Patricia A. Neil, Ph.D.

2006 Computation and Neural Systems California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
"Patricia Neil"
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Shinsuke Shimojo grad student 2006 Caltech
 (Development of Audiovisual Integration in Human Infants: The Effects of Spatial and Temporal Congruency and Incongruency on Response Latencies.)
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Neil PA, Chee-Ruiter C, Scheier C, et al. (2006) Development of multisensory spatial integration and perception in humans. Developmental Science. 9: 454-64
Neil PA, Chawla A, Bhattacharya J, et al. (2004) Significant audio-visual interaction for spatially congruent stimuli Journal of Vision. 4: 702-702
Chee-Ruiter CWJ, Neil PA, Scheier C, et al. (2003) Development of multimodal spatial integration and orienting behavior in humans Journal of Vision. 3: 774a
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