David Shapiro - Publications

Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 

65 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2017 Davydov DM, Naliboff B, Shahabi L, Shapiro D. Asymmetries in reciprocal baroreflex mechanisms and chronic pain severity: Focusing on irritable bowel syndrome. Neurogastroenterology and Motility : the Official Journal of the European Gastrointestinal Motility Society. PMID 28834014 DOI: 10.1111/Nmo.13186  0.656
2016 Davydov DM, Naliboff B, Shahabi L, Shapiro D. Baroreflex mechanisms in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Part I. Traditional indices. Physiology & Behavior. PMID 26836276 DOI: 10.1016/J.Physbeh.2016.01.042  0.656
2014 Ottaviani C, Shahabi L, Tarvainen M, Cook I, Abrams M, Shapiro D. Cognitive, behavioral, and autonomic correlates of mind wandering and perseverative cognition in major depression. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 8: 433. PMID 25601824 DOI: 10.3389/Fnins.2014.00433  0.359
2014 Jain FA, Cook IA, Leuchter AF, Hunter AM, Davydov DM, Ottaviani C, Tartter M, Crump C, Shapiro D. Heart rate variability and treatment outcome in major depression: a pilot study. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 93: 204-10. PMID 24769434 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijpsycho.2014.04.006  0.666
2014 Chang MC, Shapiro D, Joshi A, Shahabi L, Tan S, Smith S, Hui KK, Tillisch K, Mayer EA, Naliboff BD. Stress reactivity in traditional Chinese medicine-based subgroups of patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (New York, N.Y.). 20: 276-83. PMID 24256027 DOI: 10.1089/Acm.2013.0197  0.301
2012 FitzGerald L, Ottaviani C, Goldstein IB, Shapiro D. Effects of dipping and psychological traits on morning surge in blood pressure in healthy people. Journal of Human Hypertension. 26: 228-35. PMID 21471996 DOI: 10.1038/Jhh.2011.34  0.365
2011 Ottaviani C, Shapiro D, Fitzgerald L. Rumination in the laboratory: what happens when you go back to everyday life? Psychophysiology. 48: 453-61. PMID 20846182 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.2010.01122.X  0.414
2011 OTTAVIANI C, SHAPIRO D. Do we need a stressor to be stressed? Insights from cardiac regulation1 Japanese Psychological Research. 53: 155-162. DOI: 10.1111/J.1468-5884.2011.00462.X  0.363
2010 Davydov DM, Shapiro D, Goldstein IB. Relationship of resting baroreflex activity to 24-hour blood pressure and mood in healthy people Journal of Psychophysiology. 24: 149-160. DOI: 10.1027/0269-8803/A000012  0.731
2009 Ottaviani C, Shapiro D, Davydov DM, Goldstein IB, Mills PJ. The autonomic phenotype of rumination. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 72: 267-75. PMID 19272312 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijpsycho.2008.12.014  0.708
2008 Goldstein IB, Shapiro D, Weiss RE. How family history and risk factors for hypertension relate to ambulatory blood pressure in healthy adults. Journal of Hypertension. 26: 276-83. PMID 18192842 DOI: 10.1097/Hjh.0B013E3282F15C27  0.336
2008 Ottaviani C, Shapiro D, Davydov DM, Goldstein IB. Autonomic Stress Response Modes and Ambulatory Heart Rate Level and Variability Journal of Psychophysiology. 22: 28-40. DOI: 10.1027/0269-8803.22.1.28  0.693
2007 Shapiro D, Cook IA, Davydov DM, Ottaviani C, Leuchter AF, Abrams M. Yoga as a complementary treatment of depression: effects of traits and moods on treatment outcome. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : Ecam. 4: 493-502. PMID 18227917 DOI: 10.1093/ecam/nel114  0.653
2007 Ottaviani C, Shapiro D, Goldstein IB, Mills PJ. Vascular profile, delayed recovery, inflammatory process, and ambulatory blood pressure: laboratory-to-life generalizability. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 66: 56-65. PMID 17610973 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijpsycho.2007.05.013  0.401
