William Forde Thompson

Macquarie University Macquarie University, Macquarie Park, New South Wales, Australia 
Music perception and performance
"William Thompson"
Mean distance: 19.41 (cluster 15)


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Barrie J. Frost grad student 1980-1982 Queen's University at Kingston
 (MA: Opponent processes in speech perception Sources: https://www.academia.edu/22585431/Thompson_CV_2016_March and personal communication)
Lola L. Cuddy grad student 1982-1986 Queen's University, Canada
 (Ph.D: Judgements of key change in Bach chorale excerpts: An investigation of the sensitivity to keys, chords, and voicing)
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Lo CY, Looi V, Thompson WF, et al. (2020) Music Training for Children With Sensorineural Hearing Loss Improves Speech-in-Noise Perception. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : Jslhr. 1-26
Sun L, Thompson WF, Liu F, et al. (2020) The human brain processes hierarchical structures of meter and harmony differently: Evidence from musicians and nonmusicians. Psychophysiology. e13598
Gelding RW, Harrison PMC, Silas S, et al. (2020) An efficient and adaptive test of auditory mental imagery. Psychological Research
Sankaran N, Carlson TA, Thompson WF. (2020) The rapid emergence of musical pitch structure in human cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Day RA, Thompson WF, Boag S. (2020) Characterizing experiences of music-evoked visual imagery in high prevalence contexts. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain. 30: 72-87
Gelding RW, Thompson WF, Johnson BW. (2019) Musical imagery depends upon coordination of auditory and sensorimotor brain activity. Scientific Reports. 9: 16823
Sun Y, Lu X, Williams M, et al. (2019) Implicit violent imagery processing among fans and non-fans of music with violent themes. Royal Society Open Science. 6: 181580
Russo FA, Vuvan DT, Thompson WF. (2019) Vowel Content Influences Relative Pitch Perception in Vocal Melodies Music Perception. 37: 57-65
Ma W, Fiveash A, Thompson WF. (2019) Spontaneous emergence of language-like and music-like vocalizations from an artificial protolanguage Semiotica. 2019: 1-23
Sankaran N, Carlson TA, Thompson WF. (2019) Decoding MEG responses to musical pitch reveals the dynamic emergence of tonal structure in human cortex The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 145: 1813-1813
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