Anne Marie Aimola Davies, PhD, PGDipClinPsych - Publications

Psychology Australian National University and University of Oxford, Acton, Australian Capital Territory, Australia 
visual neglect and anosognosia

30 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Liu Z, Griffith KR, Davies M, Aimola Davies AM. Inattentional blindness: Attentional set for efficient task success. Consciousness and Cognition. 108: 103456. PMID 36657222 DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2022.103456  0.309
2021 de Silva J, Chen H, Isaac S, White RC, Davies M, Aimola Davies AM. Effects of Symmetry and Apparent Distance in a Parasagittal-Mirror Variant of the Rubber Hand Illusion Paradigm. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 15: 718177. PMID 34602994 DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2021.718177  0.657
2018 White RC, Davies M, Aimola Davies AM. Inattentional blindness on the full-attention trial: Are we throwing out the baby with the bathwater? Consciousness and Cognition. PMID 29329969 DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2017.10.002  0.617
2017 White RC, Aimola Davies AM. Asynchrony in the rubber hand paradigm: Unexpected illusions following stroke. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. PMID 28456392 DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2017.03.013  0.56
2016 Tompkins ML, Woods AT, Aimola Davies AM. The Phantom Vanish Magic Trick: Investigating the Disappearance of a Non-existent Object in a Dynamic Scene. Frontiers in Psychology. 7: 950. PMID 27493635 DOI: 10.3389/Fpsyg.2016.00950  0.691
2015 White RC, Weinberg JL, Aimola Davies AM. The nonvisual illusion of self-touch: Misaligned hands and anatomical implausibility. Perception. 44: 436-45. PMID 26492728 DOI: 10.1068/P7868  0.648
2015 White RC, Aimola Davies AM. The no-touch rubber hand paradigm and mirror-touch sensation: Support for the self-other theory of mirror-touch synesthesia. Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-2. PMID 26114315 DOI: 10.1080/17588928.2015.1057483  0.581
2015 White RC, Weinberg JL, Aimola Davies AM. The nonvisual illusion of self-touch: Misaligned hands and anatomical implausibility Perception. 44: 436-445. DOI: 10.1068/p7868  0.598
2013 Bultitude JH, List A, Aimola Davies AM. Prism adaptation does not alter object-based attention in healthy participants. F1000research. 2: 232. PMID 24715960 DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.2-232.v1  0.679
2013 White RC, Aimola Davies AM. Anti-extinction in the tactile modality. Perception. 42: 669-71. PMID 24422248 DOI: 10.1068/p7477  0.561
2013 White RC, Aimola Davies AM. A new method for assessing self-touch enhancement of the foot in stroke patients with mobility problems. Perception. 42: 473-6. PMID 23866560 DOI: 10.1068/p7400  0.588
2013 Aimola Davies AM, White RC, Davies M. Spatial limits on the nonvisual self-touch illusion and the visual rubber hand illusion: subjective experience of the illusion and proprioceptive drift. Consciousness and Cognition. 22: 613-36. PMID 23644413 DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2013.03.006  0.652
2013 Aimola Davies AM, Waterman S, White RC, Davies M. When you fail to see what you were told to look for: inattentional blindness and task instructions. Consciousness and Cognition. 22: 221-30. PMID 23337442 DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2012.11.015  0.596
2013 Aimola Davies AM, White RC. A sensational illusion: vision-touch synaesthesia and the rubber hand paradigm. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 49: 806-18. PMID 22445446 DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2012.01.007  0.674
2012 White RC, Aimola Davies AM. Specular vision-touch synaesthesia: two reference frames. Perception. 41: 871-4. PMID 23155738 DOI: 10.1068/p7182  0.647
2011 Aimola Davies AM, White RC. Touching my face with my supernumerary hand: a cheeky illusion. Perception. 40: 1245-7. PMID 22308894 DOI: 10.1068/p6956  0.636
2011 White RC, Aimola Davies AM, Davies M. Two hands are better than one: a new assessment method and a new interpretation of the non-visual illusion of self-touch. Consciousness and Cognition. 20: 956-64. PMID 21621425 DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2011.03.021  0.672
2011 White RC, Aimola Davies AM. Touching my left elbow: the anatomical structure of the body affects the illusion of self-touch. Perception. 40: 95-8. PMID 21513188 DOI: 10.1068/p6796  0.608
2011 Aimola Davies AM, Davies M, Ogden JA, Smithson M, White RC. Cognitive and motivational factors in anosognosia Delusion and Self-Deception: Affective and Motivational Influences On Belief Formation. 187-226. DOI: 10.4324/9780203838044  0.641
2010 Aimola Davies AM, White RC, Thew G, Aimola NM, Davies M. Visual capture of action, experience of ownership, and the illusion of self-touch: a new rubber hand paradigm. Perception. 39: 830-8. PMID 20698477 DOI: 10.1068/p6610  0.684
2010 White RC, Aimola Davies AM, Kischka U. Errors of somatosensory localisation in a patient with right-hemisphere stroke. Neurocase. 16: 238-58. PMID 20509094 DOI: 10.1080/13554790903456175  0.627
2010 White RC, Aimola Davies AM, Halleen TJ, Davies M. Tactile expectations and the perception of self-touch: an investigation using the rubber hand paradigm. Consciousness and Cognition. 19: 505-19. PMID 20185337 DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2009.08.003  0.68
2010 White RC, Aimola Davies AM, Kischka U, Davies M. Touch and feel? Using the rubber hand paradigm to investigate self-touch enhancement in right-hemisphere stroke patients. Neuropsychologia. 48: 26-37. PMID 19682472 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2009.08.006  0.651
2008 White RC, Aimola Davies A. Attention set for number: expectation and perceptual load in inattentional blindness. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance. 34: 1092-107. PMID 18823197 DOI: 10.1037/0096-1523.34.5.1092  0.598
2008 Hughes LE, Bates TC, Aimola Davies AM. Dissociations in rod bisection: the effect of viewing conditions on perception and action. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 44: 1279-87. PMID 18761142 DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2006.03.003  0.541
2007 Buchholz J, Aimola Davies A. Attentional blink deficits observed in dyslexia depend on task demands. Vision Research. 47: 1292-302. PMID 17408718 DOI: 10.1016/J.Visres.2006.11.028  0.745
2006 Bultitude JH, Aimola Davies AM. Putting attention on the line: investigating the activation-orientation hypothesis of pseudoneglect. Neuropsychologia. 44: 1849-58. PMID 16701730 DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2006.03.001  0.629
2005 Hughes LE, Bates TC, Aimola Davies AM. The effects of local and global processing demands on perception and action. Brain and Cognition. 59: 71-81. PMID 16019116 DOI: 10.1016/j.bandc.2005.05.003  0.519
2005 Buchholz J, Aimola Davies A. Adults with dyslexia demonstrate space-based and object-based covert attention deficits: shifting attention to the periphery and shifting attention between objects in the left visual field. Brain and Cognition. 57: 30-4. PMID 15629211 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bandc.2004.08.017  0.745
2004 Hughes LE, Bates TC, Aimola Davies A. Grasping at sticks: pseudoneglect for perception but not action. Experimental Brain Research. 157: 397-402. PMID 15221169 DOI: 10.1007/s00221-004-1958-2  0.532
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