École normale supérieure Paris

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Pierre AigrainSolid state Physics
Alireza AlemiComputational neuroscience, Neural Networks, Visual system20152017 Sophie M. Deneve (post-doc)
Andrew E. Allen Chris Bowler (post-doc)
Irene Altarelli20092013 Franck Ramus (grad student), Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz (grad student)
Daniel Andler
Karin R. Aubrey20052011 Stéphane Supplisson (post-doc)
Francis Rene Bachmachine learning
Sophie Françoise Janine Bagurelectrophysiology, sleep, oscillations, fear
Boris Barbourcerebellum
David GT BarrettComputational Neuroscience Sophie M. Deneve (post-doc)
Maxime JR. BeauCerebellum, Silicon probes, Deep Learning IBENS20162017 Boris Barbour (research assistant)
Victor Benichouxauditory brainstem, sound localization, spiking networks20102014 Romain Brette (grad student)
Celine Bidoret"LTD" "cerebellum" "Microglia" Neuro-glia interactions" "epilepsy" Mariano Casado (grad student)
Célian Bimbard Shihab A. Shamma (grad student)
Laurine Bonet2012 Stéphane Supplisson (grad student)
Yves BoubenecAuditory system Cognitive Science20122014 Shihab A. Shamma (post-doc), Bernhard Englitz (post-doc)
Jonathan Boulanger-WeillNeuroscience Neurosciences20112017 German Sumbre (grad student)
Laurent Bourdieu Didier Chatenay (grad student)
Adèle Bousquet2013 Popa Daniela (grad student)
Guy A. Bouviersynaptic plasticity, NMDA receptors, cerebellum, visual system Biologie Biologie20112015 Mariano Casado (grad student), Boris Barbour (grad student), Stéphane Dieudonné (grad student)
Jonathan Bradley19962001 Philippe Ascher (post-doc)
Wieland Brendel2014 Sophie M. Deneve (grad student)
Romain Bretteauditory brainstem, plasticity, spiking networks2013 Pierre Yger (collaborator)
Luis Briseño-RoaExtracellular neural components
Nicolas BrunelComputational neuroscience Jean-Pierre Nadal (grad student), Vincent Hakim (collaborator)
Jean-François Brunetautonomic nervous system
Anatoly BuchinComputational Biology, Neuroscience, Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimeri's disease Departement des Etudes Cognitives20122015 Boris Gutkin (grad student)
Henri CartanMathematics, Topology1928 Paul Montel (grad student)
Mariano CasadoCerebellum, plasticity Philippe Ascher (post-doc)
fabienne cazalisautism, social cognition, traumatic brain injury, fMRI, working memory Institut Jean Nicod cognitive studies20142015 Philippe Azouvi (grad student), tiziana zalla (post-doc), Daniel Andler (research assistant)
Matthew ChalkComputational neuroscience20122014 Sophie M. Deneve (post-doc)
Patrick Charnay
Didier Chatenay
Emmanuel Chemla
Beverley A. Clarkdendritic integration, axon signalling19941997 Philippe Ascher (post-doc)
Sven Collettecognitive Neuroscience, decision-making20082012 Etienne Koechlin (grad student)
Popa DanielaAmygdala, Cerebellum, Parkinson disease, Hippocampus, REM, Apnea, In vivo electrophysiology
Alex Sander de CarvalhoLanguage Acquisition
Jacques Derrida Louis Althusser (grad student)
Stéphane Dieudonné
Philippe JD Domenechdecision-making, fMRI, computational models, S-EEG, EEG, DBS Etienne Koechlin (post-doc)
Andrea DoumoulinInhibitory synaptogenesis
Jan DrugowitschStatistical computations and neuronal mechanisms underlying complex decisions and behavior under uncertainty20102013 Etienne Koechlin (post-doc)
Guillaume P. Dugué2012 Clément Léna (post-doc), Stéphane Dieudonné (grad student)
Tahnée Engelencognitive neuroscience, brain body interactions, emotion
Linnea Evanson Département d'études cognitives2021 Pierre Bourdillon (grad student)
Amir FayyazuddinNeuroscience19972000 Jacques Neyton (post-doc)
