Shigeaki Nishina - Publications

Honda Research Institute Japan, Wakō-shi, Saitama-ken, Japan 
visual perception, learning, decision making, computation

19 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 He D, Nguyen DT, Ogmen H, Nishina S, Yazdanbakhsh A. Perception of rigidity in three- and four-dimensional spaces. Frontiers in Psychology. 14: 1180561. PMID 37663341 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1180561  0.535
2018 Keshtkar M, Nishina S, Yazdanbakhsh A. Eye Movement Correlates of Figure-Ground Segregation and Border-Ownership Journal of Vision. 18: 595. DOI: 10.1167/18.10.595  0.503
2016 Kim D, Kang D, Nishina S, Sasaki Y, Watanabe T. The mechanism of the facilitation of visual perceptual learning by reward is not the same as that by response feedback alone. Journal of Vision. 16: 1096. DOI: 10.1167/16.12.1096  0.656
2015 Žaric G, Yazdanbakhsh A, Nishina S, De Weerd P, Watanabe T. Perceived temporal asynchrony between sinusoidally modulated luminance and depth. Journal of Vision. 15: 13. PMID 26605842 DOI: 10.1167/15.15.13  0.676
2011 Nishina S, Kim D, Shibata K, Bang J, Zaric G, Nanez J, Sasaki Y, Watanabe T. Ventral lateral prefrontal areas reflect an influence of past experiences of weak signals on perceptual decision making Journal of Vision. 11: 809-809. DOI: 10.1167/11.11.809  0.662
2010 Nishina S, Nanez J, Kawato M, Watanabe T. Global motion is processed as the entire unit but learned locally Journal of Vision. 9: 859-859. DOI: 10.1167/9.8.859  0.598
2010 Kim D, Nishina S, Watanabe T. Decisions on "when" and "what" are biased by different temporal spans of past incidences Journal of Vision. 9: 827-827. DOI: 10.1167/9.8.827  0.623
2010 Yazdanbakhsh A, Nishina S, Watanabe T. Perceptual asynchrony between sinusoidally modulated luminance and depth Journal of Vision. 9: 54-54. DOI: 10.1167/9.8.54  0.637
2010 Nishina S, Seitz A, Kawato M, Watanabe T. The spatio-temporal window of task-irrelevant perceptual learning Journal of Vision. 6: 165-165. DOI: 10.1167/6.6.165  0.616
2010 Nishina S, Kim D, Watanabe T. Visual decision making is most influenced by past experience of weak signals Journal of Vision. 10: 1030-1030. DOI: 10.1167/10.7.1030  0.651
2009 Nishina S, Kawato M, Watanabe T. Perceptual learning of global pattern motion occurs on the basis of local motion. Journal of Vision. 9: 15.1-6. PMID 19761348 DOI: 10.1167/9.9.15  0.651
2008 Yoshioka T, Toyama K, Kawato M, Yamashita O, Nishina S, Yamagishi N, Sato MA. Evaluation of hierarchical Bayesian method through retinotopic brain activities reconstruction from fMRI and MEG signals. Neuroimage. 42: 1397-413. PMID 18620066 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.06.013  0.499
2007 Nishina S, Seitz AR, Kawato M, Watanabe T. Effect of spatial distance to the task stimulus on task-irrelevant perceptual learning of static Gabors. Journal of Vision. 7: 2.1-10. PMID 17997630 DOI: 10.1167/7.13.2  0.635
2007 Nishina S, Yazdanbakhsh A, Watanabe T, Kawato M. Depth propagation across an illusory surface. Journal of the Optical Society of America. a, Optics, Image Science, and Vision. 24: 905-10. PMID 17361277 DOI: 10.1364/JOSAA.24.000905  0.658
2007 Nishina S, Seitz A, Kawato M, Watanabe T. Subliminal visual feature is learned better when spatially closer to attended task Journal of Vision. 7: 44-44. DOI: 10.1167/7.9.44  0.635
2004 Nishina S, Kawato M. A computational model of spatio-temporal dynamics in depth filling-in. Neural Networks : the Official Journal of the International Neural Network Society. 17: 159-63. PMID 15036334 DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet.2003.09.004  0.526
2003 Okada M, Nishina S, Kawato M. The neural computation of the aperture problem: an iterative process. Neuroreport. 14: 1767-71. PMID 14534417 DOI: 10.1097/01.wnr.0000090586.35425.f4  0.399
2003 Nishina S, Okada M, Kawato M. Spatio-temporal dynamics of depth propagation on uniform region. Vision Research. 43: 2493-503. PMID 13129537 DOI: 10.1016/S0042-6989(03)00439-5  0.511
1997 Nishina S, Okada M, Kawato M. 1602 Psychophysical evidence of diffusing motion direction along a line Neuroscience Research. 28: S204. DOI: 10.1016/S0168-0102(97)90558-7  0.448
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