Dominik A. Moser, Ph.D. - Publications

2009-2021 Psychiatry Lausanne University Hospital 
MRI, Parental Brain, Psychiatric Disorders, Experimental and Cognitive-Affective Psychology

28 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Deiber MP, Pointet Perizzolo VC, Moser DA, Vital M, Rusconi Serpa S, Ros T, Schechter DS. A biomarker of brain arousal mediates the intergenerational link between maternal and child post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 177: 305-313. PMID 39067254 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2024.07.034  0.565
2023 Moser DA, Graf S, Glaus J, Urben S, Jouabli S, Pointet Perrizolo V, Suardi F, Robinson J, Rusconi Serpa S, Plessen KJ, Schechter DS. On the complex and dimensional relationship of maternal PTSD during early childhood and child outcomes at school-age. European Psychiatry : the Journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists. 1-28. PMID 36734250 DOI: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2023.8  0.674
2022 Cordero MI, Stenz L, Moser DA, Rusconi Serpa S, Paoloni-Giacobino A, Schechter DS. The relationship of maternal and child methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor NR3C1 during early childhood and subsequent child psychopathology at school-age in the context of maternal interpersonal violence-related post-traumatic stress disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 13: 919820. PMID 36061270 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.919820  0.829
2022 Glaus J, Moser DA, Rusconi Serpa S, Jouabli S, Turri F, Plessen KJ, Schechter DS. Families With Violence Exposure and the Intergenerational Transmission of Somatization. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 13: 820652. PMID 35280182 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.820652  0.744
2022 Pointet Perizzolo VC, Glaus J, Stein CR, Willheim E, Vital M, Arnautovic E, Kaleka K, Rusconi Serpa S, Pons F, Moser DA, Schechter DS. Impact of mothers' IPV-PTSD on their capacity to predict their child's emotional comprehension and its relationship to their child's psychopathology. European Journal of Psychotraumatology. 13: 2008152. PMID 35111283 DOI: 10.1080/20008198.2021.2008152  0.496
2021 Glaus J, Pointet Perizzolo V, Moser DA, Vital M, Rusconi Serpa S, Urben S, Plessen KJ, Schechter DS. Associations Between Maternal Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Events With Child Psychopathology: Results From a Prospective Longitudinal Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12: 718108. PMID 34526924 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.718108  0.768
2020 Perizzolo Pointet VC, Moser DA, Vital M, Rusconi Serpa S, Todorov A, Schechter DS. Violence Exposure Is Associated With Atypical Appraisal of Threat Among Women: An EEG Study. Frontiers in Psychology. 11: 576852. PMID 33510667 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.576852  0.69
2020 Moser DA, Glaus J, Frangou S, Schechter DS. Years of life lost due to the psychosocial consequences of COVID19 mitigation strategies based on Swiss data. European Psychiatry : the Journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists. 1-14. PMID 32466820 DOI: 10.1192/J.Eurpsy.2020.56  0.592
2020 Modabbernia A, Reichenberg A, Ing A, Moser DA, Doucet GE, Artiges E, Banaschewski T, Barker GJ, Becker A, Bokde ALW, Quinlan EB, Desrivières S, Flor H, Fröhner JH, Garavan H, et al. Linked patterns of biological and environmental covariation with brain structure in adolescence: a population-based longitudinal study. Molecular Psychiatry. PMID 32444868 DOI: 10.1038/S41380-020-0757-X  0.329
2020 Suardi F, Moser DA, Sancho Rossignol A, Manini A, Vital M, Merminod G, Kreis A, Ansermet F, Rusconi Serpa S, Schechter DS. Maternal reflective functioning, interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic stress disorder, and risk for psychopathology in early childhood. Attachment & Human Development. 22: 225-245. PMID 30560713 DOI: 10.1080/14616734.2018.1555602  0.795
2019 Janiri D, Moser DA, Doucet GE, Luber MJ, Rasgon A, Lee WH, Murrough JW, Sani G, Eickhoff SB, Frangou S. Shared Neural Phenotypes for Mood and Anxiety Disorders: A Meta-analysis of 226 Task-Related Functional Imaging Studies. Jama Psychiatry. 1-8. PMID 31664439 DOI: 10.1001/Jamapsychiatry.2019.3351  0.313
2019 Moser DA, Suardi F, Rossignol AS, Vital M, Manini A, Serpa SR, Schechter DS. Parental Reflective Functioning correlates to brain activation in response to video-stimuli of mother-child dyads: Links to maternal trauma history and PTSD. Psychiatry Research. Neuroimaging. 293: 110985. PMID 31627112 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pscychresns.2019.09.005  0.75
2018 Perizzolo VC, Berchio C, Moser DA, Gomez CP, Vital M, Arnautovic E, Torrisi R, Serpa SR, Michel CM, Schechter DS. EEG recording during an emotional face-matching task in children of mothers with interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychiatry Research. Neuroimaging. 283: 34-44. PMID 30530040 DOI: 10.1016/J.Pscychresns.2018.11.010  0.75
2017 Schechter DS, Moser DA, Aue T, Gex-Fabry M, Pointet VC, Cordero MI, Suardi F, Manini A, Vital M, Sancho Rossignol A, Rothenberg M, Dayer AG, Ansermet F, Rusconi Serpa S. Maternal PTSD and corresponding neural activity mediate effects of child exposure to violence on child PTSD symptoms. Plos One. 12: e0181066. PMID 28767657 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0181066  0.761