Flavien JM FeralSensorimotor interactions, Auditory Sciences
Lorenzo FontolanComputational Neuroscience, Auditory Cortex, ANN20112015 Boris Gutkin (grad student)
Desdemona FrickerCellular Neurphysiology, Systems Neuroscience Philippe Ascher (research assistant)
Sonia GarelBrain development, neuron migration, axon guidance Patrick Charnay (grad student), John L. R. Rubenstein (post-doc)
Ioana GenescuDevelopment
Marc Gielen20052009 Pierre Paoletti (grad student)
Yorick I GITTONhuman embryology Biology19941999 Marion Wassef (grad student)
Pedro J. Gonçalves Christian K. Machens (grad student)
Louise GoupilCognition, sleep, development, consciousness
Marie GoutierreNeuroscience
Jackson E. Graves20122018 Andrew J. Oxenham (grad student)
Ava Guez
Agnes Guillotspatial navigation, action selection Jean-Arcady Meyer (grad student)
Nicolas Guyon20112013 Popa Daniela (grad student), German Sumbre (research assistant)
Vincent Hakimcomputational neuroscience
Cyril HanusNeuronal trafficking/development Antoine Triller (grad student)
Michael Häusserdendritic function, synaptic integration, neural computation Philippe Ascher (post-doc)
Francoise Helmbacher19931999 Patrick Charnay (grad student)
Jean-Remy HochmannLanguage Acquisition, Conceptual Development
Nadia HosseinizavehVisual Perception DEC Shannon M. Locke (collaborator)
Alexandre HYAFIL DEC DEC20122013 Anne-Lise Giraud (post-doc), Boris Gutkin (post-doc)
Renaud JardriHallucinations, Delusions, Development, Brain Imaging, Computational modeling20092011 Sophie M. Deneve (post-doc)
Jon W. Johnson Philippe Ascher (post-doc)
JacSue KehoeAplysia
Alexandre Kempfsensory system Biology20142014 Boris Barbour (research assistant)
Etienne KoechlinCognitive Neuroscience
Jennifer Lawlor-Blondel Cognitive Science20132014 Bernhard Englitz (research assistant), Yves Boubenec (grad student)
Patrick Lemaire Patrick Charnay (grad student)
Clément LénaCerebellum, In vivo electrophysiology Popa Daniela (collaborator)
Mikel Lizarazu Department of Cognitive Studies20172019 Franck Ramus (post-doc)
Timm Lochmanncomputation & theory Sophie M. Deneve (post-doc), Boris Gutkin (post-doc)
Shannon M. LockePerception
Christian LorenziAudition, language perception
Christian K. MachensComputation & Theory
Reinoud Maex
Eve Mardermotor system, network dynamics Laboratoire de Neurobiologie19751978 JacSue Kehoe (post-doc)
Alain MartyCerebellum, Synaptic transmission19751979 Philippe Ascher (grad student)
Kyle Christopher McDermottVision, Adaptation, Color, Electrophysiology, Imaging20132014 Pascal Mamassian (post-doc)
Richard I McWalteraudition Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs2021 Christian Lorenzi (post-doc)
Fabien Menardy2013 Popa Daniela (post-doc)
Raphaël Mizzi Department of Cognitive Studies20172018 Franck Ramus (post-doc)
Manuel Molano MazónVisual system, Neural circuits Jaime de la Rocha (grad student)
Cyril Monier Lyle J. GRAHAM (grad student)
Jean-Pierre Nadalcomputational neuroscience19831987 Jean Vannimenus (grad student)
Jacques Neyton
Sam Victor Norman-HaignereAudition, computational neuroscience, perception, systems neuroscience Cognitive Sciences2017 Shihab A. Shamma (post-doc)
Valentin André NormandNeuroscience Neuroscience Boris Barbour (research assistant)
Linda M. NowakNMDAR, AMPARs Philippe Ascher (post-doc)
Chrystele Odyperceptual awareness, cognitive control Etienne Koechlin (grad student)
Pierre Orhan Departement d'Etude Cognitive20212024 Jean-Rémi King (grad student), Yves Boubenec (grad student)
Srdjan Ostojiccomputational neuroscience20062009 Stefano Fusi (post-doc), Nicolas Brunel (post-doc), Vincent Hakim (post-doc)
