University of Glasgow

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Yousef M Abul-HaijaChemistry, Self-Assembly, Supramolecular Chemistry, Systems Chemistry, Bioinspired Chemistry, Peptides
Stanley Alstead
Beate Apfelbeck
Jon P. BarnesCrab Vision, Tree Frog
Sam A. Booker20082011 Imre Vida (grad student)
Julie-Myrtille Bourgognon
Colin H. Brown19881993 Desmond P. Gilmore (grad student)
Dora Brown19992002 Sarah L. Wilson (grad student)
Alan Brown
Roberto Caldararole of culture in visual and social cognition20112005 Meike Ramon (collaborator), Philippe G. Schyns (post-doc)
Stuart Cobbneurophysiology Peter Somogyi (grad student)
Jonathan A. Colesbrain tumors, cerebral trypanomiasis, proton pumps
Andrew Crawford Debbie Dewar (grad student)
William Cullen17261729 Robert Simson (grad student)
Dan Cuthill Debbie Dewar (grad student)
Rebecca A. CutlerCognitive neuroscience, memory, neuroimaging20142015 Marios G. Philiastides (research assistant)
Ravinder S. Dahiya
Lisa DeBruine
Debbie Dewarstroke, brain damage, neuroimaging Wellcome Surgical Institute Jim McCulloch (post-doc), Mhairi Macrae (collaborator), Sally Pimlott (collaborator), David Maxwell (collaborator), Chris McCabe (collaborator)
Eleonore DuvelleHippocampus, Rat, Flexible navigation, Place Cells, Replay, Navigation
Elsa Florence FouragnanDecision making, Learning Experimental Psychology20132016 Marios G. Philiastides (post-doc)
Robert E. Fyffespinal cord, motoneurons, interneurons Alan Brown (grad student)
Kamal Kamal GadallaNeuroscience20082012 Stuart Cobb (grad student)
Jian GanNeurophysiology20062009 Stuart Cobb (grad student)
J. S. GillespieAutonomic Neuroscience
Desmond P. Gilmore
Caglar Gok Burak Guclu (grad student)
Jorge David Gonzalez Pauleinformation retrieval
George H. Gorrie Stephen J. Moss (grad student)
Frederic GosselinVisual cognition19962000 Philippe G. Schyns (grad student)
Umberto Gostoli Institute of Health and Wellbeing Paul A. Warren (grad student)
Andrew S. Grimm1965 Charles Maurice Yonge (research assistant), James D. Robertson (grad student)
Marie-Helene GrosbrasCognitive neuroscience, eye movements, social perception, adolescent brain development
Joachim Gross
Amanda Hahnface perception, hormones, infant, parental behavior, social perceptions Institute of Neuroscience & Psychology20122016 Benedict Jones (post-doc)
Simon Hanzal Gemma Learmonth (grad student), Gregor Thut (grad student)
A. Murray Harper
Monika Harvey George Ettlinger (grad student)
James M. HillisColor vision, Cue combination, Depth perception
William Hunter17371741 William Cullen (grad student)
Robin A A Incestatistics, neuroimaging, information theory
Tomoko IwataStem cell
Rachael Jack
Aaron P. JohnsonVisual system, Natural Images19982001 Jon P. Barnes (grad student), Martin Macauley (grad student)
Thomas Wharton JonesPhysiology William MacKenzie (grad student)
Benedict Jones
Amanda L. Kaasfmri, haptic perception, haptic working memory, imagery Lars Muckli (post-doc)
Mohammad A. KhoyiAutonomic neuroscience J. S. Gillespie (grad student)
Junpeng LaoBayesian Statistics, Human Vision, Face perception, Eye movement, EEG Department of Psychology Department of Psychology20092013 Roberto Caldara (grad student), Lars Muckli (grad student)
Margaret H. LaurieAutism Spectrum Disorders, Technology, Child Development School of Psychology20152016 David R. Simmons (grad student)
Gemma LearmonthHemispatial Neglect
Graham Lee
David Y Lewis Debbie Dewar (post-doc)
Scott A. LoveCognitive and Social Neuroscience, Multisensory Processing20062011 Frank E. Pollick (grad student)
Martin MacauleyMicroelectronics, Real-Time Operating Systems
William MacEwenNeurosurgery18721877 Joseph Lister (grad student)
