Bin Chen - Publications

University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States 

41 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Liang XG, Hoang K, Meyerink BL, Kc P, Paraiso K, Wang L, Jones IR, Zhang Y, Katzman S, Finn TS, Tsyporin J, Qu F, Chen Z, Visel A, Kriegstein A, ... ... Chen B, et al. A conserved molecular logic for neurogenesis to gliogenesis switch in the cerebral cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121: e2321711121. PMID 38713624 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2321711121  0.482
2023 Lu D, Choi S, Park J, Kim J, Zhao S, Uldry Lavergne CG, Desimone Q, Chen B, Han BX, Wang F, Goldstein N. General Anesthesia Activates a Central Anxiolytic Center in the BNST. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology. PMID 38187782 DOI: 10.1101/2023.12.20.572586  0.348
2023 Chen B, Tan H, Ding M, Liu L, Wang S, Peng X, Tian H, Jiang J, Gao J, Huang W, Li H, Ye Y, Wang F, Wilson DA, Tu Y, et al. Nanorobot-Mediated Synchronized Neuron Activation. Acs Nano. PMID 37449804 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.3c03575  0.307
2023 Cheng Y, Zhang Z, Tang H, Chen B, Cai Y, Wei Y, Zhao W, Wu ZB, Shang H. Mitochondrial Inhibitor Rotenone Triggers and Enhances Neuronal Ferroptosis Following Intracerebral Hemorrhage. Acs Chemical Neuroscience. PMID 36848438 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.2c00308  0.306
2021 Du H, Wang Z, Guo R, Yang L, Liu G, Zhang Z, Xu Z, Tian Y, Yang Z, Li X, Chen B. Transcription Factors Bcl11a and Bcl11b Are Required for the Production and Differentiation of Cortical Projection Neurons. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). PMID 34963132 DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhab437  0.525
2021 Tsyporin J, Tastad D, Ma X, Nehme A, Finn T, Huebner L, Liu G, Gallardo D, Makhamreh A, Roberts JM, Katzman S, Sestan N, McConnell SK, Yang Z, Qiu S, ... Chen B, et al. Transcriptional repression by FEZF2 restricts alternative identities of cortical projection neurons. Cell Reports. 35: 109269. PMID 34161768 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109269  0.817
2021 Liu L, Wu J, Wang S, Kun L, Gao J, Chen B, Ye Y, Wang F, Tong F, Jiang J, Ou J, Wilson DA, Tu Y, Peng F. Control the Neural Stem Cell Fate with Biohybrid Piezoelectrical Magnetite Micromotors. Nano Letters. PMID 33848170 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c00290  0.317
2021 Li X, Liu G, Yang L, Li Z, Zhang Z, Xu Z, Cai Y, Du H, Su Z, Wang Z, Duan Y, Chen H, Shang Z, You Y, Zhang Q, ... ... Chen B, et al. Decoding Cortical Glial Cell Development. Neuroscience Bulletin. PMID 33606177 DOI: 10.1007/s12264-021-00640-9  0.314
2020 Zhang Y, Liu G, Guo T, Liang XG, Du H, Yang L, Bhaduri A, Li X, Xu Z, Zhang Z, Li Z, He M, Tsyporin J, Kriegstein AR, Rubenstein JL, ... ... Chen B, et al. Cortical Neural Stem Cell Lineage Progression Is Regulated by Extrinsic Signaling Molecule Sonic Hedgehog. Cell Reports. 30: 4490-4504.e4. PMID 32234482 DOI: 10.1016/J.Celrep.2020.03.027  0.371
2019 Guo T, Liu G, Du H, Wen Y, Wei S, Li Z, Tao G, Shang Z, Song X, Zhang Z, Xu Z, You Y, Chen B, Rubenstein JL, Yang Z. Dlx1/2 are Central and Essential Components in the Transcriptional Code for Generating Olfactory Bulb Interneurons. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). PMID 30796806 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/Bhz018  0.319
2018 Cargnin F, Kwon JS, Katzman S, Chen B, Lee JW, Lee SK. FOXG1 Orchestrates Neocortical Organization and Cortico-Cortical Connections. Neuron. PMID 30392794 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2018.10.016  0.501
2018 Fazel Darbandi S, Robinson Schwartz SE, Qi Q, Catta-Preta R, Pai EL, Mandell JD, Everitt A, Rubin A, Krasnoff RA, Katzman S, Tastad D, Nord AS, Willsey AJ, Chen B, State MW, et al. Neonatal Tbr1 Dosage Controls Cortical Layer 6 Connectivity. Neuron. PMID 30318412 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2018.09.027  0.383
2018 Xu Z, Liang Q, Song X, Zhang Z, Lindtner S, Li Z, Wen Y, Liu G, Guo T, Qi D, Wang M, Wang C, Li H, You Y, Wang X, ... Chen B, et al. and coordinately promote D2-type medium spiny neuron production by activating expression. Development (Cambridge, England). PMID 29967281 DOI: 10.1242/Dev.165456  0.454
