Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Aamir AbbasiSensorimotor systems Valérie Ego-Stengel (grad student)
Pablo Achardcomputational neuroscience20032004 Gérard Hilaire (post-doc)
Frederic Angelier
Marie Avillac
Joao AzziVisual and Auditory System, Decision Making, 20042011 Jean Rene Duhamel (post-doc)
Asaf Bachrach20092011 Christophe Pallier (post-doc)
Sébastien N. BallestaSocial neuroscience, Economic decisions20112015 Jean Rene Duhamel (grad student)
Luc Baray
David André BarrièreNeuroscience Physiologie de la reproduction et des comportements20162018 Matthieu Keller (post-doc)
Marc Bartolihuman genetics, myology
Claude Bedard UNIC19992003 Alain Destexhe (grad student)
Maude Bernardet20052008 Wim E. Crusio (grad student)
Martine Berthelot-Grosjean
Frédérique BertoncelloArchaeology
Sandrine Bertrand
Bruno Bontempi
Thomas BoraudBasal Ganglia Christian E. Gross (grad student)
Yves BoubenecAuditory system Daniel E. Shulz (grad student)
Thomas BoulinPotassium channels, C. elegans
Sebastien BouretBehavioral neuroscience, Neuromodulation
Driss BoussaoudNeurophysiology of learning
Driss Boussaoudbehavioral neurophysiology Jean-Paul Joseph (grad student)
Claire Braboszczmeditation, hypnosis, subjectivity20082012 Arnaud Delorme (grad student)
Romain Bretteauditory brainstem, plasticity, spiking networks Alain Destexhe (post-doc)
Olivier Buchsenschutz
Aurélie Campagne Strasbourg Alain Muzet (grad student)
Olivier Cases Patricia Gaspar (research assistant)
Jean-Christophe Cassel
Eric CastetVisual perception with saccadic eye movements, low vision19911992 Andrei Gorea (grad student)
Francis Castets Ariane Monneron (grad student)
Daniel Cattaert Maurice Moulins (grad student)
Jean-René Cazalets Frederic Nagy (grad student)
frederic chavanevisual system, motion integration19931999 Yves Fregnac (grad student)
Yann Cojanhypnosis, meditation, pain, fMRI, EEG, MEG20022006 Viviane Pouthas (grad student)
Francoise CoussenNeuroscience, kainate receptor
René Couteaux
Wim E. CrusioBehavioral neurogenetics20122007 Susanna Pietropaolo (collaborator), Catherine Belzung (collaborator), Peter McCaffery (collaborator)
Sanne de Wit Genetique, Neurogenetique et Comportement19981999 Wim E. Crusio (research assistant)
Dominique DebanneSynaptic plasticity, intrinsic plasticity, axon Yves Fregnac (grad student)
Claude J. DechesneVestibular system
Cyril Dejeanbasal ganglia Thomas Boraud (grad student)
Marie DekerlePsycholinguistics, speech in noise
Arnaud DelormeEEG, ICA, Meditation19962000 Simon J. Thorpe (grad student)
Ana Depetris-Chauvin20132017 Yael Grosjean (post-doc)
Alain Destexhecomputational neuroscience
Peter Ford Domineylanguage, robotics, neuroscience, computational modelling Jean-Paul Joseph (post-doc)
Bernard Droz René Couteaux (grad student)
Guillaume DumasHyperscanning, Neurodynamics, Precision Psychiatry, Social AI, SciML
Jacques Durand
Gautier Durantin Arnaud Delorme (research scientist)
Michel Dussardier Denise Albe-Fessard (grad student)
Jean-Marc Edelineauditory cortex
Valérie Ego-Stengel Daniel E. Shulz (research scientist)
Abdel El Manira1992 Francois Clarac (grad student)
Isabelle Fauduet
Isabelle Ferezou NeuroPsi2011 Daniel E. Shulz (research scientist)
Denis Fize19952000 Simon J. Thorpe (grad student)
Jérome Fleuriet20072011 Laurent Goffart (grad student)
Nicolas H FranceschiniNeuroscience, Vision, Compound eyes, Micro-optics, Fly, Motion detecting neurons, Motion perception, Biorobotics, Bio-inspired motion and position sensors, Bio-inspired autopilots
Patrick Friedrichinterhemispheric processing, brain asymmetry, hemispheric specialization, language, perception BCBlab Michel Thiebaut de Schotten (post-doc)
Stéphane Gaillard Francis Castets (grad student)
Marta Gajowacortex, synaptic mapping20142018 Lyle J. GRAHAM (grad student)
Diego Galagovsky20132017 Yael Grosjean (post-doc)
Line GarneroMEG-EEG models & methods, Quantitative MRI analysis
