 DOI: 10.1037/0033-2909.111.3.490  0.431
1991 MacCallum RC, Tucker LR. Representing sources of error in the common-factor model: Implications for theory and practice Psychological Bulletin. 109: 502-511. DOI: 10.1037/0033-2909.109.3.502  0.461
1990 MacCallum RC. The Need for Alternative Measures of Fit in Covariance Structure Modeling Multivariate Behavioral Research. 25: 157-162. DOI: 10.1207/S15327906Mbr2502_2  0.388
1986 MacCallum R. Specification Searches in Covariance Structure Modeling Psychological Bulletin. 100: 107-120. DOI: 10.1037/0033-2909.100.1.107  0.353
1979 MacCallum RC, Cornelius ET, Champney T. Validity and Cross-Validity of Metric and Nonmetric Multiple Regression Applied Psychological Measurement. 3: 463-468. DOI: 10.1177/014662167900300404  0.41
1979 MacCallum RC. Recovery of structure in incomplete data by alscal Psychometrika. 44: 69-74. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02293785  0.3
1976 MacCallum RC. Effects on indscal of non-orthogonal perceptions of object space dimensions Psychometrika. 41: 177-188. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02291837  0.322
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