Stefano PalminteriCognitive Neurosciences
Pierre Paoletti
Francesco Saverio PavoneBiophotonics, single molecular biophysics, two photon imaging19971998 Claude Cohen-Tannoudji (post-doc)
Swann PichonCognition, affective neuroscience, fMRI20052009 Julie Grezes (grad student)
Thomas Pietri German Sumbre (post-doc), Philip Washbourne (post-doc), Jean-Paul Thiery (grad student)
Charlotte Piette Boris Barbour (grad student), Clément Léna (grad student)
Jean Christophe PoncerSynaptic plasticity, epilepsy19901990 Jacques Neyton (research assistant), Philippe Ascher (grad student)
Mario Di Poppa20102011 Alessandro Torcini (grad student)
Daniel PressnitzerHearing
Rémi Proville Clément Léna (grad student)
Franck RamusPsycholinguistics, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive development, genetics
Samuel RechtPerception, attention, metacognition Pascal Mamassian (grad student)
Michiel Remmeneural computation, dendritic integration20062008 Boris Gutkin (post-doc)
Magnus Richardsoncomputational neuroscience Vincent Hakim (post-doc)
Sebastian Alejo RomanoSystems neuroscience German Sumbre (post-doc)
Frédéric Rosa
Cyrille Rossantspiking neuron networks, correlations, synchrony, spike timing20092012 Romain Brette (grad student)
Francesco M. RossiSynaptic plasticity20032005 Stéphane Supplisson (post-doc)
France Rousseau20032008 Stéphane Supplisson (grad student)
Michel J. Rouxtransporters, Glycine19972000 Stéphane Supplisson (grad student)
Paul Rouxschizophrenia; social cognition; eye movements; Theory of Mind20092013 Franck Ramus (grad student)
Jerome SackurConsciousness, Metacognition, Mind-wandering
Ralf SchneggenburgerSynaptic Mechanisms19941996 Philippe Ascher (post-doc)
Lou Scotto di Covella20132016 Franck Ramus (grad student)
Shihab A. ShammaAuditory Cortex
Yuxiu ShaoTheoretical Neuroscience, Neural Circuit
Toru ShinoeSynaptic Plasticity, Single particle tracking Antoine Triller (post-doc)
Christian G. Spechtsynuclein, inhibitory synapses, GABA receptors, single molecule localisation microscopy (SMLM), quantitative neurobiology20072011 Antoine Triller (post-doc)
Maria Spolidoro20112014 Clément Léna (post-doc)
Heike Steinworking memory, motor control, PFC, NMDAR, cerebellum
German SumbreNeuroethology
Christopher SummerfieldPerception, decision-making20052008 Etienne Koechlin (post-doc)
Stéphane Supplissontransporters, Glycine, GABA, Inhibitory neurons,
Matthieu TihyCerebellum, Vestibular system, In vivo electrophysiology2012 Clément Léna (grad student)
Alexandra Tran-Van-MinhDendrites, cerebellum, calcium channels, synaptic physiology Anne Feltz (research assistant)
Olivier Trullierspatial navigation, computational modelling Jean-Arcady Meyer (grad student)
Peng TUGlycine transporters20092012 Stéphane Supplisson (post-doc), Paulo Alexandre Armada-da-Silva (post-doc)
Anne E Uraidecision-making Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives20122013 Catherine Tallon-Baudry (research assistant)
Léo VarnetNeuroscience, Language, Speech Département des Etudes Cognitives Christian Lorenzi (post-doc)
Vincent Villette
Matteo di Volo20102010 Alessandro Torcini (grad student)
Lu WangSynaptic physiology, Inhibitory transmission, GABA, transporters20062010 Stéphane Supplisson (grad student)
Marion Wassef
Adrien WohrerNeural Theory
Claire Julie WyartOlfaction- Light Activated Channels19992003 Didier Chatenay (grad student)
Valentin Wyart
Matthieu Wyart20022005 Marc Mézard (grad student)
Pierre YgerPlasticity, neuronal networks, visual system20132015 Romain Brette (post-doc)
tiziana zalla
Shujia ZhuNMDA channels Institute of Neuroscience, CAS20092013 Pierre Paoletti (grad student)