Ted Burns - Publications

Neurology University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 

15 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Hehir MK, Conaway M, St Sauveur AB, Feb K, Kolb NA, Waheed W, McNeish BL, Tweedy N, Burns TM. Measuring treatment adverse event burden in myasthenia gravis: Single-center prospective evaluation utilizing the Adverse Event Unit (AEU). Muscle & Nerve. PMID 37676119 DOI: 10.1002/mus.27966  0.653
2022 Hehir MK, Conaway M, Clark EM, Aronzon DB, Kolb N, Kolb A, Ruzhansky K, Sadjadi R, De Sousa EA, Burns TM. The Adverse Event Unit (AEU): A novel metric to measure the burden of treatment adverse events. Plos One. 17: e0262109. PMID 35176061 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0262109  0.638
2021 Nowak RJ, Coffey CS, Goldstein JM, Dimachkie MM, Benatar M, Kissel JT, Wolfe GI, Burns TM, Freimer ML, Nations S, Granit V, Smith AG, Richman DP, Ciafaloni E, Al-Lozi MT, et al. Phase 2 Trial of Rituximab in Acetylcholine Receptor Antibody-Positive Generalized Myasthenia Gravis: The BeatMG Study. Neurology. PMID 34857535 DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000013121  0.535
2020 Barohn RJ, Gajewski B, Pasnoor M, Brown A, Herbelin LL, Kimminau KS, Mudaranthakam DP, Jawdat O, Dimachkie MM, Iyadurai S, Stino A, Kissel J, Pascuzzi R, Brannagan T, ... ... Burns T, et al. Patient Assisted Intervention for Neuropathy: Comparison of Treatment in Real Life Situations (PAIN-CONTRoLS): Bayesian Adaptive Comparative Effectiveness Randomized Trial. Jama Neurology. PMID 32809014 DOI: 10.1001/Jamaneurol.2020.2590  0.636
2019 Machado P, Barohn R, McDermott M, Blaetter T, Lloyd T, Shaibani A, Freimer M, Amato A, Ciafaloni E, Burns T, Mozaffar T, Gibson S, Wicklund M, Saperstein D, Levine T, et al. P.02Phase 2/3 study of Arimoclomol in sporadic inclusion body myositis: study design Neuromuscular Disorders. 29. DOI: 10.1016/J.Nmd.2019.06.031  0.504
2018 Clifford KM, Hobson-Webb LD, Benatar M, Burns TM, Barnett C, Silvestri NJ, Howard JF, Visser A, Crum BA, Nowak R, Beekman R, Kumar A, Ruzhansky K, Chen IA, Pulley MT, et al. Thymectomy may not be associated with clinical improvement in MuSK myasthenia gravis. Muscle & Nerve. PMID 30575980 DOI: 10.1002/Mus.26404  0.653
2018 Kolb N, Burns T. Clinical research in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: How, what, and when. Neurology. PMID 30054436 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.0000000000006091  0.354
2018 Gwathmey KG, Sadjadi R, Horton WB, Conaway MR, Barnett-Tapia C, Bril V, Russell JW, Shaibani A, Mauermann ML, Hehir MK, Kolb N, Guptill J, Hobson-Webb L, Gable K, Raja S, ... ... Burns TM, et al. Validation of a simple disease-specific, quality-of-life measure for diabetic polyneuropathy: CAPPRI. Neurology. PMID 29728528 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.0000000000005643  0.617
2017 Hehir MK, Hobson-Webb LD, Benatar M, Barnett C, Silvestri NJ, Howard JF, Howard D, Visser A, Crum BA, Nowak R, Beekman R, Kumar A, Ruzhansky K, Chen IA, Pulley MT, ... ... Burns TM, et al. Rituximab as treatment for anti-MuSK myasthenia gravis: Multicenter blinded prospective review. Neurology. PMID 28801338 DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.0000000000004341  0.641
2015 Burns TM, Smith GA, Allen JA, Amato AA, Arnold WD, Barohn R, Benatar M, Bird SJ, Bromberg M, Chahin N, Ciafaloni E, Cohen JA, Corse A, Crum BA, David WS, et al. Editorial by concerned physicians: Unintended effect of the Orphan Drug Act on the potential cost of 3,4-diaminopyridine. Muscle & Nerve. PMID 26662952 DOI: 10.1002/Mus.25009  0.647
2015 Gwathmey KG, Conaway MR, Sadjadi R, Joshi A, Barnett C, Bril V, Ng E, David W, Gable K, Guptill JT, Hobson-Webb LD, Dineen J, Hehir M, Brannagan TH, Byun E, ... ... Burns TM, et al. Construction and validation of the chronic acquired polyneuropathy patient-reported index, "CAP-PRI:" a disease-specific, health-related quality of life instrument. Muscle & Nerve. PMID 26600438 DOI: 10.1002/Mus.24985  0.65
2015 Hobson-Webb LD, Hehir M, Crum B, Visser A, Sanders D, Burns TM. Can mycophenolate mofetil be tapered safely in myasthenia gravis? A retrospective, multicenter analysis. Muscle & Nerve. 52: 211-5. PMID 25906756 DOI: 10.1002/Mus.24694  0.652
2012 Burns T, Sadjadi R, Conaway M, Cutter G, Sanders D. Psychometric Evaluation of Quality of Life (QoL) and Disease Severity Outcome Measures in Myasthenia Gravis (MG) Using Rasch Analysis (P05.174) Neurology. 78: P05.174-P05.174. DOI: 10.1212/Wnl.78.1_Meetingabstracts.P05.174  0.339
2010 Hehir MK, Burns TM, Alpers J, Conaway MR, Sawa M, Sanders DB. Mycophenolate mofetil in AChR-antibody-positive myasthenia gravis: outcomes in 102 patients. Muscle & Nerve. 41: 593-8. PMID 20405499 DOI: 10.1002/Mus.21640  0.669
2010 Pasnoor M, Wolfe GI, Nations S, Trivedi J, Barohn RJ, Herbelin L, McVey A, Dimachkie M, Kissel J, Walsh R, Amato A, Mozaffar T, Hungs M, Chui L, Goldstein J, ... ... Burns T, et al. Clinical findings in MuSK-antibody positive myasthenia gravis: a U.S. experience. Muscle & Nerve. 41: 370-4. PMID 19882635 DOI: 10.1002/Mus.21533  0.383
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