Beth Kurtz-Costes

Psychology University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
Developmental Psychology, Black Studies
"Beth Kurtz-Costes"
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Janae A Shaheed grad student
Angela T. Clarke grad student 2002 UNC Chapel Hill
Clifton R. Kinlaw grad student 2004 UNC Chapel Hill
Taniesha A. Woods grad student 2006 UNC Chapel Hill
Ndidi A. Okeke grad student 2009 UNC Chapel Hill
Dana Wood grad student 2009 UNC Chapel Hill
Kristine E. Copping grad student 2011 UNC Chapel Hill
Akilah D. Swinton grad student 2011 UNC Chapel Hill
Tanee M. Hudgens grad student 2012 UNC Chapel Hill
Marketa A Burnett grad student 2017-2022 (PsychTree)
BETA: Related publications


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Johnson NC, Rowley SJ, Kurtz-Costes B. (2024) Directionality explored: Black Adolescents' awareness of systemic racism and race-based experiences. Journal of Research On Adolescence : the Official Journal of the Society For Research On Adolescence
Rahal D, Kurtz-Costes B, Volpe VV. (2022) Ethnic Identity in Arab Americans: Gender, Religious Upbringing, and Age Differences. Social Identities. 28: 544-569
Skinner OD, Kurtz-Costes B, Vuletich H, et al. (2021) Race differences in Black and white adolescents' academic gender stereotypes across middle and late adolescence. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology
Adams EA, Kurtz-Costes B, Hoffman AJ, et al. (2020) Longitudinal relations between skin tone and self-esteem in African American girls. Developmental Psychology. 56: 2322-2330
Vuletich HA, Kurtz-Costes B, Cooley E, et al. (2020) Math and language gender stereotypes: Age and gender differences in implicit biases and explicit beliefs. Plos One. 15: e0238230
Burnett M, Kurtz-Costes B, Vuletich HA, et al. (2020) The development of academic and nonacademic race stereotypes in African American adolescents. Developmental Psychology
Hoffman AJ, Kurtz-Costes B, Shaheed J. (2020) Ethnic-racial identity, gender identity, and well-being in Cherokee early adolescents. Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology
Legette KB, Kurtz-Costes B. (2020) Math track placement and reflected classroom appraisals are related to changes in early adolescents’ math self-concept Educational Psychology. 1-16
Bañales J, Marchand AD, Skinner OD, et al. (2019) Black Adolescents' Critical Reflection Development: Parents' Racial Socialization and Attributions About Race Achievement Gaps. Journal of Research On Adolescence : the Official Journal of the Society For Research On Adolescence
Kurtz-Costes B, Hudgens TM, Skinner OD, et al. (2019) Parents' Racial Beliefs and Ethnic–Racial Socialization in African American Families Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 65: 54-80
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