2018 Shu L, Chen B, Chen B, Xu H, Wang G, Huang Y, Zhao Y, Gong H, Jiang M, Chen L, Liu X, Wang Y. Brain ischemic insult induces cofilin rod formation leading to synaptic dysfunction in neurons. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism : Official Journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 271678X18785567. PMID 29932353 DOI: 10.1177/0271678X18785567  0.308
2018 Liu Z, Zhang Z, Lindtner S, Li Z, Xu Z, Wei S, Liang Q, Wen Y, Tao G, You Y, Chen B, Wang Y, Rubenstein JL, Yang Z. Sp9 Regulates Medial Ganglionic Eminence-Derived Cortical Interneuron Development. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). PMID 29878134 DOI: 10.1093/Cercor/Bhy133  0.392
2017 Godbole G, Shetty AS, Roy A, D'Souza L, Chen B, Miyoshi G, Fishell G, Tole S. Hierarchical genetic interactions between FOXG1 and LHX2 regulate the formation of the cortical hem in the developing telencephalon. Development (Cambridge, England). PMID 29229772 DOI: 10.1242/Dev.154583  0.3
2017 Wang Y, Xu C, Xu Z, Ji C, Liang J, Wang Y, Chen B, Wu X, Gao F, Wang S, Guo Y, Li X, Luo J, Duan S, Chen Z. Depolarized GABAergic Signaling in Subicular Microcircuits Mediates Generalized Seizure in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Neuron. PMID 28648501 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2017.06.004  0.357
2016 Xu Z, Wang Y, Chen B, Xu C, Wu X, Wang Y, Zhang S, Hu W, Wang S, Guo Y, Zhang X, Luo J, Duan S, Chen Z. Entorhinal Principal Neurons Mediate Brain-stimulation Treatments for Epilepsy. Ebiomedicine. PMID 27908611 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ebiom.2016.11.027  0.337
2016 Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Wang C, Xu Z, Liang Q, An L, Li J, Liu Z, You Y, He M, Mao Y, Chen B, Xiong ZQ, Rubenstein JL, Yang Z. The Zinc Finger Transcription Factor Sp9 Is Required for the Development of Striatopallidal Projection Neurons. Cell Reports. PMID 27452460 DOI: 10.1016/J.Celrep.2016.06.090  0.405
2016 Notwell JH, Heavner WE, Fazel Darbandi S, Katzman S, McKenna WL, Ortiz-Londono CF, Tastad D, Eckler MJ, Rubenstein JL, McConnell SK, Chen B, Bejerano G. TBR1 regulates autism risk genes in the developing neocortex. Genome Research. PMID 27325115 DOI: 10.1101/Gr.203612.115  0.731
2016 Shanks JA, Ito S, Schaevitz L, Yamada J, Chen B, Litke A, Feldheim DA. Corticothalamic Axons Are Essential for Retinal Ganglion Cell Axon Targeting to the Mouse Dorsal Lateral Geniculate Nucleus. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 36: 5252-63. PMID 27170123 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.4599-15.2016  0.752
2015 McKenna WL, Ortiz-Londono CF, Mathew TK, Hoang K, Katzman S, Chen B. Mutual regulation between Satb2 and Fezf2 promotes subcerebral projection neuron identity in the developing cerebral cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. PMID 26324926 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1504144112  0.795
2015 Eckler MJ, Nguyen TD, McKenna WL, Fastow BL, Guo C, Rubenstein JL, Chen B. Cux2-positive radial glial cells generate diverse subtypes of neocortical projection neurons and macroglia. Neuron. 86: 1100-8. PMID 25996137 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2015.04.020  0.778
2014 Eckler MJ, Chen B. Fez family transcription factors: controlling neurogenesis and cell fate in the developing mammalian nervous system. Bioessays : News and Reviews in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. 36: 788-97. PMID 24913420 DOI: 10.1002/Bies.201400039  0.764
2014 Pattabiraman K, Golonzhka O, Lindtner S, Nord AS, Taher L, Hoch R, Silberberg SN, Zhang D, Chen B, Zeng H, Pennacchio LA, Puelles L, Visel A, Rubenstein JL. Transcriptional regulation of enhancers active in protodomains of the developing cerebral cortex. Neuron. 82: 989-1003. PMID 24814534 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2014.04.014  0.422
2014 Eckler MJ, Larkin KA, McKenna WL, Katzman S, Guo C, Roque R, Visel A, Rubenstein JL, Chen B. Multiple conserved regulatory domains promote Fezf2 expression in the developing cerebral cortex. Neural Development. 9: 6. PMID 24618363 DOI: 10.1186/1749-8104-9-6  0.79
2014 Roberts JM, Ennajdaoui H, Edmondson C, Wirth B, Sanford JR, Chen B. Splicing factor TRA2B is required for neural progenitor survival. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 522: 372-92. PMID 23818142 DOI: 10.1002/Cne.23405  0.676
