Keith A. Crnic

Psychology Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 
Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology
"Keith Crnic"
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Irwin Sarason grad student 1972-1976 (PsychTree)


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Dana L. McMakin research assistant 1995-1999 Penn State
Jason K. Baker grad student 2001-2007 Penn State (PsychTree)
Anita Pedersen y Arbona grad student 2011 Arizona State
Emily D. Gerstein grad student 2012 Arizona State
Lucia Ciciolla grad student 2014 Arizona State
Joshua G. Kellison grad student 2014 Arizona State
Rebecca P. Newland grad student 2014 Arizona State
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Yeo AJ, Flagg AM, Lin B, et al. (2021) The integrative model of family stress underlying Spanish and English vocabulary development in Mexican American children: Unique effects of financial and sociocultural hardships. Developmental Psychology. 57: 1880-1892
Winstone LK, Curci SG, Crnic KA. (2021) Pathways to Maternal and Child Well-Being: Stability and Transaction across Toddlerhood. Parenting, Science and Practice. 21: 118-140
Winstone LK, Luecken LJ, Crnic KA, et al. (2020) Patterns of family negativity in the perinatal period: Implications for mental health among Mexican-origin women. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43)
van Huisstede L, Winstone LK, Ross EK, et al. (2019) Developmental Trajectories of Maternal Sensitivity across the First Year of Life: Relations among Emotion Competence and Dyadic Reciprocity. Parenting, Science and Practice. 19: 217-243
Luecken LJ, Crnic KA, Gonzales NA, et al. (2018) Mother-infant dyadic dysregulation and postpartum depressive symptoms in low-income Mexican-origin women. Biological Psychology
Somers JA, Luecken LJ, Spinrad TL, et al. (2018) Biological Sensitivity to the Effects of Maternal Postpartum Depressive Symptoms on Children's Behavior Problems. Child Development
Coburn SS, Luecken LJ, Rystad IA, et al. (2018) Prenatal Maternal Depressive Symptoms Predict Early Infant Health Concerns. Maternal and Child Health Journal
Newland RP, Crnic KA. (2017) Developmental Risk and Goodness of Fit in the Mother-Child Relationship: Links to Parenting Stress and Children's Behaviour Problems. Infant and Child Development. 26
Lin B, Crnic KA, Luecken LJ, et al. (2017) Ontogeny of Emotional and Behavioral Problems in a Low-Income, Mexican American Sample. Developmental Psychology
Noroña AN, Tung I, Lee SS, et al. (2017) Developmental Patterns of Child Emotion Dysregulation as Predicted by Serotonin Transporter Genotype and Parenting. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology : the Official Journal For the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, American Psychological Association, Division 53. 1-15
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