Edgar Harry Vogel

University of Talca, Cincinnati, VII Región, Chile 
CS Processing, US processing
"Edgar Vogel"
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Soto FA, Vogel EH, Uribe-Bahamonde YE, et al. (2023) Why is the Rescorla-Wagner model so influential? Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 107794
Perez OD, Vogel EH, Narasiwodeyar S, et al. (2022) Subsampling of cues in associative learning. Learning & Memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.). 29: 160-170
Uribe-Bahamonde YE, Jorquera OE, Vogel EH. (2021) The Sometimes Context-Specific Habituation: Theoretical Challenges to Associative Accounts. Animals : An Open Access Journal From Mdpi. 11
Uribe-Bahamonde YE, Jorquera OE, Becerra SA, et al. (2021) SOP- habituation laboratory: An interactive tool for simulating the basic behavioral features of habituation. Behavior Research Methods
Vogel EH, Ponce FP, Brandon SE. (2020) Can the stimulus processing assumptions of the sometimes-opponent-process (SOP) model explain instances of contextual learning? Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Learning and Cognition. 46: 205-214
Uribe-Bahamonde YE, Becerra SA, Ponce FP, et al. (2019) A Quantitative Account of the Behavioral Characteristics of Habituation: The Sometimes Opponent Processes Model of Stimulus Processing. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 504
Vogel EH, Ponce FP, Wagner AR. (2018) Author accepted manuscript: The development and present status of the SOP model of associative learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 1747021818777074
Vogel EH, Wagner AR. (2016) A Theoretical Note in Interpretation of the "Redundancy Effect" in Associative Learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Learning and Cognition
Vogel EH, Ponce FP, Wagner AR. (2016) A theoretical analysis of transfer of occasion setting: SOP with Replaced Elements. Behavioural Processes
Soto FA, Quintana GR, Pérez-Acosta AM, et al. (2015) Why are some dimensions integral? Testing two hypotheses through causal learning experiments. Cognition. 143: 163-77
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