Julia Henschke - Publications

Auditory Learning and Speech Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany 
neuroanatomy, auditory system, multisensory integration, claustrum

10 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2022 Saldeitis K, Jeschke M, Michalek A, Henschke JU, Wetzel W, Ohl FW, Budinger E. Selective interruption of auditory interhemispheric crosstalk impairs discrimination learning of frequency-modulated tone direction but not gap detection and discrimination. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. PMID 35064004 DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0216-21.2022  0.534
2021 Henschke JU, Price AT, Pakan JMP. Enhanced modulation of cell-type specific neuronal responses in mouse dorsal auditory field during locomotion. Cell Calcium. 96: 102390. PMID 33744780 DOI: 10.1016/j.ceca.2021.102390  0.491
2021 El-Tabbal M, Niekisch H, Henschke JU, Budinger E, Frischknecht R, Deliano M, Happel MFK. The extracellular matrix regulates cortical layer dynamics and cross-columnar frequency integration in the auditory cortex. Communications Biology. 4: 322. PMID 33692502 DOI: 10.1038/s42003-021-01837-4  0.686
2020 Henschke JU, Pakan JM. Disynaptic cerebrocerebellar pathways originating from multiple functionally distinct cortical areas. Elife. 9. PMID 32795386 DOI: 10.7554/Elife.59148  0.464
2020 Henschke JU, Dylda E, Katsanevaki D, Dupuy N, Currie SP, Amvrosiadis T, Pakan JMP, Rochefort NL. Reward Association Enhances Stimulus-Specific Representations in Primary Visual Cortex. Current Biology : Cb. PMID 32243857 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cub.2020.03.018  0.391
2019 Macharadze T, Budinger E, Brosch M, Scheich H, Ohl FW, Henschke JU. Early Sensory Loss Alters the Dendritic Branching and Spine Density of Supragranular Pyramidal Neurons in Rodent Primary Sensory Cortices. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 13: 61. PMID 31611778 DOI: 10.3389/Fncir.2019.00061  0.746
2019 Schicknick H, Henschke JU, Budinger E, Ohl FW, Gundelfinger ED, Tischmeyer W. β-adrenergic modulation of discrimination learning and memory in the auditory cortex. The European Journal of Neuroscience. PMID 31162753 DOI: 10.1111/Ejn.14480  0.72
2018 Henschke JU, Ohl FW, Budinger E. Crossmodal Connections of Primary Sensory Cortices Largely Vanish During Normal Aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 10: 52. PMID 29551970 DOI: 10.3389/Fnagi.2018.00052  0.753
2017 Henschke JU, Oelschlegel AM, Angenstein F, Ohl FW, Goldschmidt J, Kanold PO, Budinger E. Early sensory experience influences the development of multisensory thalamocortical and intracortical connections of primary sensory cortices. Brain Structure & Function. PMID 29094306 DOI: 10.1007/S00429-017-1549-1  0.752
2015 Henschke JU, Noesselt T, Scheich H, Budinger E. Possible anatomical pathways for short-latency multisensory integration processes in primary sensory cortices. Brain Structure & Function. 220: 955-77. PMID 24384580 DOI: 10.1007/S00429-013-0694-4  0.725
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