Stephen J. Karlik - Publications

The University of Western Ontario (Canada) 
Neuroscience Biology

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Year Citation  Score
2012 Bowie LE, Roscoe WA, Lui EM, Smith R, Karlik SJ. Effects of an aqueous extract of North American ginseng on MOG(35-55)-induced EAE in mice. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 90: 933-9. PMID 22720838 DOI: 10.1139/Y2012-092  0.351
2012 Karlik SJ, Roscoe WA, Patinote C, Contino-Pepin C. Targeting vascular changes in lesions in multiple sclerosis and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Central Nervous System Agents in Medicinal Chemistry. 12: 7-14. PMID 22280405 DOI: 10.2174/187152412800229125  0.355
2010 Contino-Pépin C, Parat A, Patinote C, Roscoe WA, Karlik SJ, Pucci B. Thalidomide derivatives for the treatment of neuroinflammation. Chemmedchem. 5: 2057-64. PMID 20936622 DOI: 10.1002/Cmdc.201000326  0.314
2009 Roscoe WA, Welsh ME, Carter DE, Karlik SJ. VEGF and angiogenesis in acute and chronic MOG(35-55) peptide induced EAE Journal of Neuroimmunology. 209: 6-15. PMID 19233483 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jneuroim.2009.01.009  0.354
2007 Oweida AJ, Dunn EA, Karlik SJ, Dekaban GA, Foster PJ. Iron-oxide labeling of hematogenous macrophages in a model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and the contribution to signal loss in fast imaging employing steady state acquisition (FIESTA) images. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging : Jmri. 26: 144-51. PMID 17659552 DOI: 10.1002/Jmri.21005  0.347
2007 Karlik SJ, Bartha R, Kennedy K, Chhem R. MRI and multinuclear MR spectroscopy of 3,200-year-old Egyptian mummy brain. Ajr. American Journal of Roentgenology. 189: W105-10. PMID 17646432 DOI: 10.2214/Ajr.07.2087  0.331
2007 Roscoe WA, Messersmith E, Meyer-Franke A, Wipke B, Karlik SJ. Connexin 43 gap junction proteins are up-regulated in remyelinating spinal cord. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 85: 945-53. PMID 17279545 DOI: 10.1002/Jnr.21194  0.379
2005 Piraino PS, Yednock TA, Messersmith EK, Pleiss MA, Freedman SB, Hammond RR, Karlik SJ. Spontaneous remyelination following prolonged inhibition of alpha4 integrin in chronic EAE. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 167: 53-63. PMID 16095724 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jneuroim.2005.06.018  0.333
2005 Cook LL, Foster PJ, Karlik SJ. Pathology-guided MR analysis of acute and chronic experimental allergic encephalomyelitis spinal cord lesions at 1.5T. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging : Jmri. 22: 180-8. PMID 16028251 DOI: 10.1002/Jmri.20368  0.652
2005 Erskine MK, Cook LL, Riddle KE, Mitchell JR, Karlik SJ. Resolution-dependent estimates of multiple sclerosis lesion loads. The Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. Le Journal Canadien Des Sciences Neurologiques. 32: 205-12. PMID 16018156 DOI: 10.1017/S031716710000398X  0.649
2004 Cook LL, Foster PJ, Mitchell JR, Karlik SJ. In vivo 4.0-T magnetic resonance investigation of spinal cord inflammation, demyelination, and axonal damage in chronic-progressive experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging : Jmri. 20: 563-71. PMID 15390226 DOI: 10.1002/Jmri.20171  0.669
2004 Kirk S, Frank JA, Karlik S. Angiogenesis in multiple sclerosis: Is it good, bad or an epiphenomenon? Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 217: 125-130. PMID 14706213 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jns.2003.10.016  0.353
2002 Piraino PS, Yednock TA, Freedman SB, Messersmith EK, Pleiss MA, Vandevert C, Thorsett ED, Karlik SJ. Prolonged reversal of chronic experimental allergic encephalomyelitis using a small molecule inhibitor of alpha4 integrin. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 131: 147-59. PMID 12458046 DOI: 10.1016/S0165-5728(02)00273-4  0.359
