Ben Yang - Publications

Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
Parkinson's Disease, post-traumatic stress disorder

9 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Yun S, Yang B, Anair JD, Martin MM, Fleps SW, Pamukcu A, Yeh NH, Contractor A, Kennedy A, Parker JG. Antipsychotic drug efficacy correlates with the modulation of D1 rather than D2 receptor-expressing striatal projection neurons. Nature Neuroscience. PMID 37443282 DOI: 10.1038/s41593-023-01390-9  0.464
2022 Legaria AA, Matikainen-Ankney BA, Yang B, Ahanonu B, Licholai JA, Parker JG, Kravitz AV. Fiber photometry in striatum reflects primarily nonsomatic changes in calcium. Nature Neuroscience. 25: 1124-1128. PMID 36042311 DOI: 10.1038/s41593-022-01152-z  0.515
2022 González-Rodríguez P, Zampese E, Stout KA, Guzman JN, Ilijic E, Yang B, Tkatch T, Stavarache MA, Wokosin DL, Gao L, Kaplitt MG, López-Barneo J, Schumacker PT, Surmeier DJ. Author Correction: Disruption of mitochondrial complex I induces progressive parkinsonism. Nature. PMID 35149834 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-04382-6  0.671
2021 González-Rodríguez P, Zampese E, Stout KA, Guzman JN, Ilijic E, Yang B, Tkatch T, Stavarache MA, Wokosin DL, Gao L, Kaplitt MG, López-Barneo J, Schumacker PT, Surmeier DJ. Disruption of mitochondrial complex I induces progressive parkinsonism. Nature. PMID 34732887 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-04059-0  0.701
2021 Yang B, Sanches-Padilla J, Kondapalli J, Morison SL, Delpire E, Awatramani R, Surmeier DJ. Locus coeruleus anchors a trisynaptic circuit controlling fear-induced suppression of feeding. Neuron. PMID 33476548 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2020.12.023  0.477
2020 Shen W, Ren W, Zhai S, Yang B, Vanoye CG, Mitra A, George AL, Surmeier DJ. Striatal Kir2 K+ channel inhibition mediates the antidyskinetic effects of amantadine. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. PMID 32310223 DOI: 10.1172/Jci133398  0.545
2018 Guzman JN, Ilijic E, Yang B, Sanchez-Padilla J, Wokosin D, Galtieri D, Kondapalli J, Schumacker PT, Surmeier DJ. Systemic isradipine treatment diminishes calcium-dependent mitochondrial oxidant stress. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. PMID 29708514 DOI: 10.1172/Jci95898  0.575
2016 Surmeier DJ, Schumacker PT, Guzman JD, Ilijic E, Yang B, Zampese E. Calcium and Parkinson's disease. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. PMID 27590583 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbrc.2016.08.168  0.561
2014 Sanchez-Padilla J, Guzman JN, Ilijic E, Kondapalli J, Galtieri DJ, Yang B, Schieber S, Oertel W, Wokosin D, Schumacker PT, Surmeier DJ. Mitochondrial oxidant stress in locus coeruleus is regulated by activity and nitric oxide synthase. Nature Neuroscience. 17: 832-40. PMID 24816140 DOI: 10.1038/Nn.3717  0.538
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