Thomas Pius Vianney Maria de Jong - Publications

2011- University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands 
Pediatric urology

30 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2014 van Gool JD, de Jong TP, Winkler-Seinstra P, Tamminen-Möbius T, Lax H, Hirche H, Nijman RJ, Hjälmås K, Jodal U, Bachmann H, Hoebeke P, Walle JV, Misselwitz J, John U, Bael A, et al. Multi-center randomized controlled trial of cognitive treatment, placebo, oxybutynin, bladder training, and pelvic floor training in children with functional urinary incontinence. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 33: 482-7. PMID 23775924 DOI: 10.1002/nau.22446  0.648
2012 Merks BT, Burger H, Willemsen J, van Gool JD, de Jong TP. Melatonin treatment in children with therapy-resistant monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis. Journal of Pediatric Urology. 8: 416-20. PMID 21945362 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpurol.2011.08.012  0.633
2008 Bael A, Lax H, de Jong TP, Hoebeke P, Nijman RJ, Sixt R, Verhulst J, Hirche H, van Gool JD. The relevance of urodynamic studies for Urge syndrome and dysfunctional voiding: a multicenter controlled trial in children. The Journal of Urology. 180: 1486-93; discussion . PMID 18710726 DOI: 10.1016/j.juro.2008.06.054  0.621
2007 Bael AM, Benninga MA, Lax H, Bachmann H, Janhsen E, De Jong TP, Vijverberg M, Van Gool JD. Functional urinary and fecal incontinence in neurologically normal children: symptoms of one 'functional elimination disorder'? Bju International. 99: 407-12. PMID 17034497 DOI: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.06528.x  0.656
2006 Dik P, Klijn AJ, van Gool JD, de Jong-de Vos van Steenwijk CC, de Jong TP. Early start to therapy preserves kidney function in spina bifida patients. European Urology. 49: 908-13. PMID 16458416 DOI: 10.1016/j.eururo.2005.12.056  0.656
2005 Damen-Elias HA, Luijnenburg SE, Visser GH, Stoutenbeek PH, de Jong TP. Mild pyelectasis diagnosed by prenatal ultrasound is not a predictor of urinary tract morbidity in childhood. Prenatal Diagnosis. 25: 1239-47. PMID 16353272 DOI: 10.1002/pd.1312  0.353
2005 Damen-Elias HA, Stoutenbeek PH, Visser GH, Nikkels PG, de Jong TP. Concomitant anomalies in 100 children with unilateral multicystic kidney. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology : the Official Journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 25: 384-8. PMID 15791588 DOI: 10.1002/uog.1851  0.312
2005 Bael A, Benninga M, Lax H, Bachmann H, Janhsen E, de Jong T, Vijverberg M, van Gool J. DEFECATION DISORDERS AND URINARY INCONTINENCE IN NEUROLOGICALLY NORMAL CHILDREN-‘FUNCTIONAL ELIMINATION DISORDER’?. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition. 41: S76-S77. DOI: 10.1097/01.scs.0000180334.56310.2a  0.655
2004 Ab E, Dik P, Klijn AJ, van Gool JD, de Jong TP. Detrusor overactivity in spina bifida: how long does it need to be treated? Neurourology and Urodynamics. 23: 685-8. PMID 15382196 DOI: 10.1002/nau.20044  0.647
2003 Dik P, Klijn AJ, van Gool JD, de Jong TP. Transvaginal sling suspension of bladder neck in female patients with neurogenic sphincter incontinence. The Journal of Urology. 170: 580-1; discussion 58. PMID 12853835 DOI: 10.1097/01.ju.0000071477.49755.61  0.619
2001 van Gool JD, Dik P, de Jong TP. Bladder-sphincter dysfunction in myelomeningocele. European Journal of Pediatrics. 160: 414-20. PMID 11475578  0.689
2001 de JONG TP, Van Gool JD, Dik P, Klijn AJ, Vijverberg MA. The treatment of post-urethrotomy incontinence in pediatric and adolescent females. The Journal of Urology. 165: 929-33. PMID 11176517  0.62
2000 de Jong TP, Dik P, Klijn AJ, Uiterwaal CS, van Gool JD. Ectopic ureterocele: results of open surgical therapy in 40 patients. The Journal of Urology. 164: 2040-3; discussion 2. PMID 11061921  0.65