2014 Betancourt J, Katzman S, Chen B. Nuclear factor one B regulates neural stem cell differentiation and axonal projection of corticofugal neurons. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 522: 6-35. PMID 23749646 DOI: 10.1002/Cne.23373  0.848
2013 Guo C, Eckler MJ, McKenna WL, McKinsey GL, Rubenstein JL, Chen B. Fezf2 expression identifies a multipotent progenitor for neocortical projection neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. Neuron. 80: 1167-74. PMID 24314728 DOI: 10.1016/J.Neuron.2013.09.037  0.804
2013 Kmet M, Guo C, Edmondson C, Chen B. Directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into corticofugal neurons uncovers heterogeneous Fezf2-expressing subpopulations. Plos One. 8: e67292. PMID 23826257 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0067292  0.82
2013 Kumamoto T, Toma K, Gunadi, McKenna WL, Kasukawa T, Katzman S, Chen B, Hanashima C. Foxg1 coordinates the switch from nonradially to radially migrating glutamatergic subtypes in the neocortex through spatiotemporal repression. Cell Reports. 3: 931-45. PMID 23523356 DOI: 10.1016/J.Celrep.2013.02.023  0.777
2012 Kumamoto T, Toma K, Gunadi, Chen B, Hanashima C. Foxg1 coordinates the early transition of temporal cell identity in the cerebral cortex International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 30: 679. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijdevneu.2012.10.026  0.315
2011 Eckler MJ, McKenna WL, Taghvaei S, McConnell SK, Chen B. Fezf1 and Fezf2 are required for olfactory development and sensory neuron identity. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 519: 1829-46. PMID 21452247 DOI: 10.1002/Cne.22596  0.761
2011 Luo Q, Jiang X, Chen B, Zhu Y, Gao JH. Modeling neuronal current MRI signal with human neuron. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 65: 1680-9. PMID 21254209 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.22764  0.316
2011 McKenna WL, Betancourt J, Larkin KA, Abrams B, Guo C, Rubenstein JL, Chen B. Tbr1 and Fezf2 regulate alternate corticofugal neuronal identities during neocortical development. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 31: 549-64. PMID 21228164 DOI: 10.1523/Jneurosci.4131-10.2011  0.813
2011 Sun X, Wu Y, Chen B, Zhang Z, Zhou W, Tong Y, Yuan J, Xia K, Gronemeyer H, Flavell RA, Song W. Regulator of calcineurin 1 (RCAN1) facilitates neuronal apoptosis through caspase-3 activation. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 286: 9049-62. PMID 21216952 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M110.177519  0.328
2008 Chen B, Wang SS, Hattox AM, Rayburn H, Nelson SB, McConnell SK. The Fezf2-Ctip2 genetic pathway regulates the fate choice of subcortical projection neurons in the developing cerebral cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 105: 11382-7. PMID 18678899 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0804918105  0.758
2008 Leone DP, Srinivasan K, Chen B, Alcamo E, McConnell SK. The determination of projection neuron identity in the developing cerebral cortex. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 18: 28-35. PMID 18508260 DOI: 10.1016/j.conb.2008.05.006  0.789
2008 Chen B, Wang W. The expression of cyclins in neurons of rats after focal cerebral ischemia. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Medical Sciences = Hua Zhong Ke Ji Da Xue Xue Bao. Yi Xue Ying De Wen Ban = Huazhong Keji Daxue Xuebao. Yixue Yingdewen Ban. 28: 60-4. PMID 18278459 DOI: 10.1007/s11596-008-0115-8  0.3
2005 Chen B, Schaevitz LR, McConnell SK. Fezl regulates the differentiation and axon targeting of layer 5 subcortical projection neurons in cerebral cortex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102: 17184-9. PMID 16284245 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0508732102  0.843
2005 Friedel RH, Plump A, Lu X, Spilker K, Jolicoeur C, Wong K, Venkatesh TR, Yaron A, Hynes M, Chen B, Okada A, McConnell SK, Rayburn H, Tessier-Lavigne M. Gene targeting using a promoterless gene trap vector ("targeted trapping") is an efficient method to mutate a large fraction of genes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102: 13188-93. PMID 16129827 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0505474102  0.578
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