2000 Gareau PJ, Rutt BK, Karlik SJ, Mitchell JR. Magnetization transfer and multicomponent T2 relaxation measurements with histopathologic correlation in an experimental model of MS. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging : Jmri. 11: 586-95. PMID 10862056 DOI: 10.1002/1522-2586(200006)11:6<586::Aid-Jmri3>3.0.Co;2-V  0.421
2000 Gareau PJ, Rutt BK, Bowen CV, Karlik SJ, Mitchell JR. In vivo measurements of multi-component T2 relaxation behaviour in guinea pig brain. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 17: 1319-25. PMID 10576717 DOI: 10.1016/S0730-725X(99)00064-8  0.395
1999 Moore JA, Rutt BK, Karlik SJ, Yin K, Ethier CR. Computational blood flow modeling based on in vivo measurements. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 27: 627-40. PMID 10548332 DOI: 10.1114/1.221  0.337
1999 Karlik SJ, Munoz D, St Louis J, Strejan G. Correlation between MRI and clinico-pathological manifestations in Lewis rats protected from experimental allergic encephalomyelitis by acylated synthetic peptide of myelin basic protein. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 17: 731-7. PMID 10372527 DOI: 10.1016/S0730-725X(98)00216-1  0.319
1997 Mitchell JR, Jones C, Karlik SJ, Kennedy K, Lee DH, Rutt B, Fenster A. MR multispectral analysis of multiple sclerosis lesions. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging : Jmri. 7: 499-511. PMID 9170034 DOI: 10.1002/Jmri.1880070309  0.395
1996 Chin JL, Kadhim SA, Batislam E, Karlik SJ, Garcia BM, Nickel JC, Morales A. Mycobacterium cell wall: an alternative to intravesical bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) therapy in orthotopic murine bladder cancer. The Journal of Urology. 156: 1189-93. PMID 8709344 DOI: 10.1016/S0022-5347(01)65748-3  0.302
1996 Mitchell JR, Karlik SJ, Lee DH, Eliasziw M, Rice GP, Fenster A. The variability of manual and computer assisted quantification of multiple sclerosis lesion volumes. Medical Physics. 23: 85-97. PMID 8700036 DOI: 10.1118/1.597685  0.38
1996 Mitchell JR, Karlik SJ, Lee DH, Eliasziw M, Rice GP, Fenster A. Quantification of multiple sclerosis lesion volumes in 1.5 and 0.5 T anisotropically filtered and unfiltered MR exams. Medical Physics. 23: 115-26. PMID 8700022 DOI: 10.1118/1.597689  0.359
1995 Kent SJ, Karlik SJ, Rice GP, Horner HC. A monoclonal antibody to alpha 4-integrin reverses the MR-detectable signs of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in the guinea pig. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging : Jmri. 5: 535-40. PMID 8574037 DOI: 10.1002/Jmri.1880050510  0.433
1995 Kent SJ, Karlik SJ, Cannon C, Hines DK, Yednock TA, Fritz LC, Horner HC. A monoclonal antibody to alpha 4 integrin suppresses and reverses active experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 58: 1-10. PMID 7730443 DOI: 10.1016/0165-5728(94)00165-K  0.313
1994 Mitchell JR, Karlik SJ, Lee DH, Fenster A. Computer-assisted identification and quantification of multiple sclerosis lesions in MR imaging volumes in the brain. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging : Jmri. 4: 197-208. PMID 8180461 DOI: 10.1002/Jmri.1880040218  0.426
1994 Hamilton GS, Kennedy TG, Karlik SJ. Early identification of sites of embryo implantation in rats by means of gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging : Jmri. 4: 481-4. PMID 8061452 DOI: 10.1002/Jmri.1880040340  0.341
1993 Karlik SJ, Grant EA, Lee D, Noseworthy JH. Gadolinium enhancement in acute and chronic-progressive experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in the guinea pig. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 30: 326-31. PMID 8412603 DOI: 10.1002/mrm.1910300308  0.376
