Stephanie Wissig

Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, New York, United States 
"Stephanie Wissig"
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Adam Kohn grad student 2007-2012 Yeshiva University
 (Spatial and temporal contextual effects in early visual physiology and visual perception.)
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Patterson CA, Wissig SC, Kohn A. (2014) Adaptation disrupts motion integration in the primate dorsal stream. Neuron. 81: 674-86
Patterson CA, Duijnhouwer J, Wissig SC, et al. (2014) Similar adaptation effects in primary visual cortex and area MT of the macaque monkey under matched stimulus conditions. Journal of Neurophysiology. 111: 1203-13
Wissig SC, Patterson CA, Kohn A. (2013) Adaptation improves performance on a visual search task. Journal of Vision. 13: 6
Patterson CA, Wissig SC, Kohn A. (2013) Distinct effects of brief and prolonged adaptation on orientation tuning in primary visual cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience. 33: 532-43
Wissig SC, Kohn A. (2012) The influence of surround suppression on adaptation effects in primary visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology. 107: 3370-84
Wissig S, Kohn A. (2012) The effects of adaptation on visual search. Journal of Vision. 12: 702-702
Remez RE, Yang CY, Piorkowski RL, et al. (2003) On the relation of apparent naturalness to phonetic perceptual identification The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 113: 2328-2328
Remez RE, Yang CY, Piorkowski RL, et al. (2002) The effect of variation in naturalness on phonetic perceptual identification The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 111: 2432
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