2017 Cordero MI, Moser DA, Manini A, Suardi F, Rossignol AS, Torrisi R, Rossier MF, Ansermet F, Dayer AG, Serpa SR, Schechter DS. Effects of interpersonal violence-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on mother and child diurnal cortisol rhythm and cortisol reactivity to a laboratory stressor involving separation. Hormones and Behavior. PMID 28189641 DOI: 10.1016/J.Yhbeh.2017.02.007  0.85
2017 Perizzolo VC, Favrod O, Moser DA, Serpa SR, Herzog MH, Schechter DS. 1.32 Electroencephalogram (EEG) Frontal Asymmetry and Error-Related Signals Are Potential Markers of Internalizing and Externalizing Behaviors in Children: A Meta-Analysis Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 56. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jaac.2017.09.046  0.609
2016 Schechter DS, Moser DA, Pointet VC, Aue T, Stenz L, Paoloni-Giacobino A, Adouan W, Manini A, Suardi F, Vital M, Sancho Rossignol A, Cordero MI, Rothenberg M, Ansermet F, Rusconi Serpa S, et al. The association of serotonin receptor 3A methylation with maternal violence exposure, neural activity, and child aggression. Behavioural Brain Research. PMID 27720744 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbr.2016.10.009  0.725
2016 Schechter DS, Suardi F, Gex-Fabry M, Moser DA, Serpa SR. 39.3 The Role Of Maternal Prementalizing Modes Of Functioning And Low-Range Reflective Functioning In The Development Of Child Traumatic Stress Within A Context Of Violence Exposure Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 55. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jaac.2016.07.349  0.72
2015 Moser DA, Paoloni-Giacobino A, Stenz L, Adouan W, Manini A, Suardi F, Cordero MI, Vital M, Sancho Rossignol A, Rusconi-Serpa S, Ansermet F, Dayer AG, Schechter DS. BDNF Methylation and Maternal Brain Activity in a Violence-Related Sample. Plos One. 10: e0143427. PMID 26649946 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0143427  0.823
2015 Moser DA, Aue T, Suardi F, Manini A, Sancho Rossignol A, Cordero MI, Merminod G, Ansermet F, Rusconi Serpa S, Favez N, Schechter DS. The relation of general socio-emotional processing to parenting specific behavior: a study of mothers with and without posttraumatic stress disorder. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 1575. PMID 26578996 DOI: 10.3389/Fpsyg.2015.01575  0.836
2015 Schechter DS, Moser DA, Paoloni-Giacobino A, Stenz L, Gex-Fabry M, Aue T, Adouan W, Cordero MI, Suardi F, Manini A, Sancho Rossignol A, Merminod G, Ansermet F, Dayer AG, Rusconi Serpa S. Methylation of NR3C1 is related to maternal PTSD, parenting stress and maternal medial prefrontal cortical activity in response to child separation among mothers with histories of violence exposure. Frontiers in Psychology. 6: 690. PMID 26074844 DOI: 10.3389/Fpsyg.2015.00690  0.852
2015 Moser DA, Aue T, Suardi F, Kutlikova H, Cordero MI, Rossignol AS, Favez N, Rusconi Serpa S, Schechter DS. Violence-related PTSD and neural activation when seeing emotionally charged male-female interactions. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 10: 645-53. PMID 25062841 DOI: 10.1093/Scan/Nsu099  0.788
2015 Schechter DS, Suardi F, Manini A, Cordero MI, Rossignol AS, Merminod G, Gex-Fabry M, Moser DA, Serpa SR. How do maternal PTSD and alexithymia interact to impact maternal behavior? Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 46: 406-17. PMID 25008189 DOI: 10.1007/S10578-014-0480-4  0.833
2015 Schechter DS, Moser DA, Reliford A, McCaw JE, Coates SW, Turner JB, Serpa SR, Willheim E. Negative and distorted attributions towards child, self, and primary attachment figure among posttraumatically stressed mothers: what changes with Clinician Assisted Videofeedback Exposure Sessions (CAVES). Child Psychiatry and Human Development. 46: 10-20. PMID 24553738 DOI: 10.1007/S10578-014-0447-5  0.827
2015 Rusconi-Serpa S, Suardi F, Moser D, Schechter DS. Impact du stress post-traumatique lié à la violence domestique sur la parentalité : Données empiriques et applications cliniques Enfance. 2015: 409-427. DOI: 10.4074/S0013754515003110  0.59
2014 Schechter DS, Moser DA, McCaw JE, Myers MM. Autonomic functioning in mothers with interpersonal violence-related posttraumatic stress disorder in response to separation-reunion. Developmental Psychobiology. 56: 748-60. PMID 23754187 DOI: 10.1002/Dev.21144  0.801
2013 Moser DA, Aue T, Wang Z, Rusconi Serpa S, Favez N, Peterson BS, Schechter DS. Limbic brain responses in mothers with post-traumatic stress disorder and comorbid dissociation to video clips of their children. Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands). 16: 493-502. PMID 23777332 DOI: 10.3109/10253890.2013.816280  0.793
2012 Schechter DS, Moser DA, Wang Z, Marsh R, Hao X, Duan Y, Yu S, Gunter B, Murphy D, McCaw J, Kangarlu A, Willheim E, Myers MM, Hofer MA, Peterson BS. An fMRI study of the brain responses of traumatized mothers to viewing their toddlers during separation and play. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. 7: 969-79. PMID 22021653 DOI: 10.1093/Scan/Nsr069  0.805
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