1993 Hamilton GS, Kennedy TG, Norley CJ, Karlik SJ. Gadolinium-DTPA enhanced MRI demonstrates uterine vascular changes associated with artificially induced decidualization and ovoimplantation in rats. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 29: 817-21. PMID 8350726 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910290615  0.361
1993 Stavraky RT, Grant CWM, Barber KR, Karlik SJ. Baseline consideration of liposomal contrast agent. CNS transport by macrophages in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 11: 685-689. PMID 8345783 DOI: 10.1016/0730-725X(93)90010-B  0.385
1992 Wiebe S, Lee DH, Karlik SJ, Hopkins M, Vandervoort MK, Wong CJ, Hewitt L, Rice GP, Ebers GC, Noseworthy JH. Serial cranial and spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging in multiple sclerosis. Annals of Neurology. 32: 643-50. PMID 1449244 DOI: 10.1002/ana.410320507  0.301
1991 Chin J, Kadhim S, Garcia B, Kim YS, Karlik S. Magnetic resonance imaging for detecting and treatment monitoring of orthotopic murine bladder tumor implants. The Journal of Urology. 145: 1297-301. PMID 2033720 DOI: 10.1016/S0022-5347(17)38618-4  0.321
1991 Karlik SJ, Stavraky RT, Taylor AW, Fox AJ, McLachlan RS. Magnetic resonance imaging and 31P spectroscopy of an interictal cortical spike focus in the rat. Epilepsia. 32: 446-53. PMID 1868802 DOI: 10.1111/J.1528-1157.1991.Tb04676.X  0.397
1990 Karlik SJ, Gilbert JJ, Wong C, Vandervoort MK, Noseworthy JH. NMR studies in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: factors which contribute to T1 and T2 values. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 14: 1-11. PMID 1693744 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910140102  0.427
1990 Lownie S, Wu X, Karlik S, Gelb A. Brain Retractor Edema during Induced Hypotension: The Effect of the Rate of Return of Blood Pressure Neurosurgery. 27: 901-906. DOI: 10.1227/00006123-199012000-00007  0.328
1989 Grant CW, Karlik S, Florio E. A liposomal MRI contrast agent: phosphatidylethanolamine-DTPA. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 11: 236-43. PMID 2779414 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910110211  0.309
1989 Karlik SJ, Wong C, Gilbert JJ, Noseworthy JH. NMR studies in the relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) model of multiple sclerosis in the strain 13 guinea pig. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 7: 463-73. PMID 2481798 DOI: 10.1016/0730-725X(89)90401-3  0.447
1988 Karlik SJ, Heatherley T, Pavan F, Stein J, Lebron F, Rutt B, Carey L, Wexler R, Gelb A. Patient anesthesia and monitoring at a 1.5-T MRI installation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 7: 210-21. PMID 3398768 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910070209  0.314
1988 Noseworthy JH, Gilbert JJ, Vandervoort MK, Karlik SJ. Postnatal NMR changes in guinea pig central nervous system: potential relevance to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 6: 199-211. PMID 3367777 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910060208  0.45
1987 O'Brien JT, Noseworthy JH, Gilbert JJ, Karlik SJ. NMR changes in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: NMR changes precede clinical and pathological events. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 5: 109-17. PMID 3657500 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910050203  0.454
1987 Pelz DM, Karlik SJ, Fox AJ, Viñuela F. Magnetic resonance imaging in Down's syndrome. The Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. Le Journal Canadien Des Sciences Neurologiques. 13: 566-9. PMID 2947670 DOI: 10.1017/S0317167100037318  0.383
1986 Karlik SJ, Strejan G, Gilbert JJ, Noseworthy JH. NMR studies in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE): normalization of T1 and T2 with parenchymal cellular infiltration. Neurology. 36: 1112-4. PMID 3736878 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.36.8.1112  0.424