2007 Davydov DM, Shapiro D, Goldstein IB, Chicz-Demet A. Moods in everyday situations: effects of combinations of different arousal-related factors. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 62: 321-9. PMID 17324683 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpsychores.2006.10.021  0.692
2007 Davydov DM, Shapiro D, Cook IA, Goldstein I. Baroreflex mechanisms in major depression. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry. 31: 164-77. PMID 17011098 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pnpbp.2006.08.015  0.682
2006 Goldstein IB, Shapiro D, Guthrie D. Ambulatory blood pressure and family history of hypertension in healthy men and women. American Journal of Hypertension. 19: 486-91. PMID 16647620 DOI: 10.1016/J.Amjhyper.2005.09.025  0.331
2006 Ottaviani C, Shapiro D, Goldstein IB, James JE, Weiss R. Hemodynamic profile, compensation deficit, and ambulatory blood pressure. Psychophysiology. 43: 46-56. PMID 16629685 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.2006.00378.X  0.413
2005 Davydov DM, Shapiro D, Goldstein IB, Chicz-DeMet A. Moods in everyday situations: effects of menstrual cycle, work, and stress hormones. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 58: 343-9. PMID 15992570 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpsychores.2004.11.003  0.676
2005 Goldstein IB, Bartzokis G, Guthrie D, Shapiro D. Ambulatory blood pressure and the brain: a 5-year follow-up. Neurology. 64: 1846-52. PMID 15955932 DOI: 10.1212/01.Wnl.0000164712.24389.Bb  0.363
2004 Goldstein IB, Ancoli-Israel S, Shapiro D. Relationship between daytime sleepiness and blood pressure in healthy older adults American Journal of Hypertension. 17: 787-792. PMID 15363821 DOI: 10.1016/J.Amjhyper.2004.05.009  0.411
2004 Davydov DM, Shapiro D, Goldstein IB. Moods in everyday situations: effects of menstrual cycle, work, and personality. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 56: 27-33. PMID 14987961 DOI: 10.1016/S0022-3999(03)00602-0  0.666
2004 Shapiro D, Cline K. Mood Changes Associated with Iyengar Yoga Practices: A Pilot Study International Journal of Yoga Therapy. 14: 35-44. DOI: 10.17761/Ijyt.14.1.47R6323Xv20H786U  0.314
2003 Goldstein IB, Shapiro D, Guthrie D. A 5-year follow-up of ambulatory blood pressure in healthy older adults. American Journal of Hypertension. 16: 640-5. PMID 12878369 DOI: 10.1016/S0895-7061(03)00906-3  0.372
2002 Shapiro D, Jamner LD, Davydov DM, James P. Situations and moods associated with smoking in everyday life. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors : Journal of the Society of Psychologists in Addictive Behaviors. 16: 342-5. PMID 12503908 DOI: 10.1037/0893-164X.16.4.342  0.726
2002 Goldstein IB, Bartzokis G, Guthrie D, Shapiro D. Ambulatory blood pressure and brain atrophy in the healthy elderly. Neurology. 59: 713-9. PMID 12221162 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.59.5.713  0.343
2001 Shapiro D, Jamner LD, Goldstein IB, Delfino RJ. Striking a chord: Moods, blood pressure, and heart rate in everyday life Psychophysiology. 38: 197-204. PMID 11347865 DOI: 10.1111/1469-8986.3820197  0.703
2001 Gehricke JG, Shapiro D. Facial and autonomic activity in depression: social context differences during imagery. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 41: 53-64. PMID 11239697 DOI: 10.1016/S0167-8760(00)00181-1  0.32
2000 Bystritsky A, Craske M, Maidenberg E, Vapnik T, Shapiro D. Autonomic reactivity of panic patients during a CO2 inhalation procedure. Depression and Anxiety. 11: 15-26. PMID 10723631 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1520-6394(2000)11:1<15::Aid-Da3>3.0.Co;2-W  0.362
1999 Davydov DM, Shapiro D. Single and Combined Effects of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Activity on Perceptual Sensitivity and Attention Journal of Russian & East European Psychology. 37: 68-90. DOI: 10.2753/Rpo1061-0405370168  0.67
