Bin Zheng, Ph.D.

1997-2002 University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
 2003-2010 Harvard Medical School 
 2010-2013 Columbia University, New York, NY 
 2013-2023 Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States 
 2023- Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
Cell Biology
"Bin Zheng"
Mean distance: 24.01 (cluster 31)


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Marilyn Farquhar grad student 2002 UCSD
 (RGS proteins: Bridging the 'GAP's between G protein signaling and membrane trafficking.)
Lewis C. Cantley post-doc 2003-2010 (Chemistry Tree)
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Zheng B, Qiu Y, Aghaei F, et al. (2019) Developing global image feature analysis models to predict cancer risk and prognosis. Visual Computing For Industry, Biomedicine and Art. 2: 17
Gong J, Liu J, Hao W, et al. (2019) A deep residual learning network for predicting lung adenocarcinoma manifesting as ground-glass nodule on CT images. European Radiology
Heidari M, Mirniaharikandehei S, Liu W, et al. (2019) Development and Assessment of a New Global Mammographic Image Feature Analysis Scheme to Predict Likelihood of Malignant Cases. Ieee Transactions On Medical Imaging
Chen X, Zargari A, Hollingsworth AB, et al. (2019) Applying a new quantitative image analysis scheme based on global mammographic features to assist diagnosis of breast cancer. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 179: 104995
Mirniaharikandehei S, VanOsdol J, Heidari M, et al. (2019) Developing a Quantitative Ultrasound Image Feature Analysis Scheme to Assess Tumor Treatment Efficacy Using a Mouse Model. Scientific Reports. 9: 7293
Essel K, Qiu Y, Thai T, et al. (2019) Quantitative computed tomography image feature analysis predicts response to immune checkpoint inhibitors in gynecologic cancers Gynecologic Oncology. 154: 172-173
Dai Y, Yan S, Zheng B, et al. (2018) Incorporating automatically learned pulmonary nodule attributes into a convolutional neural network to improve accuracy of benign-malignant nodule classification. Physics in Medicine and Biology
Gong J, Liu JY, Jiang YJ, et al. (2018) Fusion of Quantitative Imaging Features and Serum Biomarkers to Improve Performance of Computer-aided Diagnosis Scheme for Lung Cancer: A Preliminary Study. Medical Physics
Gao F, Wu T, Li J, et al. (2018) SD-CNN: A shallow-deep CNN for improved breast cancer diagnosis. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics : the Official Journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society. 70: 53-62
Du Y, Zhang R, Zargari A, et al. (2018) Classification of Tumor Epithelium and Stroma by Exploiting Image Features Learned by Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Annals of Biomedical Engineering
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