1986 Chin JL, Stiller CR, Karlik SJ. Nuclear magnetic resonance assessment of renal perfusion and preservation for transplantation. The Journal of Urology. 136: 1351-5. PMID 3534321 DOI: 10.1016/S0022-5347(17)45336-5  0.338
1986 Karlik SJ. Common pharmaceuticals alter tissue proton NMR relaxation properties. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 3: 181-93. PMID 2872572 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910030202  0.368
1986 Vinitski S, Pearson MG, Karlik SJ, Morgan WK, Carey LS, Perkins G, Goto T, Befus D. Differentiation of parenchymal lung disorders with in vitro proton nuclear magnetic resonance. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 3: 120-5. PMID 2421131 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910030117  0.335
Low-probability matches (unlikely to be authored by this person)
1999 Gareau PJ, Gati JS, Menon RS, Lee D, Rice G, Mitchell JR, Mandelfino P, Karlik SJ. Reduced visual evoked responses in multiple sclerosis patients with optic neuritis: comparison of functional magnetic resonance imaging and visual evoked potentials. Multiple Sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England). 5: 161-4. PMID 10408715 DOI: 10.1177/135245859900500304  0.297
1987 Grant CWM, Barber KR, Florio E, Karlik S. A phospholipid spin label used as a liposome-associated MRI contrast agent Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 5: 371-376. PMID 3683167 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910050409  0.291
1991 Karlik S, Florio E, Grant CW. Comparative evaluation of two membrane-based liposomal MRI contrast agents. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 19: 56-66. PMID 2046538 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910190106  0.291
2009 Contino-Pépin C, Parat A, Périno S, Lenoir C, Vidal M, Galons H, Karlik S, Pucci B. Preliminary biological evaluations of new thalidomide analogues for multiple sclerosis application. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 19: 878-81. PMID 19103485 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bmcl.2008.11.118  0.286
1992 Kadhim SA, Chin JL, Garcia BM, Lala PK, Norley CJ, McLean BA, Karlik SJ. BRM Immunotherapy of Orthotopically Implanted Murine Bladder Tumours: Treatment Response by Monitoring MRI Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases. 3: 143-148. DOI: 10.1155/1992/510914  0.284
1996 Keszthelyi E, Karlik S, Hyduk S, Rice GP, Gordon G, Yednock T, Horner H. Evidence for a prolonged role of alpha 4 integrin throughout active experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Neurology. 47: 1053-9. PMID 8857744 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.47.4.1053  0.279
2006 Piraino PS, Yednock TA, Freedman SB, Messersmith EK, Pleiss MA, Karlik SJ. Suppression of acute experimental allergic encephalomyelitis with a small molecule inhibitor of alpha4 integrin. Multiple Sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England). 11: 683-90. PMID 16320728 DOI: 10.1191/1352458505Ms1223Oa  0.275
1988 McLachlan RS, Karlik SJ, Myles V. Nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry in a penicillin model of focal epilepsy. Epilepsia. 29: 396-400. PMID 3134190 DOI: 10.1111/j.1528-1157.1988.tb03737.x  0.275
2004 Kirk SL, Karlik SJ. VEGF and vascular changes in chronic neuroinflammation. Journal of Autoimmunity. 21: 353-63. PMID 14624758 DOI: 10.1016/S0896-8411(03)00139-2  0.264
1991 Lee DH, Simon JH, Szumowski J, Feasby TE, Karlik SJ, Fox AJ, Pelz DM. Optic neuritis and orbital lesions: lipid-suppressed chemical shift MR imaging. Radiology. 179: 543-6. PMID 2014308 DOI: 10.1148/radiology.179.2.2014308  0.258