Eric T. MacKenziePhysiology, Cerebral Circulation, Stroke A. Murray Harper (grad student)
Graham MacKenzieEpidosic memory, Face recognition
William MacKenzieVision
Christopher Marshall Rebecca E. Campbell (grad student)
Corentin MassotVestibular system, Computer vision20022006 Pascal Mamassian (grad student)
David Maxwell
Chris McCabe
Andrew S. McCallionCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Biology1997 R Wayne Davies (grad student)
Eileen McCracken Debbie Dewar (grad student)
Jim McCulloch
Faye McleodNeuroscience20082012 Stuart Cobb (grad student)
Kara McNairNeurophysiology20012005 Stuart Cobb (grad student)
Giorgos Michalareas Department of Psychology, Center for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Institute of Neuroscience and Psychology20082011 Joachim Gross (post-doc)
Sebastien MielletVision20072011 Sara C. Sereno (post-doc), Roberto Caldara (post-doc), Philippe G. Schyns (collaborator), Klaus Kessler (post-doc)
David J. MillerCardiac muscle physiology, muscle contraction, Carnosine, zinc ions, Life of Sydney Ringer John C. McGrath (collaborator)
Emma Mitchell Debbie Dewar (grad student)
A. Tyler MorganVisual system; MRI methods Lars Muckli (grad student)
Liza Mortonmedical psychology, polyvagal theory, psychocardiology, social neuroscience, clinical research, self esteem, social prescribing, congenital heart disease, anxiety, depression, patient experience, visual attention, cognition20002003 Philippe G. Schyns (grad student)
Lars MuckliVisual System - functional Brain Imaging2011 Meike Ramon (collaborator)
Iain Murdoch Debbie Dewar (grad student)
John J. O'Dowd19901996 David J. Miller (collaborator)
Sally Pimlott
Frank E. Pollick
John Rankin Stobhill General Hospital Stanley Alstead (research scientist)
Yulia RevinaVisual system, perception, top-down signals Institute of Neuroscience & Psychology20122016 Lars Muckli (grad student)
James D. Robertsonion regulation
Stephanie RossitHemispatial neglect, perception and action20052009 Monika Harvey (grad student)
Guillaume Rousselet2005 Sebastien Miellet (collaborator)
Lisa Roy Debbie Dewar (grad student)
Torsten Ruest Debbie Dewar (grad student)
Cassandra Sampaio-Baptista
Julian R. SampsonClinical and molecular genetics1989 Malcolm Andrew Ferguson-Smith (grad student)
Aline D. ScherffAutism, Behaviour Genetics, Eyetracking, Medical Education, ECG, Cardiology, Depression Psychology20092010 David R. Simmons (research assistant)
Philippe G. SchynsCognitive Science
Sara C. SerenoReading, eye movements
Brian Shiels Veterinary Parasitology Andy Tait (post-doc)
David R. SimmonsVisual Perception
Marie L. SmithVision, perception, categorization, faces, emotion, eeg, meg20022008 Philippe G. Schyns (post-doc)
Godfrey L. Smithcardiac muscle EC coupling David J. Miller (grad student)
Tyler J. Stevenson
Alexandre SurgetAntidepressant, Stress, Depression, Hippocampus, Neurogenesis, Place Cells
Heng-Ru May TanNeuroimaging, Magnetoencephalography, Motor Control
David Tarr Debbie Dewar (grad student)
Adriana Tavares Debbie Dewar (grad student)
Jack E Taylorvisual word recognition, EEG, statistics School of Psychology and Neuroscience20172022 Guillaume Rousselet (grad student)
Andrew J. Todd
Paul TurkoPlasticity and trafficking20092012 Stuart Cobb (grad student)
Christopher Turner Gemma Learmonth (grad student)
Sander van BreeCognitive Neuroscience, Neural Oscillations, Metascience Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging Maria Wimber (grad student)
Imre VidaNeuroscience, Neuroanatomy
Shih-ming WengNeurophysiology20072011 Stuart Cobb (grad student)
Sarah L. WilsonBrain injury
Haojiang YingVision science; Face perception Psychology20132014 Lisa DeBruine (grad student)
Chen Zhou