Joachim C. Brunstein

Psychology Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany, Gießen, Hessen, Germany 
motivation, education
"Joachim Brunstein"
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Völlinger VA, Spörer N, Lubbe D, et al. (2018) A path analytic test of the reading strategies mediation model: Relating cognitive competences and motivational influences to individual differences in fifth-grade students' reading comprehension The Journal of Educational Research. 111: 733-745
Supanc M, Völlinger VA, Brunstein JC. (2017) High-structure versus low-structure cooperative learning in introductory psychology classes for student teachers: Effects on conceptual knowledge, self-perceived competence, and subjective task values Learning and Instruction. 50: 75-84
Schünemann N, Spörer N, Völlinger VA, et al. (2017) Peer feedback mediates the impact of self-regulation procedures on strategy use and reading comprehension in reciprocal teaching groups Instructional Science. 45: 395-415
Schünemann N, Spörer N, Brunstein JC. (2013) Integrating self-regulation in whole-class reciprocal teaching: A moderator-mediator analysis of incremental effects on fifth graders' reading comprehension Contemporary Educational Psychology. 38: 289-305
Glaser C, Palm D, Brunstein JC. (2012) Writing strategies instruction for fourth graders with and without problem behavior: Effects of self-monitoring and operant procedures on compositional achievements and on-task behavior | Schreibstrategieinstruktion bei viertklässlern mit und ohne problemverhalten: Effekte von selbstüber wachung und operanter verstärkung auf schreibleistung und arbeitsverhalten Zeitschrift Fur Padagogische Psychologie. 26: 19-30
Brunstein JC, Glaser C. (2011) Testing a Path-Analytic Mediation Model of How Self-Regulated Writing Strategies Improve Fourth Graders' Composition Skills: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of Educational Psychology. 103: 922-938
Glaser C, Budde S, Brunstein JC. (2011) WITHDRAWN: Improving writing competence in fourth-grade classrooms: Effects of a teacher-implemented self-regulated writing program on students' strategy-related knowledge, planning skills, and writing performance Journal of School Psychology
Glaser C, Keßler C, Palm D, et al. (2010) Improving fourth graders' self-regulated writing skills: Specialized and shared effects of process-oriented and outcome - Related self-regulation procedures on students' task performance, strategy use, and self-evaluation | Themenschwerpunkt frderung der schreibkompetenz bei viertklässlern spezifische und gemeinsame Effekte prozessund ergebnisbezogener Prozeduren der selbstregulation auf indikatoren der schreibleistung, strategiebeherrschung und selbstbewertung Zeitschrift Fur Padagogische Psychologie. 24: 177-190
Schultheiss O, Brunstein J. (2010) Introduction Implicit Motives
Spörer N, Brunstein JC, Kieschke U. (2009) Improving students' reading comprehension skills: Effects of strategy instruction and reciprocal teaching Learning and Instruction. 19: 272-286
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