Bernard Widrow

Electrical Engineering Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
adaptive signal processing, adaptive control systems, adaptive neural networks, human memory
"Bernard Widrow"
Mean distance: 18.05 (cluster 29)
Cross-listing: Physics Tree


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C. Richard Johnson grad student Stanford
Richard Lewis Mattson grad student 1962 (Computer Science Tree)
Herbert E. Rauch grad student 1962 Stanford (E-Tree)
C. Hugh Mays grad student 1963 Stanford (E-Tree)
Marcelo M. Lamego grad student 2000 Stanford
Chang-Yun Seong grad student 2000 Stanford
Parham Aarabi grad student 2001 Stanford (Computer Science Tree)
Jingyan Xu grad student 2003 Stanford
Max Kamenetsky grad student 2005 Stanford
Aaron E. Flores grad student 2006 Stanford
Leonard J. Trejo post-doc 1991-1991 UCLA
BETA: Related publications


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Widrow B, Kim Y, Park D. (2015) The Hebbian-LMS Learning Algorithm Ieee Computational Intelligence Magazine. 10: 37-53
Huang GB, Cambria E, Toh KA, et al. (2015) New trends of learning in computational intelligence [Guest Editorial] Ieee Computational Intelligence Magazine. 10: 16-17
Widrow B. (2013) Reply to the Comments on the "No-Prop" algorithm. Neural Networks : the Official Journal of the International Neural Network Society. 48: 204
Widrow B, Greenblatt A, Kim Y, et al. (2013) The No-Prop algorithm: a new learning algorithm for multilayer neural networks. Neural Networks : the Official Journal of the International Neural Network Society. 37: 182-8
Widrow B. (2005) Thinking about thinking: The discovery of the LMS algorithm Ieee Signal Processing Magazine. 22: 100-102+106
Kamenetsky M, Widrow B. (2004) A variable leaky LMS adaptive algorithm Conference Record - Asilomar Conference On Signals, Systems and Computers. 1: 125-128
Widrow B, Kamenetsky M. (2003) Statistical efficiency of adaptive algorithms. Neural Networks : the Official Journal of the International Neural Network Society. 16: 735-44
Widrow B, Luo FL. (2003) Microphone arrays for hearing aids: An overview Speech Communication. 39: 139-146
Widrow B, Kamenetsky M. (2003) On the Statistical Efficiency of the LMS Family of Adaptive Algorithms Proceedings of the International Joint Conference On Neural Networks. 4: 2872-2880
Widrow B, Lamego MM. (2002) Neurointerfaces Ieee Transactions On Control Systems Technology. 10: 221-228
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