Wendell R (Tex) Garner

1946-1967 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
 1967-1989 Yale University, New Haven, CT 
"Wendell Garner"

(1921 - 2008)

Mean distance: 12.91 (cluster 14)
Cross-listing: PsychTree


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Alan Ashworth grad student Yale University
James E. Cutting grad student Yale
Charles Eriksen grad student Yale
Gregory R. Lockhead grad student Yale
Irving J. Saltzman grad student (PsychTree)
Marc Sebrechts grad student Yale
Michael Wertheimer grad student 1949 Johns Hopkins
Ray Hyman grad student 1953 Johns Hopkins (PsychTree)
Elliot Myron Cramer grad student 1961 Johns Hopkins (PsychTree)
John Flowers grad student 1972 Yale
James Pomerantz grad student 1970-1974 Rice University
Jack L. Gallant grad student 1989 Yale
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Kramer A, Coles M, Eriksen B, et al. (1994) Charles Eriksen. Past, present, and future. Perception & Psychophysics. 55: 1-8
Kramer A, Coles M, Eriksen B, et al. (1994) Charles Eriksen Past, present, and future Perception & Psychophysics. 55: 1-8
Gallant JL, Garner WR. (1988) Some effects of distance and structure on conjunction errors Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society. 26: 323-326
Sebrechts MM, Garner WR. (1981) Stimulus-specific processing consequences of pattern goodness. Memory & Cognition. 9: 41-9
Pomerantz JR, Garner WR. (1973) The role of configuration and target discriminability in a visual search task. Memory & Cognition. 1: 64-8
Pomerantz JR, Garner WR. (1973) Stimules configuration in selective attention tasks Perception & Psychophysics. 14: 565-569
Flowers JH, Garner WR. (1971) The effect of stimulus element redundancy on speed of discrimination as a function of state and process limitation Perception & Psychophysics. 9: 158-160
Garner WR, Flowers JH. (1969) The effect of redundant stimulus elements on visual discrimination as a function of element heterogeneity, equal discriminability, and position uncertainty Perception & Psychophysics. 6: 216-220
GARNER WR, HAKE HW, ERIKSEN CW. (1956) Operationism and the concept of perception. Psychological Review. 63: 149-59
SALTZMAN IJ, GARNER WR. (1948) Reaction time as a measure of span of attention. The Journal of Psychology. 25: 227-41
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