Christophe Pallier

CNRS, Paris, Île-de-France, France 
cognitive psychology
"Christophe Pallier"
Mean distance: 14.74 (cluster 15)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Jacques Mehler grad student 1990-1994 CNRS
Zenon W. Pylyshyn post-doc 1995-1996 Rutgers, New Brunswick


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Valerie Ventureyra grad student 2002-2005 CNRS
Anne-Dominique Devauchelle grad student 2005-2009 INSERM
Elodie Cauvet grad student 2008-2012 Neurospin CEA/Inserm U992
Valentina Borghesani grad student 2013-2017 UPMC Univ Paris 06
Narly A. Golestani post-doc 2002-2005 INSERM U562, Paris, France
Asaf Bachrach post-doc 2009-2011 CNRS
Chotiga Pattamadilok post-doc 2013-2014 CNRS
Doug K. Bemis post-doc 2014-2014 INSERM
Corinne Jola post-doc 2014-2015 CNRS


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Emmanuel Dupoux collaborator EHESS
Nuria Sebastian-Galles collaborator 1991- INSERM
Boris New collaborator 1997- University Paris 5
Stanislas Dehaene collaborator 2002- INSERM
Olivier Joly collaborator 2009-2011
BETA: Related publications


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Crespo-Bojorque P, Cauvet E, Pallier C, et al. (2024) Recognizing structure in novel tunes: differences between human and rats. Animal Cognition. 27: 17
Pasquiou A, Lakretz Y, Thirion B, et al. (2023) Information-Restricted Neural Language Models Reveal Different Brain Regions' Sensitivity to Semantics, Syntax, and Context. Neurobiology of Language (Cambridge, Mass.). 4: 611-636
Zhan M, Pallier C, Agrawal A, et al. (2023) Does the visual word form area split in bilingual readers? A millimeter-scale 7-T fMRI study. Science Advances. 9: eadf6140
New B, Bourgin J, Barra J, et al. (2023) EXPRESS: UniPseudo : A Universal Pseudoword Generator. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006). 17470218231164373
Martín-Salguero A, Reverberi C, Solari A, et al. (2023) Seeing inferences: brain dynamics and oculomotor signatures of non-verbal deduction. Scientific Reports. 13: 2341
Wang S, Planton S, Chanoine V, et al. (2022) Graph theoretical analysis reveals the functional role of the left ventral occipito-temporal cortex in speech processing. Scientific Reports. 12: 20028
Li J, Bhattasali S, Zhang S, et al. (2022) Le Petit Prince multilingual naturalistic fMRI corpus. Scientific Data. 9: 530
Dunagan D, Zhang S, Li J, et al. (2022) Neural correlates of semantic number: A cross-linguistic investigation. Brain and Language. 229: 105110
Cohen L, Salondy P, Pallier C, et al. (2021) How does inattention affect written and spoken language processing? Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 138: 212-227
Pinho AL, Amadon A, Fabre M, et al. (2020) Subject-specific segregation of functional territories based on deep phenotyping. Human Brain Mapping
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