Heinz Heckhausen

Max-Planck Institute of Psychology, Munich, Germany, München, Bayern, Germany 
"Heinz Heckhausen"
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Brunstein JC, Heckhausen H. (2008) Achievement motivation Motivation and Action. 137-183
Heckhausen H, Beckmann J. (1990) Intentional action and action slips Psychological Review. 97: 36-48
Gollwitzer PM, Heckhausen H, Steller B. (1990) Deliberative and Implemental Mind-Sets: Cognitive Tuning Toward Congruous Thoughts and Information Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 59: 1119-1127
Gollwitzer PM, Heckhausen H, Ratajczak H. (1990) From weighing to willing: Approaching a change decision through pre- or postdecisional mentation Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 45: 41-65
Heckhausen H, Strang H. (1988) Efficiency under record performance demands: exertion control--an individual difference variable? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 55: 489-98
Heckhausen H, Gollwitzer PM. (1987) Thought contents and cognitive functioning in motivational versus volitional states of mind Motivation and Emotion. 11: 101-120
Diggory JC, Heckhausen H, Butler KF, et al. (1968) The Anatomy of Achievement Motivation The American Journal of Psychology. 81: 136
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