Nadja Althaus | Developmental Science | | | | Felix A. Wichmann (research assistant) |
Andreas Bartels | visual system, imaging | | 2004 | | Nikos K. Logothetis (post-doc) |
Felix Biessmann | pharmacological MRI, brain-computer interfacing, machine learning methods for neuroscientific applications | | 2007 | 2010 | Gregor Rainer (grad student), Bernhard Schölkopf (grad student) |
Tobias Bonhoeffer | Plasticity and development | | | | Valentino Braitenberg (grad student) |
Valentino Braitenberg | Neuroanatomy | | | | |
Romain Brasselet | | | 2011 | 2012 | Christoph Kayser (post-doc), Stefano Panzeri (post-doc) |
Tilmann M. Brotz | Drug Discovery and Development | | 1992 | 1995 | Alexander Borst (grad student) |
Erich Buchner | | | | | Karl Georg Goetz (grad student) |
Heinrich H. Buelthoff | Psychophysics, Cognition, Computer Vision, Robotics | | 1980 | 1988 | Karl Georg Goetz (research scientist) |
Jau-Nian Chen | Development of Cardiovascular System, Zebrafish | | | | Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard (research scientist) |
Christos Constantinidis | | | | | Nikos K. Logothetis (research scientist) |
Holk Cruse | neurobiology, neuroethology, sensorimotor | | | | Kuno Kirschfeld (research scientist) |
Barbara Dillenburger | Sensory processes, Cortex, Visual Perception | | 2002 | 2005 | Christian Wehrhahn (grad student) |
Martin Egelhaaf | | | | | Werner Reichardt (grad student) |
Manfred Fahle | Form vision | | 1977 | 1980 | Valentino Braitenberg (grad student) |
Asif A. Ghazanfar | | | 2001 | 2005 | Nikos K. Logothetis (research scientist) |
Karl Georg Goetz | Visual system, motor system, drosophila | | 1961 | 1967 | Karl Friedrich Bonhoeffer (grad student), Werner Reichardt (grad student) |
Detlef H. Heck | Cerebellum, Autism, Social behaivor, Innate behavior | | | | Valentino Braitenberg (post-doc) |
Roland Hengstenberg | | | | | Werner Reichardt (post-doc) |
Vishal Kapoor | Visual perception | | 2007 | | Nikos K. Logothetis (grad student) |
Christoph Kayser | Visual system | | | | Nikos K. Logothetis (post-doc) |
Michael Thomas Lippert | | | 2006 | 2009 | Nikos K. Logothetis (research assistant), Christoph Kayser (research assistant) |
Nikos K. Logothetis | visual system | | 2007 | | J Anthony Movshon (collaborator), Greg S. Corrado (collaborator), Felix Biessmann (collaborator) |
Joost X. Maier | auditory system | | 2003 | 2006 | Asif A. Ghazanfar (grad student) |
Alexander Maier | Visual Perception | | 2001 | 2004 | Nikos K. Logothetis (grad student) |
Mijung Park | privacy preserving machine learning | | 2014 | 2014 | Jakob H. Macke (post-doc) |
Christopher I. Petkov | Auditory System | | | | Nikos K. Logothetis (post-doc) |
Tomaso A. Poggio | Computation | | 1971 | 1981 | Werner Reichardt (research scientist) |
Gregor Rainer | Visual system | | | | |
Malte J. Rasch | Computational Neuroscience | | 2004 | 2008 | Nikos K. Logothetis (grad student) |
Josef P. Rauschecker | Cortical Plasticity/ Sensory | | | | Valentino Braitenberg (research scientist) |
Werner Reichardt | Visual System, Motion Detection | | | | Bernhard Hassenstein (collaborator) |
Frank Scharnowski | | | | | Nikolaus Weiskopf (grad student) |
Michael C. Schmid | Visual system | | 2003 | 2007 | Stelios M. Smirnakis (grad student) |
Amir Shmuel | Visual cortex; hemodynamic signals | | | | Nikos K. Logothetis (research scientist) |
Stelios M. Smirnakis | Visual system | | | | Nikos K. Logothetis (research scientist), Brian A. Wandell (collaborator) |
Jan Souman | psychophysics | | 2000 | 2005 | Ignace Hooge (grad student) |
Harald Teufel | | | | 2000 | Christian Wehrhahn (grad student) |
Nelson K. Totah | | | 2012 | | Nikos K. Logothetis (post-doc) |
Peter Ulric Tse | Vision, Attention, NCC, Form, Motion, fMRI, DTI | | 1999 | 2001 | Nikos K. Logothetis (post-doc) |
Dezsoe Varju | Biological Cybernetics | | 1958 | 1968 | Werner Reichardt (research scientist) |
Thomas Wachtler | Visual System, Color | | | | Christian Wehrhahn (grad student) |
Hermann Wagner | Neurophysiology | | 1979 | 1984 | Werner Reichardt (grad student) |
Christian Wehrhahn | Early Vision | | | 1974 | Werner Reichardt (grad student) |
Melanie Wilke | | | 2001 | 2005 | Nikos K. Logothetis (grad student) |
Shao-Wu Zhang | | | | | Werner Reichardt (research scientist) |