Herbert P. Alpern
Affiliations: | University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States |
Behavioral geneticsGoogle:
"Herbert Alpern"Mean distance: 14.09 (cluster 19) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeJohn G. Marriott | grad student | 1968-1973 | CU Boulder |
John C. Crabbe | grad student | 1969-1973 | CU Boulder |
Jeffrey S. Stripling | grad student | 1968-1974 | CU Boulder |
Charles A. Greer | grad student | 1975-1978 | CU Boulder |
Stanley J. Jackson | grad student | 1974-1981 | CU Boulder |
Duane G. McClearn | grad student | 1978-1984 | CU Boulder |
Todd D. McIntyre | grad student | 1980-1986 | CU Boulder |
Chardelle R. Busch | grad student | 2000 | CU Boulder |
Sign in to add collaboratorPhilip M. Groves | collaborator | 1970-1981 | CU Boulder |
Eva Fifkova | collaborator | 1974-2000 | CU Boulder |
Steven F. Maier | collaborator | 1968-2004 | CU Boulder |
Dave Chiszar | collaborator | 1971-2004 | CU Boulder |
Timothy K. Smock | collaborator | 1983-2004 | CU Boulder |
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Busch CR, Alpern HP. (1998) Depression after mild traumatic brain injury: a review of current research. Neuropsychology Review. 8: 95-108 |
Stark CP, Alpern HP, Fuhrer J, et al. (1998) The medial amygdaloid nucleus modifies social behavior in male rats. Physiology & Behavior. 63: 253-9 |
McIntyre TD, Alpern HP. (1989) Patterns of convulsive susceptibility in the long-sleep and short-sleep selected mouse lines. Brain Research Bulletin. 22: 859-65 |
McIntyre TD, Alpern HP. (1989) Alterations of gabaergic activity by amino-oxyacetic acid influence barbiturate- and ethanol-induced sleep time in long-sleep and short-sleep mice Psychological Record. 39: 421-430 |
McIntyre TD, Alpern HP. (1987) Differential convulsive susceptibility of high-activity and low-activity selected mice in response to GABA antagonists. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 26: 71-5 |
McIntyre TD, Alpern HP. (1986) GABAergic drugs can enhance or attenuate chlordiazepoxide-induced sleep time in a heterogeneous strain of mice. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 25: 1077-81 |
Alpern HP, McIntyre TD. (1986) Sedative-hypnotic anomalies related to dose of pentobarbital in long-sleep and short-sleep selectively-bred mice. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 25: 333-6 |
McIntyre TD, Alpern HP. (1986) Thiopental, phenobarbital, and chlordiazepoxide induce the same differences in narcotic reaction as ethanol in long-sleep and short-sleep selectively-bred mice. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior. 24: 895-8 |
Drugan RC, McIntyre TD, Alpern HP, et al. (1985) Coping and seizure susceptibility: control over shock protects against bicuculline-induced seizures. Brain Research. 342: 9-17 |
Alpern HP, McIntyre TD. (1985) Evidence that the selectively bred long- and short-sleep mouse lines display common narcotic reactions to many depressants. Psychopharmacology. 85: 456-9 |