Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Jane E. AspellSelf-consciousness, body perception, multisensory perception, vision19982002 Anya Hurlbert (grad student)
John Attia
Melissa Bateson
Nathan BeehagPsychology
Sonu BhaskarNeurology, Global Health, Cerebrovascular Disorders, Stroke, Neuroscience, Neuroimaging, Social Inequalities in Health Department of Internal Medicine, John Hunter Hospital and Hunter Medical Research Institute20132017 John Attia (grad student)
Marina Blojcolour perception Anya Hurlbert (grad student)
Evgeny BondarenkoAutonomic Nervous System, Neurocardiology, Respiration
Timothy Boswell
Darren BurkeEvolution, vision, face perception
Kirsten L. Challinor Darren Burke (grad student)
Jade Ashley CooperRecognition Memory
Simon DennisCognitive Psychology
Andrew Heathcote
David HowardLanguage, aphasia, therapy
Ryan M Hulteenkinesiology, motor development School of Education School of Education20142018 David Lubans (grad student), Philip Morgan (grad student)
Anya HurlbertVisual Perception
Phillip Jobling
Kypros KypriPublic health
Joanne Leung
John Local Barbara Strang (grad student)
David Lubans
Stuart G. MarlinVision, Motion perception
Peter Vernon Masseysynaptic plasticity, epilepsy
Peter V MasseyNeuroscience Institute of Neuroscience Mark O. Cunningham (post-doc)
Philip Morgan
James NeilsenEvolutionary Psychology Darren Burke (grad student)
Vivek Nityanandasensory biology, vision, audition, attention, neuroethology, insects, frogs20102011 Mark A. Bee (post-doc), Mark A. Bee (post-doc)
Jessica L. OrensteinMemory
Amanda Parkercognitive neuroscience
Bradley Pearce20112016 Anya Hurlbert (grad student)
Robert H. Perry
jay ashley richardsHealth promotion, clinical psychology
Barbara Strang
Katie r. Wisesex therapy / HR