University of Oregon, Eugene

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Christine BeattieMotor Axon Guidance Judith Eisen (post-doc)
David B. BolesExperimental Psychology Psychology19751979 Steven Keele (grad student)
Jessica L. FanningParent-Child Intervention; Stress Regulation; Stuttering2001 Helen Neville (post-doc)
Anderson J. FranklinClinical Psychology, Personality Psychology, Black Studies William K. Estes (grad student)
Marc R. FreemanGlia neurobiology and neurodegeneration19992004 Chris Q. Doe (post-doc)
Avishai Henik Michael I. Posner (post-doc)
Joel Ivey Chemistry19661971 Edward Herbert (grad student)
Peggy J. Jennings19881992 Steven Keele (grad student), Jeri S. Janowsky (grad student)
Mark H. Johnsondevelopmental cognitive neuroscience Michael I. Posner (post-doc)
Stephen E. Kemp Chemistry19671969 Edward Herbert (research assistant)
Ji-Hang LeeMotor Control, Motor Learning19972002 Paul van Donkelaar (grad student), Jody L. Jensen (grad student)
Emília P. MartinsEvolution, animal behavior19921994 Michael Robert Lynch (post-doc)
Bruce D. MccandlissEducation Michael I. Posner (grad student)
Robert Morris
Robert Wesley Morris Chemistry19651969 Edward Herbert (grad student)
Brian C. Rakitin19921997 Steven Keele (grad student), Michael I. Posner (grad student)
Manfred Spitzer Michael I. Posner (research scientist)
Zoltan M. VargaDevelopmental Biology, Genetics, Institute of Neuroscience19951999 Monte Westerfield (post-doc)
Maureen R. WeissYouth development through sport and physical activity, including motivation, self-perceptions, social relationships, and moral development
Prapon Wilarat Chemistry19691973 Edward Herbert (grad student)
William R. Woodward Chemistry19661972 Edward Herbert (grad student)
David G Wyrick Biology20172022 Luca Mazzucato (grad student)