Jacques Gautrais
Flore Geillon20132016 Yael Grosjean (post-doc)
Pierre GenevesComputer Science
Judit Gervainlanguage acquisition, developmental psychology, infant speech perception
Damien Gervasoni Miguel A. Nicolelis (post-doc)
Nicolas GodinotTaste and Smell19941999 Gilles Sicard (grad student)
Laurent GoffartOculomotor Neurophysiology, Saccade, Fixation, Eye-Head19891990 Jacques Honoré (research assistant)
Jose Gomez Gonzalez Alain Destexhe (post-doc)
Romain Grandchamp2008 Arnaud Delorme (grad student)
Lorenzo Guerrasio2008 Laurent Goffart (grad student)
Francois P. Guillemot Nicole Marthe Le Douarin (grad student)
Lydia Günther20062007 Wim E. Crusio (post-doc)
Martin Guthrie2007 Thomas Boraud (post-doc)
Rudy Guyonneau20022006 Simon J. Thorpe (grad student)
Gerald HahnNeuronal Avalanches, Visual System2009 Yves Fregnac (grad student)
Evan Harrel Daniel E. Shulz (post-doc)
Gérard HilaireRespiratory neurobiology
Jean-Michel Hoc Franck Mars (collaborator)
Christian HoneyAuditory and Olfactory Neuroscience20062007 Rufin VanRullen (grad student)
Jacques Honoré
Sandrine Hugues20062008 Laurent Goffart (post-doc)
Andrei Ivanov CNRS ENS Paris-Saclay20172018 Jean-Pierre Mothet (post-doc)
Stéphane JacobsExtinction, neglect, apraxia, tool use20002005 Agnès Roby-Brami (grad student)
Laure JamotNeuroscience19921995 Wim E. Crusio (grad student)
André Jean Michel Dussardier (grad student)
Anissa Jhumka Francis Castets (grad student)
Viktor K. JirsaTheoretical Neuroscience
Corinne Jola20142015 Christophe Pallier (post-doc)
Jean-Paul Joseph Antoine Rémond (grad student)
Timothé Jost-Mousseau
Roland Jouvent
Vjaceslavs Karolis BCBlab Michel Thiebaut de Schotten (post-doc)
Matthieu Kellerolfaction, pheromone, maternal behavior, sexual behavior Julie Bakker (post-doc), Frédéric Lévy (grad student), Lance J. Kriegsfeld (collaborator)
Jean-Pierre KesslerGlutamatergic synapses Alain Beaudet (post-doc)
André KlarsfeldCircadian rhythm, Drosophila
Julie Koeniglearning, memory, place cells, grid cells Jean-Christophe Cassel (grad student)
Abdelkader Laghmouchbehavioral neurogenetics19921996 Wim E. Crusio (grad student)
Steeve Laquitaine Thomas Boraud (grad student)
Henri Lassagne Valérie Ego-Stengel (grad student)
Michel Lazdunski
Matildé Le Bail2012 Jean-Pierre Mothet (grad student)
Nicole Marthe Le DouarinEmbryology
Didier Le Rayneuroscience1997 Daniel Cattaert (grad student)
Arthur Leblois Thomas Boraud (grad student)
Pierre Lecouflet20182020 Jean-Pierre Mothet (post-doc)
Thierry Lejars
Alain LéobonAcoustic Environment, Sexual Health
Sébastien Lepetz
Gaëllle LerouxDevelopmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Félix Leroy
Romain LigneulDecision-Making, Social Neuroscience, Conditionning20102014 Jean-Claude Dreher (grad student)
I-Fan LinAuditory system, Learning20092010 Andrei Gorea (post-doc)
Pierre-Marie Lledo Jean-Marc Israel (grad student)
Nasser MalekniaMolecular Biology Georges Schapira (grad student)
Marin Manuelneuroscience, spinal cord, motoneurons, motor units Daniel Zytnicki (grad student)
Kevin J.L. Marchedecision making and neurodevelopment Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone20132016 Paul Apicella (post-doc)
Charlotte MaricanNeuroscience19971998 Wim E. Crusio (research assistant)
daniele marinazzocomputational neuroscience, statistical physics, complex systems, networks
Franck Marsvision,locomotion,vestibular system, haptics, sensorimotor control,driving,human factors,ergonomics,steering control
Jacob G. MartinNumerical analysis, computational neuroscience, vision, multisensory
Timothée Masqueliercomputational neuroscience20042008 Simon J. Thorpe (grad student)
Jean Massoulié
Michèle Meunier-Rotival
Jean-Arcady Meyerrobotics, computational modelling, spatial navigation
Isabelle Milleville-Pennel
Yann MineurNeuroscience19992000 Wim E. Crusio (research assistant)
Ariane Monneron
Jean-Pierre MontmayeurTaste
Chrit MoonenfMRI