1999 van Gool JD, Nieuwenhuis E, ten Doeschate IO, Messer TP, de Jong TP. Subtypes in monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis. II. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology. Supplementum. 202: 8-11. PMID 10573782 DOI: 10.1080/00365599950510094  0.579
1999 Dik P, Van Gool JD, De Jong TP. Urinary continence and erectile function after bladder neck sling suspension in male patients with spinal dysraphism. Bju International. 83: 971-5. PMID 10368238  0.642
1997 de Kort LM, Nesselaar CH, van Gool JD, de Jong TP. The influence of colonic enema irrigation on urodynamic findings in patients with neurogenic bladder dysfunction. British Journal of Urology. 80: 731-3. PMID 9393293  0.632
1997 Vijverberg MA, Elzinga-Plomp A, Messer AP, van Gool JD, de Jong TP. Bladder rehabilitation, the effect of a cognitive training programme on urge incontinence. European Urology. 31: 68-72. PMID 9032538  0.587
1996 Boemers TM, de Jong TP, van Gool JD, Bax KM. Urologic problems in anorectal malformations. Part 2: functional urologic sequelae. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 31: 634-7. PMID 8861470  0.678
1996 Boemers TM, Beek FJ, van Gool JD, de Jong TP, Bax KM. Urologic problems in anorectal malformations. Part 1: Urodynamic findings and significance of sacral anomalies. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 31: 407-10. PMID 8708913  0.702
1995 Elzinga-Plomp A, Boemers TM, Messer AP, Vijverberg MA, de Jong TP, van Gool JD. Treatment of enuresis risoria in children by self-administered electric and imaginary shock. British Journal of Urology. 76: 775-8. PMID 8535725  0.613
1995 Boemers TM, van Gool JD, de Jong TP. Tethered spinal cord: the effect of neurosurgery on the lower urinary tract and male sexual function. British Journal of Urology. 76: 747-51. PMID 8535719  0.607
1994 Boemers TM, van Gool JD, de Jong TP, Bax KM. Lower urinary tract dysfunction in children with benign sacrococcygeal teratoma. The Journal of Urology. 151: 174-6. PMID 8254808  0.719
1994 Boemers TM, van Gool JD, de Jong TP, Bax KM. Urodynamic evaluation of children with the caudal regression syndrome (caudal dysplasia sequence). The Journal of Urology. 151: 1038-40. PMID 8126785  0.694
1993 de Jong TP, Boemers TM, Schouten A, van Gool JD, de Maat-Bleeker F, Bruijnzeel-Koomen CA. [Peroperative anaphylactic reactions due to latex allergy]. Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde. 137: 1934-6. PMID 8413697  0.578
1993 Boemers TM, van Gool JD, de Jong TP. Displacement of incontinence device into the bladder. British Journal of Urology. 72: 985. PMID 8306179  0.574
1992 van Gool JD, Vijverberg MA, Messer AP, Elzinga-Plomp A, de Jong TP. Functional daytime incontinence: non-pharmacological treatment. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology. Supplementum. 141: 93-103; discussion 1. PMID 1609257  0.676
1992 van Gool JD, Vijverberg MA, de Jong TP. Functional daytime incontinence: clinical and urodynamic assessment. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology. Supplementum. 141: 58-69. PMID 1609253  0.7
1991 van Gool JD, de Jong TP, Boemers TM. [Effect of intermittent catheterization on urinary tract infections and incontinence in children with spina bifida]. Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde : Organ Der Deutschen Gesellschaft FüR Kinderheilkunde. 139: 592-6. PMID 1745248  0.681
1989 Van Gool JD, de Jong TP, Van Wijk AA. Urodynamics in children with myelomeningocele: early assessment of obstruction and incontinence. Acta Urologica Belgica. 57: 497-501. PMID 2763928  0.327
1989 Stoutenbeek P, de Jong TP, van Gool JD, Drogtrop AP. Intra-uterine cystography for evaluation of prenatal obstructive uropathy. Pediatric Radiology. 19: 247-9. PMID 2748233  0.631
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