Amanda C. Brandone, Ph.D.

Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, United States 
conceptual development, language development
"Amanda Brandone"
Mean distance: 19 (cluster 47)


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Ellen Winner research assistant 2002-2003 Boston College
Roberta Michnick Golinkoff research assistant 2003-2005 University of Delaware
Susan A. Gelman grad student 2010 University of Michigan
 (The development of intention understanding in the first year of life: An exploration of infants' understanding of successful vs. failed intentional actions.)
Henry Wellman grad student 2005-2010 University of Michigan (PsychTree)
 (The development of intention understanding in the first year of life: An exploration of infants' understanding of successful vs. failed intentional actions.)


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Kelsey Moty research assistant 2014-2017 Lehigh University (PsychTree)
Wyntre A Stout grad student 2014- Lehigh University (PsychTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Brandone AC, Stout W. (2023) Mentalistic and normative frameworks in children's explanations of others' behaviors. Child Development
Brandone AC, Stout W. (2022) The Origins of Theory of Mind in Infant Social Cognition: Investigating Longitudinal Pathways from Intention Understanding and Joint Attention to Preschool Theory of Mind. Journal of Cognition and Development : Official Journal of the Cognitive Development Society. 24: 375-396
Stout W, Karahuta E, Laible D, et al. (2020) A longitudinal study of the differential social-cognitive foundations of early prosocial behaviors. Infancy : the Official Journal of the International Society On Infant Studies
Brandone AC, Stout W, Moty K. (2020) Intentional action processing across the transition to crawling: Does the experience of self-locomotion impact infants' understanding of intentional actions? Infant Behavior & Development. 60: 101470
Brandone AC, Stout W, Moty K. (2019) Triadic Interactions Support Infants' Emerging Understanding of Intentional Actions. Developmental Science. e12880
Brandone AC, Klimek B. (2018) The Developing Theory of Mental State Control: Changes in Beliefs about the Controllability of Emotional Experience from Elementary School through Adulthood Journal of Cognition and Development. 19: 509-531
Brandone AC. (2016) Changes in Beliefs About Category Homogeneity and Variability Across Childhood. Child Development
Brandone AC. (2015) Infants' social and motor experience and the emerging understanding of intentional actions. Developmental Psychology. 51: 512-23
Brandone AC, Gelman SA, Hedglen J. (2015) Children's Developing Intuitions About the Truth Conditions and Implications of Novel Generics Versus Quantified Statements. Cognitive Science. 39: 711-38
Brandone AC. (2015) Infants' social and motor experience and the emerging understanding of intentional actions Developmental Psychology. 51: 512-523
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