Pierre Paoletti

Neurobiology École normale supérieure Paris, Paris, Île-de-France, France 
"Pierre Paoletti"
Mean distance: 13.8 (cluster 11)


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Philippe Ascher grad student CNRS (js3) Delete Edit
Steven A. Siegelbaum post-doc 1996-1998 Columbia (js3) Delete Edit


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Marc Gielen grad student 2005-2009 ENS Paris (shannan) Delete Edit
Shujia Zhu grad student 2009-2013 ENS Paris (LvShiyun) Delete Edit
Simon Bossi post-doc (cragg) Delete Edit
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Itoh M, Piot L, Mony L, et al. (2024) Lack of evidence for direct ligand-gated ion channel activity of GluD receptors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 121: e2406655121
Piot L, Heroven C, Bossi S, et al. (2023) GluD1 binds GABA and controls inhibitory plasticity. Science (New York, N.Y.). eadf3406
Mony L, Paoletti P. (2023) Mechanisms of NMDA receptor regulation. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 83: 102815
Bossi S, Pizzamiglio L, Paoletti P. (2023) Excitatory GluN1/GluN3A glycine receptors (eGlyRs) in brain signaling. Trends in Neurosciences
Paoletti P, Trautmann A, Marty A. (2022) Philippe Ascher (1936-2022). Neuron. 110: 3864-3865
Paoletti P, Trautmann A, Marty A. (2022) Remembering a giant of neuroscience. Nature. 611: 236
Sikora J, Di Bisceglie Caballero S, Reiss D, et al. (2022) Zn inhibits spatial memory and hippocampal place cell representation through high-affinity binding to the NMDA receptor GluN2A subunit. Iscience. 25: 105355
Bossi S, Dhanasobhon D, Ellis-Davies GCR, et al. (2022) GluN3A excitatory glycine receptors control adult cortical and amygdalar circuits. Neuron
Morabito A, Zerlaut Y, Serraz B, et al. (2022) Activity-dependent modulation of NMDA receptors by endogenous zinc shapes dendritic function in cortical neurons. Cell Reports. 38: 110415
Thapaliya ER, Mony L, Sanchez R, et al. (2021) Photochemical control of drug efficacy - a comparison of uncaging and photoswitching ifenprodil on NMDA receptors. Chemphotochem. 5: 445-454
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