1992 Trevithick JR, Xiong H, Lee S, Shum DT, Sanford SE, Karlik SJ, Norley C, Dilworth GR. Topical tocopherol acetate reduces post-UVB, sunburn-associated erythema, edema, and skin sensitivity in hairless mice. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 296: 575-82. PMID 1632644 DOI: 10.1016/0003-9861(92)90613-2  0.25
1996 Karlik SJ, Hyduk S, Horner H. Apoptosis throughout chronic EAE Multiple Sclerosis Journal. 2: 249-249. DOI: 10.1177/135245859600200511  0.242
2009 Fanous R, Leung A, Karlik S. Quantitative assessment of the superior sagittal sinus on unenhanced computed tomography. European Journal of Radiology. 75: 336-42. PMID 19473800 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ejrad.2009.04.068  0.242
1998 Hyduk SJ, Karlik SJ. Apoptotic cells are present in the CNS throughout acute and chronic-progressive EAE in the absence of clinical recovery. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology. 57: 602-14. PMID 9630239 DOI: 10.1097/00005072-199806000-00007  0.221
2003 Karlik SJ. Exploring and summarizing radiologic data. Ajr. American Journal of Roentgenology. 180: 47-54. PMID 12490475 DOI: 10.2214/Ajr.180.1.1800047  0.214
2020 Robinson AP, Zhang JZ, Titus HE, Karl M, Merzliakov M, Dorfman AR, Karlik S, Stewart MG, Watt RK, Facer BD, Facer JD, Christian ND, Ho KS, Hotchkin MT, Mortenson MG, et al. Nanocatalytic activity of clean-surfaced, faceted nanocrystalline gold enhances remyelination in animal models of multiple sclerosis. Scientific Reports. 10: 1936. PMID 32041968 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-020-58709-W  0.202
2003 Karlik SJ. Visualizing radiologic data. Ajr. American Journal of Roentgenology. 180: 607-19. PMID 12591662 DOI: 10.2214/Ajr.180.3.1800607  0.196
1991 Weinshenker BG, Bass B, Karlik S, Ebers GC, Rice GP. An open trial of OKT3 in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neurology. 41: 1047-52. PMID 1906145 DOI: 10.1212/WNL.41.7.1047  0.182
2007 Roscoe WA, Kidder GM, Karlik SJ. Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis in connexin 43-heterozygous mice. Cell Communication & Adhesion. 14: 57-73. PMID 17668350 DOI: 10.1080/15419060701459569  0.181
1992 Williamson P, Pelz D, Merskey H, Morrison S, Karlik S, Drost D, Carr T, Conlon P. Frontal, temporal, and striatal proton relaxation times in schizophrenic patients and normal comparison subjects. The American Journal of Psychiatry. 149: 549-51. PMID 1554045 DOI: 10.1176/ajp.149.4.549  0.179
2007 Karlik SJ. Gadodiamide-associated nephrogenic systemic fibrosis. Ajr. American Journal of Roentgenology. 188: W584; author reply W. PMID 17515359 DOI: 10.2214/Ajr.07.0177  0.177
2001 Karlik SJ. How to develop and critique a research protocol. Ajr. American Journal of Roentgenology. 176: 1375-80. PMID 11373195 DOI: 10.2214/Ajr.176.6.1761375  0.177
1998 Karlik S, Hyduk S. Apoptotic cells are present in the CNS throughout chronic progressive EAE in the absence of clinical recovery Journal of Neuroimmunology. 90: 57. DOI: 10.1016/S0165-5728(98)91518-1  0.169
1983 Karlik SJ, Tarien E, Elgavish GA, Eichhorn GL. Aluminum-27 nuclear magnetic resonance study of aluminum(III) interactions with carboxylate ligands Inorganic Chemistry. 22: 525-529. DOI: 10.1021/ic00145a031  0.144
1993 Noseworthy JH, Hopkins MB, Vandervoort MK, Karlik SJ, Lee DH, Penman M, Rice GP, Grinwich KD, Cauvier H, Harris BJ. An open-trial evaluation of mitoxantrone in the treatment of progressive MS. Neurology. 43: 1401-6. PMID 8327145 DOI: 10.1212/WNL.43.7.1401  0.142
1996 Karlik S, Stavraky R, Hall E. Comparison of Tirilazad Mesylate (U-74006F) and Methyl Prednisolone Sodium Succinate Treatments in Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis in the Guinea Pig Multiple Sclerosis Journal. 1: 228-235. DOI: 10.1177/135245859600100408  0.137
