Shelby Ortiz - Publications

2017- Miami University (Ohio), Oxford, OH 

23 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Grunewald W, Ortiz SN, Morgan RW, Smith AR. Does the interpersonal theory of suicide explain relationships between muscle dysmorphia symptoms and suicidal ideation? Body Image. 47: 101644. PMID 37925828 DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2023.101644  0.652
2023 Ortiz SN, Grunewald W, Forrest LN, Smith A. Testing the longitudinal relationship between muscle dysmorphia symptoms and suicidality: A network analysis investigation. Body Image. 46: 372-382. PMID 37481936 DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2023.07.005  0.745
2022 Ortiz SN, Grunewald W, Morgan R, Smith A. Examining the relationship between dysmorphia symptoms and suicidality through the lens of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide. Journal of Clinical Psychology. PMID 35988134 DOI: 10.1002/jclp.23433  0.617
2022 Ortiz S, Aggarwal P, Jain A, Singh N, George TS, Smith A, Raval VV. Examining the Relationship between Academic Expectations and Suicidal Ideation among College Students in India Using the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide. Archives of Suicide Research : Official Journal of the International Academy For Suicide Research. 1-17. PMID 35959776 DOI: 10.1080/13811118.2022.2110026  0.6
2022 Grunewald W, Ortiz SN, Kinkel-Ram SS, Smith AR. Longitudinal relationships between muscle dysmorphia symptoms and suicidal ideation. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. PMID 35253940 DOI: 10.1111/sltb.12852  0.709
2021 Kinkel-Ram SS, Grunewald W, Ortiz SN, Magee JM, Smith AR. Examining Weekly Relationships Between Obsessive-Compulsive and Eating Disorder Symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders. PMID 34728287 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.10.105  0.644
2021 Kinkel-Ram SS, Williams BM, Ortiz SN, Forrest L, Magee JC, Smith AR, Levinson CA. Testing intrusive thoughts as illness pathways between eating disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms: a network analysis. Eating Disorders. 1-23. PMID 34711137 DOI: 10.1080/10640266.2021.1993705  0.762
2021 Aggarwal P, Ortiz S, Jain A, Velkoff E, George TS, Smith A, Raval VV. Examining psychometric properties of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire among college students in India. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. PMID 34664312 DOI: 10.1111/sltb.12809  0.756
2021 Ortiz SN, Forrest LN, Kinkel-Ram SS, Jacobucci RC, Smith AR. Using shape and weight overvaluation to empirically differentiate severity of other specified feeding or eating disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders. 295: 446-452. PMID 34507225 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.08.049  0.732
2021 Perkins NM, Ortiz SN, Smith AR, Brausch AM. Suicidal Ideation and Eating Disorder Symptoms in Adolescents: The Role of Interoceptive Deficits. Behavior Therapy. 52: 1093-1104. PMID 34452664 DOI: 10.1016/j.beth.2021.03.005  0.8
2021 Scharff A, Ortiz SN, Forrest LN, Smith AR, Boswell JF. Post-traumatic stress disorder as a moderator of transdiagnostic, residential eating disorder treatment outcome trajectory. Journal of Clinical Psychology. PMID 33449390 DOI: 10.1002/jclp.23106  0.743
2020 Ortiz SN, Forrest LN, Smith AR. Correlates of suicidal thoughts and attempts in males engaging in muscle dysmorphia or eating disorder symptoms. Journal of Clinical Psychology. PMID 33378580 DOI: 10.1002/jclp.23102  0.797
2019 Perkins NM, Ortiz SN, Smith AR. Self-criticism longitudinally predicts nonsuicidal self-injury in eating disorders. Eating Disorders. 1-14. PMID 31829807 DOI: 10.1080/10640266.2019.1695450  0.746
2019 Smith AR, Dodd DR, Ortiz S, Forrest LN, Witte TK. Interoceptive deficits differentiate suicide groups and associate with self-injurious thoughts and behaviors in a military sample. Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior. PMID 31743463 DOI: 10.1111/Sltb.12603  0.774
2019 Ortiz SN, Smith A. A longitudinal examination of the relationship between eating disorder symptoms and suicidal ideation. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. PMID 31479165 DOI: 10.1002/Eat.23162  0.66
2019 Scharff A, Ortiz SN, Forrest LN, Smith AR. Comparing the clinical presentation of eating disorder patients with and without trauma history and/or comorbid PTSD. Eating Disorders. 1-15. PMID 31348724 DOI: 10.1080/10640266.2019.1642035  0.726
2019 Ortiz S, Knauft K, Smith A, Kalia V. Expressive suppression mediates the relation between disordered eating and suicidal ideation. Journal of Clinical Psychology. PMID 31332800 DOI: 10.1002/Jclp.22830  0.683
2019 Ortiz SN, Forrest LN, Fisher TJ, Hughes M, Smith AR. Changes in Internet Suicide Search Volumes Following Celebrity Suicides. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking. PMID 31112038 DOI: 10.1089/Cyber.2018.0488  0.727
2019 Forrest LN, Sarfan LD, Ortiz SN, Brown TA, Smith AR. Bridging eating disorder symptoms and trait anxiety in patients with eating disorders: A network approach. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. PMID 30900758 DOI: 10.1002/Eat.23070  0.738
2019 Knauft K, Ortiz S, Velkoff E, Smith A, Kalia V. Keep Calm and Carry On? Grit Buffers Against Disordered Eating Unless Expressive Suppression is Used to Regulate Emotions Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. 38: 321-342. DOI: 10.1521/Jscp.2019.38.4.321  0.746
2018 Smith AR, Ortiz SN, Forrest LN, Velkoff EA, Dodd DR. Which Comes First? An Examination of Associations and Shared Risk Factors for Eating Disorders and Suicidality. Current Psychiatry Reports. 20: 77. PMID 30094518 DOI: 10.1007/S11920-018-0931-X  0.743
2018 Forrest LN, Jones PJ, Ortiz SN, Smith AR. Core psychopathology in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: A network analysis. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. PMID 29693747 DOI: 10.1002/Eat.22871  0.714
2018 Thompson-Brenner H, Brooks GE, Boswell JF, Espel-Huynh H, Dore R, Franklin DR, Gonçalves A, Smith M, Ortiz S, Ice S, Barlow DH, Lowe MR. Evidence-based implementation practices applied to the intensive treatment of eating disorders: Summary of research and illustration of principles using a case example Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 25: e12221. DOI: 10.1111/Cpsp.12221  0.373
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