David Yager

University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD 
Neuroethology, Hearing in Insects
"David Yager"
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Ghose K, Triblehorn JD, Bohn K, et al. (2009) Behavioral responses of big brown bats to dives by praying mantises. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 212: 693-703
Triblehorn JD, Ghose K, Bohn K, et al. (2008) Free-flight encounters between praying mantids (Parasphendale agrionina) and bats (Eptesicus fuscus). The Journal of Experimental Biology. 211: 555-62
Triblehorn JD, Yager DD. (2006) Wind generated by an attacking bat: anemometric measurements and detection by the praying mantis cercal system. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 209: 1430-40
Triblehorn JD, Yager DD. (2005) Timing of praying mantis evasive responses during simulated bat attack sequences. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 208: 1867-76
Triblehorn JD, Yager DD. (2002) Implanted electrode recordings from a praying mantis auditory interneuron during flying bat attacks. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 205: 307-20
Triblehorn JD, Yager DD. (2001) Broad versus narrow auditory tuning and corresponding bat-evasive flight behaviour in praying mantids Journal of Zoology. 254: 27-40
Yager DD, Spangler HG. (1997) Behavioral response to ultrasound by the tiger beetle Cicindela marutha dow combines aerodynamic changes and sound production. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 200: 649-59
McKibben JR, Hopkins CD, Yager DD. (1993) Directional sensitivity of tuberous electroreceptors: polarity preferences and frequency tuning. Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 173: 415-24
Yager DD, Hopkins CD. (1993) Directional characteristics of tuberous electroreceptors in the weakly electric fish, Hypopomus (Gymnotiformes). Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 173: 401-14
Yager DD, May ML. (1990) Ultrasound-triggered, flight-gated evasive maneuvers in the praying mantis Parasphendale agrionina. II. Tethered flight. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 152: 41-58
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