1998 Shapiro D, Goldstein IB. Wrist actigraph measures of physical activity level and ambulatory blood pressure in healthy elderly persons Psychophysiology. 35: 305-312. PMID 9564750 DOI: 10.1017/S0048577298970883  0.379
1998 Goldstein IB, Bartzokis G, Hance DB, Shapiro D. Relationship Between Blood Pressure and Subcortical Lesions in Healthy Elderly People Stroke. 29: 765-772. PMID 9550509 DOI: 10.1161/01.Str.29.4.765  0.402
1998 Jamner LD, Girdler SS, Shapiro D, Jarvik ME. Pain inhibition, nicotine, and gender. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology. 6: 96-106. PMID 9526150 DOI: 10.1037/1064-1297.6.1.96  0.641
1998 Pasic J, Shapiro D, Motivala S, Hui KK. Blood pressure morning surge and hostility American Journal of Hypertension. 11: 245-250. PMID 9524056 DOI: 10.1016/S0895-7061(97)00464-0  0.383
1997 Shapiro D, Jamner LD, Goldstein IB. Daily mood states and ambulatory blood pressure Psychophysiology. 34: 399-405. PMID 9260492 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1997.Tb02383.X  0.699
1997 Girdler SS, Jamner LD, Jarvik M, Soles JR, Shapiro D. Smoking status and nicotine administration differentially modify hemodynamic stress reactivity in men and women Psychosomatic Medicine. 59: 294-306. PMID 9178340 DOI: 10.1097/00006842-199705000-00012  0.672
1997 Girdler SS, Jamner LD, Shapiro D. Hostility, testosterone, and vascular reactivity to stress: Effects of sex International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 4: 242-263. DOI: 10.1207/S15327558Ijbm0403_4  0.687
1996 Shapiro D, Goldstein IB, Jamner LD. Effects of cynical hostility, anger out, anxiety, and defensiveness on ambulatory blood pressure in black and white college students Psychosomatic Medicine. 58: 354-364. PMID 8827798 DOI: 10.1097/00006842-199607000-00008  0.706
1996 Goldstein IB, Shapiro D. Postprandial ambulatory blood pressure and heart rate effects in healthy elderly adults. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 21: 91-95. PMID 8792198 DOI: 10.1016/0167-8760(95)00044-5  0.435
1996 Shapiro D, Jamner LD, Lane JD, Light KC, Myrtek M, Sawada Y, Steptoe A. Blood pressure publication guidelines. Society for Psychophysical Research. Psychophysiology. 33: 1-12. PMID 8570790 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1996.Tb02103.X  0.671
1995 Bystritsky A, Craske M, Maidenberg E, Vapnik T, Shapiro D. Ambulatory monitoring of panic patients during regular activity: A preliminary report Biological Psychiatry. 38: 684-689. PMID 8555380 DOI: 10.1016/0006-3223(95)00048-8  0.402
1995 Goldstein IB, Shapiro D. The cardiovascular response to postural change as a function of race Biological Psychology. 39: 173-186. PMID 7734629 DOI: 10.1016/0301-0511(94)00958-Z  0.398
1995 Shapiro D, Goldstein IB, Jamner LD. Effects of anger/hostility, defensiveness, gender, and family history of hypertension on cardiovascular reactivity Psychophysiology. 32: 425-435. PMID 7568636 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1995.Tb02093.X  0.687
1994 Uijtdehaage SHJ, Shapiro D, Jaquet F. Effects of carbohydrate and protein meals on cardiovascular levels and reactivity. Biological Psychology. 38: 53-72. PMID 7999930 DOI: 10.1016/0301-0511(94)90049-3  0.414
1994 Pasic J, Shapiro D, Jamner LD, Hui KK. Hostility and the response to diuretic in mild-to-moderate hypertension American Journal of Hypertension. 7: 503-508. PMID 7917147 DOI: 10.1093/Ajh/7.6.503  0.682
1994 Jaquet FS, Shapiro D, Uijtdehaage SHJ. The acute effects of smoking on heart rate and blood pressure: An ambulatory study Human Psychopharmacology-Clinical and Experimental. 9: 273-283. DOI: 10.1002/Hup.470090406  0.401
1993 Shapiro D, Jamner LD, Goldstein IB. Ambulatory stress psychophysiology: The study of 'compensatory and defensive counterforces' and conflict in a natural setting Psychosomatic Medicine. 55: 309-323. PMID 8346338 DOI: 10.1097/00006842-199305000-00008  0.675