Camille Morvandecision making, eye movements20032007 Mark Wexler (grad student)
Jean-Pierre MothetD-serine and NMDA receptors, Synaptic plasticity
Alain Muzet
Nurul Aqmar Nor Hazalin
Arnaud Noreñaaudition, tinnitus Jos J. Eggermont (post-doc)
William NortonNeuroscience, Behavior, Zebrafish
Ira A. NoveckReasoning, Experimental Pragmatics Martin Braine (grad student), Dan Sperber (grad student)
Hiroko Ohki-Hamazaki Nicole Marthe Le Douarin (grad student)
Christophe Palliercognitive psychology19901994 Jacques Mehler (grad student)
Anne-Lise Paradisvisual perception, attention, spatial navigation, cerebellum20062012 Jean Lorenceau (research scientist)
Olivier Pascalisface processing, recognition memory
Benjamin Pasquereaubasal ganglia, decision making, neurophysiology Thomas Boraud (grad student)
Chotiga Pattamadilok20132014 Christophe Pallier (post-doc)
Laurent PerrinetVisual system, computational neuroscience20042003 Simon J. Thorpe (grad student), Pascal Mamassian (collaborator), Pierre Yger (collaborator)
Christelle Peyronsleep, neuroanatomy
Susanna Pietropaolo20082011 Wim E. Crusio (post-doc)
Delphine PinsVision, fMRI
Nicolas Pollet
Pierre PougetNeurosciences
Jerome PradoReasoning, Numerical cognition, Cognitive control20042007 Ira A. Noveck (grad student)
Jean-Jacques Puizilloutsynaptic physiology
Franck RamusPsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive development, genetics
Pascal M. RavassardPlace cells20032009 Paul Antoine Salin (grad student)
Antoine Rémondelectroencephalography, alpha rythm, clinical neurophysiology
Krzysztof RogowskiMicrotubule cytoskeleton, tubulin posttranslational modifications, polyglutamylation
francois rouyerClock
Yosuke SagaAction, frontal cortex, basal ganglia
Paul Antoine SalinSleep, memory
Guillaume SandozNeuroexcitability, two-pore domain potassium channel, calcium channels, optogenetic IPMC20042007 Michel Lazdunski (post-doc)
Georges SchapiraMolecular Biology
Guillaume Sescousse Jean-Claude Dreher (grad student), Roshan Cools (post-doc), Romain Ligneul (collaborator)
Daniel E. ShulzSensory Processing, Neuromodulation and Plasticity19831987 Yves Fregnac (grad student)
Gilles SicardOlfaction
John simmers Francois Clarac (post-doc)
Hervé Simon Bernard Cardo (research scientist), Michel Le Moal (research scientist)
Julia Sliwa20072012 Jean Rene Duhamel (grad student), Sylvia Wirth (grad student)
Frans SluyterNeurogenetics19921996 Wim E. Crusio (post-doc)
Dan Sperber
Catherine Tallon-Baudrycognitive neuroscience, attention, awareness, perception
Paul TchénioStructured illumination, HiLo, Olfactory memory, , Long-term memory, Drosophila Melanogaster, Functional imaging, Structured illumination microscopy, Adaptive optics, Fluorescent biosensors
Bartosz M. Telenczukcomputational neuroscience, electrophysiology
Michel Thiebaut de SchottenCognitive Neuroscience BCBlab Daniel S. Margulies (collaborator)
Simon J. ThorpeVisual system, Rapid Categorisation, Neural Coding19811982 Max Cynader (post-doc)
Xoana G. Troncosovisual system, perception, eye movements, decision making UNIC2012 Yves Fregnac (post-doc)
Alexandra Vaccaro20122016 André Klarsfeld (grad student)
Cyrille P. Vaillend
Rufin VanRullen19972000 Simon J. Thorpe (grad student)
Ivo VanzettaVSDI in awake primates
Léo VarnetNeuroscience, Language, Speech20122015 Michel Hoen (grad student)
Valerie Ventureyra20022005 Christophe Pallier (grad student)
Jean-Louis VercherSensorimotor control; Eye-hand coordination; Gabriel M. Gauthier (grad student)
Florence Verdin
Pierre VincentSecond messengers, biosensor imaging
Stephane Viollet2006 Laurent Goffart (collaborator)
Jayalakshmi ViswanathanLearning, memory, neuroimaging, attention
Meissner Wassilios Thomas Boraud (post-doc)
Florian WaszakPerception and Cognitive Control20032004 Andrei Gorea (post-doc)
Chien-Te Vince Wuattention, visual perception Rufin VanRullen (post-doc)
Yann ZerlautBiophysics, Computational Neuroscience