1987 Karlik SJ, Noseworthy JH. Apparatus for Percoll microgravimetry determinations in experimental brain edema. Stroke. 18: 661-4. PMID 3590259 DOI: 10.1161/01.STR.18.3.661  0.118
1993 Bach DB, Vellet AD, Karlik SJ, Downey DB, Levin MF, Munk PL. Producing picture-perfect posters. Ajr. American Journal of Roentgenology. 160: 1303-7. PMID 8498238 DOI: 10.2214/ajr.160.6.8498238  0.096
2007 Kennedy K, Dick A, Drangova M, Raval A, Mahoney C, Karlik S, Pflugfelder PW. Magnetic resonance measurements of coronary flow reserve in heart transplant recipients: an exploratory study of the relationship to coronary angiographic findings. Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance : Official Journal of the Society For Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance. 9: 701-7. PMID 17578727 DOI: 10.1080/10976640701198980  0.092
1986 Olutola PS, Hutton L, Karlik S, Henderson AR. Renografin-60 for urography: effect on serum electrolytes and proteins in adults. Ajr. American Journal of Roentgenology. 147: 839-42. PMID 3489393 DOI: 10.2214/ajr.147.4.839  0.074
1994 Struk D, Rankin RN, Karlik SJ. Stability studies on chemoembolization mixtures. Dialysis studies of doxorubicin and lipiodol with Avitene, Gelfoam, and Angiostat. Investigative Radiology. 28: 1024-7. PMID 8276572 DOI: 10.1097/00004424-199311000-00010  0.066
1990 Karlik SJ, Eichhorn GL. Polynucleotide cross-linking by aluminum. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 37: 259-69. PMID 2560791 DOI: 10.1016/0162-0134(89)85001-9  0.051
2001 Beam CA, Blackmore CC, Karlik S, Reinhold C. Editors' introduction to the series American Journal of Roentgenology. 176: 323-325. PMID 11159065 DOI: 10.2214/ajr.176.2.1760323  0.043
1983 KARLIK SJ, ELGAVISH GA, EICHHORN GL. ChemInform Abstract: MULTINUCLEAR NMR STUDIES ON ALUMINUM(III) COMPLEXES OF ATP AND RELATED COMPOUNDS Chemischer Informationsdienst. 14. DOI: 10.1002/chin.198321060  0.04
1983 Karlik SJ, Elgavish GA, Eichhorn GL. Multinuclear NMR studies on aluminum(III) complexes of ATP and related compounds Journal of the American Chemical Society. 105: 602-609. DOI: 10.1021/ja00341a047  0.039
2001 Becker L, Taves D, McCurdy L, Muscedere G, Karlik S, Ward S. Stereotactic core biopsy of breast microcalcifications: Comparison of film versus digital mammography, both using an add-on unit American Journal of Roentgenology. 177: 1451-1457. PMID 11717106 DOI: 10.2214/ajr.177.6.1771451  0.038
1982 Karlik S, Elgavish G, Pillai R, Eichhorn G. Aluminum-27 NMR studies of Al(III)-phosphate complexes in aqueous solution Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969). 49: 164-167. DOI: 10.1016/0022-2364(82)90307-9  0.036
1983 Eichhorn GL, Butzow JJ, Shin YA, Karlik SJ. Changes of biological significance induced by metal ions in the structure of nucleic acids and nucleotides Inorganica Chimica Acta. 79: 307. DOI: 10.1016/S0020-1693(00)95359-3  0.034
1986 Karlik SJ. Trace Metals, Aging and Alzheimer's Disease. September 22-24, 1986, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Canadian Journal On Aging / La Revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement. 5: 291-292. DOI: 10.1017/S0714980800008187  0.03
1980 Karlik SJ, Eichhorn GL, Lewis PN, Crapper DR. Interaction of aluminum species with deoxyribonucleic acid. Biochemistry. 19: 5991-8. PMID 7470444 DOI: 10.1021/bi00567a008  0.028
1997 Kadhim SA, Chin JL, Batislam E, Karlik SJ, Garcia B, Skamene E. Genetically Regulated Response to Intravesical Bacillus Calmette Guerin Immunotherapy of Orthotopic Murine Bladder Tumor Journal of Urology. 158: 646-652. DOI: 10.1016/S0022-5347(01)64576-2  0.021
2002 Karlik SJ, Rankin RN. The cost of angiography procedures: OHIP gets a bargain. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal = Journal L'Association Canadienne Des Radiologistes. 53: 284-92. PMID 12500380  0.01
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