University of Manchester

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ian Anderson
David George AshbrookGene by environment, behavioral genetics, behavioral genomics, early life interactions, indirect genetic effects, social genetic effects Reinmar Hager (grad student)
Michael R. Balein vivo electrophysiology, somatosensory system, neural coding20092012 Rasmus Petersen (grad student), Rasmus Petersen (post-doc)
Rigmor BaraasAdaptive optics20022005 David H. Foster (post-doc)
Kiran Batta Tapas Kundu (grad student)
Richard J. BinneySemantic Cognition, Language, Aphasia Psychology20062010 Matthew A. Lambon Ralph (grad student)
Robin J. BlaggInorganic Chemistry, Electrochemistry School of Chemistry20102013 Eric J. L. McInnes (post-doc)
Enrico Bracci
George Lindor BrownNeurophysiology, neuropharmacology19241925 Bryan A. McSwiney (grad student)
Christopher A. BrownPain Anthony K. P. Jones (grad student)
Scott Cairney School of Psychological Sciences Penny Lewis (grad student)
Stephen F. Carter Karl Herholz (grad student)
Konstantinos ChiotisAlzheimer's disease. Positron Emission Tomography20132017 Stephen F. Carter (grad student)
John CohenTime perception
Thomas J. CouchMemory, MTL, Recognition Daniela Montaldi (grad student)
James Cousins School of Psychological Sciences Penny Lewis (grad student)
Cara Louise CroftNeuropharmacology, neurodegeneration, chronobiology
Kyle DaviesComputational Neuroscience, Neural Coding2010 Rasmus Petersen (grad student), Marcelo Montemurro (grad student)
Katherine E. DavisHippocampal system, Models of Alzheimer's Disease, in vivo electrophysiology, Behavioural testing John Gigg (grad student)
Piers Dawesauditory processing
Julius Dreschfield
Samantha Jean Durrant
Simon Durrant School of Psychological Sciences Penny Lewis (post-doc)
David A. Eisnercardiac muscle,cellular electrophysiology
Mathew H. EvansComputational Neuroscience, Somatosensation, Rasmus Petersen (post-doc)
Igor Evstigneev Eugene Borisovich Dynkin (grad student)
George Farmer
David H. Foster
Sarah FoxSynaptic plasticity, Hippocampal electrophysiology John Gigg (grad student)
Darya FrankCognitive Neuroscience
Oliver FreemanDiabetic Neuropathy2011 Rasmus Petersen (grad student)
Lorenzo GallicchioDevelopmental Biology20162020 Matthew R. Ronshaugen (grad student)
John Gigghippocampus, subiculum, entorhinal cortex, Alzheimer's disease, in vivo electrophysiology Menno P. Witter (collaborator)
Jonathan Green
Kenneth L. GrieveVisual system
Reinmar Hager
Phoebe Harding-Walker Samantha Jean Durrant (grad student)
Clare Harropautism, sex differences Jonathan Green (grad student)
Zhenhong He DIVISION OF PSYCHOLOGY & MENTAL HEALTH Rebecca Elliott (grad student)
Nora Hennies School of Psychological Sciences Penny Lewis (grad student)
David B. Henson
Karl Herholz
Andrew Howes
Mark D. HumphriesComputational neuroscience, Neural ensembles, Basal ganglia, Neural coherence
Isabel C. Hutchisonsleep, affective neuroscience, memory, emotion, creativity
Robin A A Incestatistics, neuroimaging, information theory20072010 Rasmus Petersen (grad student), Stefano Panzeri (grad student)
Anthony K. P. JonesPain
Alex KafkasMemory, MTL, Recognition Daniela Montaldi (grad student), Andrew R. Mayes (post-doc)
James L. KeidelSpeech perception, plasticity
Jonathan A. kelberCancer and Regenerative biology, receptor and non-receptor kinases Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research20192020 Martin J. Humphries (research scientist)
Tom KilburnComputer Science
Yong Ho KimPain, TRP channel20082009 R Alan North (grad student)
Jamie KraftVisual psychophysics
Isil Aksan Kurnaz Biochemistry19951998 Andrew D. Sharrocks (grad student)
Matthew A. Lambon Ralph
Penny Lewis
Niklas Ludtke
Karen E Lythe Ian Anderson (grad student)
David M. A. Mann
Andrew R. Mayes
Colette McKayCochlear Implants
Niall P. McLoughlinVisual system, imaging
Bryan A. McSwineyAutonomic nervous system 19201922 Archibald Vivian Hill (research scientist)
David M. MerrySomatosensory Cortex, Hippocampus, Neural Coding2008 Rasmus Petersen (grad student), John Gigg (grad student)
Daniela MontaldiMemory, MTL, Recognition
Marcelo Montemurro
Michael A. Moore
Emma L MorrisCircadian Neurobiology, Neuroscience, Chronobiology, Circadian System Hugh Piggins (grad student)
Sasidhar Reddy MurikinatiStroke
R Alan NorthOpioids, potassium channels, purines
Yaser NosratiArtificial Intelligence , Machine learning
Meagan OakleyComputational chemistry Chemistry2022 Nicholas F. Chilton (post-doc)
Ivan OlierMachine learning, Bayesian models, electronic health records
Ken A. PallerMemory19891990 Andrew R. Mayes (post-doc)
Stefano PanzeriSensory systems, Computational neursocience Miguel Maravall (collaborator)
Neil Parry Pharmacy & Optometry19831984 David Rose (research assistant)
Rasmus PetersenSomatosensory system, computational neuroscience
Chris J. PlackHearing, Psychoacoustics
Andrew G. RamageNeuropharmacology, Cardiovascular Afferents19741977 Ainsley Iggo (post-doc)
Olena Riabininainsect neurophysiology and neuroethology, olfaction, hearing, vision, navigation Biology, Medicine and Health20172019 Richard Baines (research scientist)
Tim Sandlemicrobiology
Greta SantagataSomatosensory system, Neural coding2010 Rasmus Petersen (grad student)
Ingo Schiessl
Michael SchwartzeCognitive Neuroscience Sonja A. Kotz (grad student)
Gregory Adam ScottBuddhism, Chinese Religions
Jonathan L. ShapiroMachine Learning
Andrew D. Sharrocks
Sohail SiadatnejadSpike train analysis, Information theory, Encoding, Decosing
Sylvain Sirois
Deborah TalmiPsychology, Cognitive neuroscience
Jakke Tamminen School of Psychological Sciences Penny Lewis (post-doc)
Maria-Efstratia Tsimpanouli School of Psychological Sciences Penny Lewis (grad student)
Hikaru TsujimuraSleep and Memory psychology20132018 Penny Lewis (grad student)
Katherine E. TwomeyDevelopmental Psychology
Alexej Verkhratsky
Veronica Vienne Arancibia Economics2022 Ada Wossink (grad student)
Paul A. Warren Rebecca Champion (collaborator)
Verena WolframDrosophila Neuromuscular junction Life Sciences20072013 Richard Baines (post-doc)
Clifford Ian WorkmanMorality, Aesthetics, Psychiatry School of Medicine20122016 Rebecca Elliott (grad student)
Rui YinNeuroscience