Harvard Medical School

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Narendra Joshi 20102012 Luke R. Remage-Healey (research assistant)
Hector Acarón Ledesma Chinfei Chen (post-doc)
Oren Amsalem
Ruth Ballinger Laboratory of Neuroscience at Massachusetts Mental Health Center19851986 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Barry L. Bentley Department of Surgery20232024 Mehmet Toner (research scientist)
Rameen Beroukhimneuroscience, structural biology, computational biology, oncology, genomics
Semir Beyaz20112017 Stuart H. Orkin (grad student)
Danielle BittermanNatural language processing
Alex R Bowers
Michael Carroll
Aiquan Chang
Shan ChenNatural language processing Danielle Bitterman (grad student)
Timothy J. CherryRetinal Development Neurobiology20102016 Michael E. Greenberg (post-doc)
Isaac ChiuPain, Neuro-immune interactions Immunology20022009 Michael Carroll (grad student)
Seonggyu ChoeVision Science, Experimental Psychology
Marlene R. Cohen20072012 John HR Maunsell (post-doc)
Liwen Deng Immunology2020 Isaac Chiu (post-doc)
Kathryn J. DevaneyVisual System, fMRI Mark A. Halko (post-doc)
Orrin DevinskyEpilepsy Neurology Norman Geschwind (research assistant)
Zahra Mansoor Dhanerawala Systems Biology20162018 Guillermo Garcia-Cardena (research assistant)
Ilia Droujinine Genetics Norbert Perrimon (grad student)
Deirdre Farrell Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School19972000 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Paul S. FrenetteImmunology, Neuroscience Biology, Pharmacology Denisa D. Wagner (post-doc)
Akie Fujitalateral hypothalamus Neurobiology2021 Bruce P. Bean (post-doc)
Catherine Gallorineurobiology
Debraj Ghosecell biology, systems biology, biomathematics, computational biology Wyss Institute2022 Donald E. Ingber (post-doc)
Nicolas A. Gort Freitassystems biology Systems Biology2020 Allon M. Klein (grad student)
Edmund A GriffinNeurobiology
Eric C Griffith Jun O. Liu (grad student)
Carole HyacintheGenetics; Behavior; Evolution Genetics Clifford J. Tabin (research scientist)
Farren Isaacs Genetics20052010 George M. Church (post-doc)
Maryna V IvanchenkoHearing, Vision, Gene Therapy, Neuroscience Neurobiology2016 David P. Corey (research scientist)
Akshay V Jagadeeshvision, attention, neural computation, neural networks Neurobiology Margaret Livingstone (post-doc)
Ellen JoplingDepression, stress Charles A. Nelson (post-doc)
Tanya Kisler Clinical Neuroscience Division, Laboratory of Neuroscience, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School19961998 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Kristen L. KrollNeurogenesis, neural cell fate, transcriptional and epigenetic regulation, human pluripotent stem cells, neurodevelopmental disorders Cell Biology19942000 Marc W. Kirschner (post-doc)
Henry Kyoung
Alyssa M LariosNeuroscience
Matthew LaVailretinal degeneration, visual system Neuropathology19691973 Richard L. Sidman (post-doc)
Campbell LeaperDevelopmental Psychology, Social Psychology19861988 Stuart Hauser (post-doc)
Christine Junhui LiuAuditory plasticity, inhibitory neurons
Shijia Liuneural circuits, systems neuroscience
Shan Luneuroscience
Amy Ludwig Laboratory of Neuroscience19881989 Martha Elizabeth Shenton (research assistant)
Shiva Ram MaleColour vision , Optometry & Vision science, Visual Psychophysics, Bionocular Vision, Visual Cognition, Culture and Colour, Psycholinguistics. Depaertment of Ophthalmology, SERI-MEEEI2023 Alex R Bowers (post-doc)
Arjun K. Manrai Isaac Kohane (grad student)
Lucas Murrins MarquesSocial and Affective Neuroscience Neurology20212024 Felipe Fregni (post-doc)
Sam Mathias20122014 Barbara G. Shinn-Cunningham (post-doc)
Amanda R. Merner Global Health and Social Medicine2018 Gabriel Lazaro-Munoz (post-doc)
Cynthia S Moncada-Reidauditory neuroscience, molecular neurobiology Neurobiology2023 Lisa V. Goodrich (grad student)
Pierre Blaize Montandonauditory system, vestibular system
Luis F G MoreiraNeuroscience Neurobiology20212023 Wade G. Regehr (post-doc)
Navid Mousavi
Young Woo Noh
Janki Patelelectrophysiology, plasticity, navigation, drosophila
Jonah E Pearl
Jonathan R. Polimeni
Byron H PriceSystems Neuroscience, Sensory Systems, Active Sensing, Sensorimotor Control, Reinforcement Learning
Xiaobo Qiu Cell Biology Alfred Goldberg (post-doc)
Rajendhran RajakumarEvo-Devo, Developmental Genetics, Epigenetics, Integrative Physiology
Sophia RenauldSomatosensation, Sensorimotor processing, Motor control
Emmanuel J Rivera-RodriguezSleep, Neuroscience, microRNA, education, teaching, diversity
Gabriel Enrique RomeroAuditory, olivary complex, cochlear nucleus, olivocochlear efferents Neurobiology2021 Lisa V. Goodrich (post-doc)
Olivia RoseVisual system, prefrontal cortex, electrophysiology, machine learning Neurobiology Carlos Ramon Ponce (grad student)
Peter B. Sargent Department of Neurobiology19711975 John G. Nicholls (grad student)
Johanna Seitz-Holland2019 Marek R. Kubicki (post-doc)
Alec P Shannon
Jared S. ShlessEpilepsy, Brain networks, Neural signal processing, Electrocorticography, Brain mapping, Brain computer interfaces
Ronald D. Siegel
Mauro S.B. SilvaNeuroendocrinology2022 Victor M Navarro (post-doc)
Xuan SongNeuroscience
Sarah J. Spence
Jesse J. Tauriac Cambridge Health Alliance20052006 Ronald D. Siegel (grad student)
Emma Theisen20182020 Matthew Y. Pecot (research assistant)
Denisa D. Wagner
Michael L Wallacesynapses, basal ganglia, motivated behavior Neurobiology20142020 Bernardo L. Sabatini (post-doc)
Rylie Walsh Jennifer R. Morgan (grad student)
Yandan WangNeuroscience Chen Ran (grad student)
Yandan Wang Cell Biology Cell Biology20182020 Stephen D. Liberles (research assistant), Chen Ran (grad student)
Caleb WeinrebComputational analysis of behavior Neurobiology2019 Sandeep Robert Datta (post-doc)
Harold G WolffMigraine, Psychosomatic Illness Neurology19261928 Stanley Cobb (post-doc)
Shambhu YadavCardiovascular and Neuromuscular Systems
Xintong (Cindy) Yuan2020 Christopher Harvey (grad student)
Deborah Zaitchik
Bin ZhengCell Biology
Qiao ZhengComputational Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Medical Image Analysis Neurobiology2019 Jan Drugowitsch (post-doc)