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Thomas O. Nelson grad student 1971-1975 University of Washington
 (Acquisition and Forgetting in Bilingual Memory.)
Earl B. Hunt post-doc 1975-1978 University of Washington


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Yichu Zhou grad student 2018- University of Waterloo
Xinyi Lu grad student 2019- University of Waterloo
Kevin N. Dunbar grad student 1980-1985 University of Toronto
Padraig O'Seaghdha grad student 1981-1986 University of Toronto (PsychTree)
Marina Vanayan grad student 1988-1992 University of Toronto
Stuart C. Grant grad student 1990-1994 University of Toronto
Andrew Portal grad student 1987-1996 University of Toronto
Penny A. MacDonald grad student 1996-1999 University of Toronto
Daryl E. Wilson grad student 1997-2003 University of Toronto
Erin D. Sheard grad student 1999-2005 University of Toronto
Michael D. Dodd grad student 2000-2005 University of Toronto
Nigel Gopie grad student 2003-2008 University of Waterloo
Kathleen L. Hourihan grad student 2003-2008 University of Waterloo
Stacey Danckert grad student 2007-2011 University of Waterloo
Jason D. Ozubko grad student 2007-2011 University of Waterloo
Olivia Y.-H. Lin grad student 2009-2015 University of Waterloo
Tanya R. Jonker grad student 2010-2015 University of Waterloo
Noah D. Forrin grad student 2012-2016 University of Waterloo
Daniel Todorovic grad student 2020 University of Waterloo
Brady R. T. Roberts grad student 2017-2023 University of Waterloo
Pelin Tan grad student 2019-2024 University of Waterloo
BETA: Related publications


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Besner D, MacLeod CM. (2024) On the association between intention and visual word identification. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology = Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale
Kelly MO, Lu X, Ensor TM, et al. (2024) Productions Need Not Match Study Items to Confer a Production Advantage, But It Helps. Experimental Psychology
Roberts BRT, Forrin ND, McLean D, et al. (2024) Release from response interference in color-word contingency learning. Acta Psychologica. 244: 104187
Roberts BRT, Hu ZS, Curtis E, et al. (2023) Reading text aloud benefits memory but not comprehension. Memory & Cognition
Roberts BRT, MacLeod CM, Fernandes MA. (2023) Symbol superiority: Why $ is better remembered than 'dollar'. Cognition. 238: 105435
Tanberg P, Fernandes MA, MacLeod CM. (2022) Aging and directed forgetting: Evidence for an associative deficit but no evidence for an inhibition deficit. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology = Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale. 76: 210-217
Roberts BRT, MacLeod CM, Fernandes MA. (2022) The enactment effect: A systematic review and meta-analysis of behavioral, neuroimaging, and patient studies. Psychological Bulletin
MacLeod CM, Ozubko JD, Hourihan KL, et al. (2022) The production effect is consistent over material variations: support for the distinctiveness account. Memory (Hove, England). 1-8
Zhou Y, MacLeod CM. (2022) Production as a distinctive contextual cue for retrieving intentionally forgotten information. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology = Revue Canadienne De Psychologie Experimentale
Forrin ND, Huynh AC, Smith AC, et al. (2021) Attention spreads between students in a learning environment. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Applied
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