Jack L. Gallant

Psychology University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
"Jack Gallant"
Mean distance: 11.94 (cluster 29)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Stephen E. Palmer research assistant UC Berkeley
Wendell R (Tex) Garner grad student 1989 Yale
 (Mechanisms of spatial selective attention)
Joy Hirsch grad student 1989 Yale
David C. Van Essen post-doc Washington University


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Aria Yuan Wang research assistant 2014-2016
Reza Abbasi-Asl grad student UC Berkeley
Carolyn N Irving grad student UC Berkeley
Joseph F. Rogers grad student UC Berkeley
James Gao grad student 2009- UC Berkeley
Natalia Y. Bilenko grad student 2010- UC Berkeley
Anwar O. Nunez-Elizalde grad student 2011- UC Berkeley
Sara F. Popham grad student 2015- UC Berkeley
Tianjiao Zhang grad student 2016- UC Berkeley
Carson K McNeil grad student 2017- UC Berkeley
Michele Winter grad student 2018-
Catherine Chen grad student 2019- UC Berkeley
Emily X. Meschke grad student 2020- UC Berkeley
William Vinje grad student 1996-2002 UC Berkeley
Stephen V. David grad student 1998-2005 UC Berkeley
Benjamin Y. Hayden grad student 2000-2005 UC Berkeley
Kathleen A. Hansen grad student 2001-2006 UC Berkeley
Kate A. Gustavsen grad student 2000-2007 UC Berkeley
Michael C.-K. Wu grad student 2002-2007 UC Berkeley
Ryan Prenger grad student 2002-2008 UC Berkeley
Kendrick Norris Kay grad student 2003-2009 UC Berkeley
An Thanh Vu grad student 2006-2011 UCSF
Michael D. Oliver grad student 2007-2011 UC Berkeley
Alexander G. Huth grad student 2009-2013 UC Berkeley
Dustin E. Stansbury grad student 2008-2014 UC Berkeley
Amanda LeBel grad student 2021-2025 UC Berkeley
Rachel Shoup post-doc UC Berkeley
Leila Wehbe post-doc
Thomas Naselaris post-doc 2005- UC Berkeley
Tolga Cukur post-doc 2010- UC Berkeley
Mark D. Lescroart post-doc 2011- UC Berkeley
Fatma Deniz post-doc 2013-
Matteo Visconti di Oleggio Castello post-doc 2018- UC Berkeley
Tom Dupré la Tour post-doc 2019- UC Berkeley
James A. Mazer post-doc 2004 UC Berkeley
Benjamin Willmore post-doc 2003-2006 UC Berkeley
Cynthia A. Erickson post-doc 2004-2007 UC Berkeley
Shinji Nishimoto post-doc 2005-2013 UC Berkeley
Alexander G. Huth post-doc 2013-2017 UC Berkeley
BETA: Related publications


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Abdel-Ghaffar SA, Huth AG, Lescroart MD, et al. (2024) Occipital-temporal cortical tuning to semantic and affective features of natural images predicts associated behavioral responses. Nature Communications. 15: 5531
Chen C, Dupré la Tour T, Gallant JL, et al. (2024) The cortical representation of language timescales is shared between reading and listening. Communications Biology. 7: 284
Gong XL, Huth AG, Deniz F, et al. (2023) Author Correction: Phonemic segmentation of narrative speech in human cerebral cortex. Nature Communications. 14: 6986
Chen C, Dupré la Tour T, Gallant J, et al. (2023) The Cortical Representation of Language Timescales is Shared between Reading and Listening. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Meschke EX, Castello MVDO, la Tour TD, et al. (2023) Model connectivity: leveraging the power of encoding models to overcome the limitations of functional connectivity. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Gong XL, Huth AG, Deniz F, et al. (2023) Phonemic segmentation of narrative speech in human cerebral cortex. Nature Communications. 14: 4309
Deniz F, Tseng C, Wehbe L, et al. (2023) Semantic representations during language comprehension are affected by context. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Dupré la Tour T, Eickenberg M, Nunez-Elizalde AO, et al. (2022) Feature-space selection with banded ridge regression. Neuroimage. 264: 119728
Shahdloo M, Çelik E, Ürgen BA, et al. (2022) Task-Dependent Warping of Semantic Representations During Search for Visual Action Categories. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Popham SF, Huth AG, Bilenko NY, et al. (2021) Visual and linguistic semantic representations are aligned at the border of human visual cortex. Nature Neuroscience. 24: 1628-1636
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