1992 Bystritsky A, Shapiro D. Continuous physiological changes and subjective reports in panic patients: A preliminary methodological report ☆ Biological Psychiatry. 32: 766-777. PMID 1450291 DOI: 10.1016/0006-3223(92)90080-J  0.39
1991 Jamner LD, Shapiro D, Goldstein IB, Hug R. Ambulatory blood pressure and heart rate in paramedics: Effects of cynical hostility and defensiveness Psychosomatic Medicine. 53: 393-406. PMID 1924652 DOI: 10.1097/00006842-199107000-00005  0.717
1991 Jamner L, Shapiro D, Goldstein I. Phychological characteristics as determinants of ambulatory BP in different settings International Journal of Psychophysiology. 11: 42. DOI: 10.1016/0167-8760(91)90180-6  0.631
1991 Goldstein I, Shapiro D, Jamner L. Ambulatory blood pressure: An overview International Journal of Psychophysiology. 11: 33-34. DOI: 10.1016/0167-8760(91)90146-O  0.667
1990 Goldstein IB, Shapiro D. The beat-to-beat blood pressure response to postural change in young and elderly healthy adult males. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. 13: 437-448. PMID 2273522 DOI: 10.1007/Bf00844830  0.414
1988 Goldstein IB, Shapiro D. Cardiovascular responses to mental arithmetic and handgrip during different conditions of postural change. Psychophysiology. 25: 127-136. PMID 3399598 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1988.Tb00974.X  0.399
1987 Weipert D, Shapiro D, Suter T. Family history of hypertension and cardiovascular responses to orthostatic stress. Psychophysiology. 24: 251-257. PMID 3602279 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1987.Tb00289.X  0.42
1987 Greenberg W, Shapiro D. The effects of caffeine and stress on blood pressure in individuals with and without a family history of hypertension Psychophysiology. 24: 151-156. PMID 3602266 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1987.Tb00269.X  0.378
1986 Greenstadt L, Shapiro D, Whitehead R. Blood pressure discrimination. Psychophysiology. 23: 500-509. PMID 3809357 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1986.Tb00665.X  0.406
1986 Weipert D, Shapiro D, Suter T. Diastolic blood pressure and heart rate biofeedback training during orthostatic stress. Psychophysiology. 23: 315-22. PMID 3749412 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1986.Tb00639.X  0.419
1984 Victor R, Weipert D, Shapiro D. Voluntary Control of Systolic Blood Pressure During Postural Change Psychophysiology. 21: 673-682. PMID 6514944 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1984.Tb00255.X  0.411
1983 Lane JD, Greenstadt L, Shapiro D, Rubenstein E. Pulse transit time and blood pressure: An intensive analysis Psychophysiology. 20: 45-49. PMID 6828611 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1983.Tb00899.X  0.318
1983 Paller K, Shapiro D. Systolic blood pressure and a simple reaction time task. Psychophysiology. 20: 585-90. PMID 6635099 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1983.Tb03019.X  0.412
1982 Reeves JL, Shapiro D. Heart rate biofeedback and cold pressor pain Psychophysiology. 19: 393-403. PMID 7122777 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1982.Tb02494.X  0.322
1982 Holroyd JC, Nuechterlein KH, Shapiro D, Ward F. Individual differences in hypnotizability and effectiveness of hypnosis or biofeedback. The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. 30: 45-65. PMID 7056601 DOI: 10.1080/00207148208407257  0.412
1981 Shapiro D, Greenstadt L, Lane JD, Rubinstein E. Tracking-cuff system for beat-to-beat recording of blood pressure Psychophysiology. 18: 129-136. PMID 7220765 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1981.Tb02926.X  0.38
1979 Katkin ES, Shapiro D. Voluntary heart rate control as a function of individual differences in electrodermal lability. Psychophysiology. 16: 402-4. PMID 461671 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1979.Tb01486.X  0.316
1977 Shapiro D. A monologue on biofeedback and psychophysiology Psychophysiology. 14: 213-227. PMID 854550 DOI: 10.1111/J.1469-8986.1977.Tb01164.X  0.322
Show low-probability matches.