Christian Wehrhahn
Affiliations: | Max Planck Institute Tuebingen, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany |
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"Christian Wehrhahn"Mean distance: 13.67 (cluster 29) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorWerner Reichardt | grad student | 1974 | MPI Tuebingen |
Gerald Westheimer | post-doc | UC Berkeley |
Sign in to add traineeThomas Wachtler | grad student | MPI Tuebingen | |
Harald Teufel | grad student | 2000 | MPI Tuebingen |
Barbara Dillenburger | grad student | 2002-2005 | MPI Tuebingen |
Sign in to add collaboratorManfred Fahle | collaborator | Max-Planck-Institut für biologische Kybernetik | |
Maarten J. van der Smagt | collaborator | 1999-2005 | Utrecht |
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Wehrhahn C, Teufel HJ. (2010) How are lateral chromatic interactions computed from cone signals? Neural Computation. 22: 2763-84 |
Dillenburger B, Wehrhahn C. (2010) Real line masks "close the gap" in abutting line type illusory contour processing Journal of Vision. 6: 330-330 |
Dillenburger B, Wehrhahn C. (2010) Backward masking of illusory contours or their inducers depends on timing Journal of Vision. 5: 570-570 |
Anstis S, Gori S, Wehrhahn C. (2007) Afterimages and the breathing light illusion. Perception. 36: 791-4 |
Wehrhahn C. (2006) Reversed phi revisited. Journal of Vision. 6: 1018-25 |
van der Smagt MJ, Wehrhahn C, Albright TD. (2005) Contextual masking of oriented lines: interactions between surface segmentation cues. Journal of Neurophysiology. 94: 576-89 |
Teufel HJ, Wehrhahn C. (2004) Chromatic induction in humans: how are the cone signals combined to provide opponent processing? Vision Research. 44: 2425-35 |
Dillenburger B, Wehrhahn C. (2002) Vastly differing variances in the ratio of red and green cones between female and male human observers Journal of Vision. 2: 150a |
Li W, Thier P, Wehrhahn C. (2001) Neuronal responses from beyond the classic receptive field in V1 of alert monkeys. Experimental Brain Research. 139: 359-71 |
Wehrhahn C, Rapf D. (2001) Perceptual learning of apparent motion mediated through ON- and OFF-pathways in human vision. Vision Research. 41: 353-8 |